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Posts posted by mickabouille

  1. The artisan's kitpack has some

    - the arcane archer (does it qualify?) in tow variants (fighter and fighter/mage kit) (c0aa and c0aa2)

    - there's  an archer class there though I don't know if it changes or if it replaces.

    - the rogue archer (thief) -> this one I'm not sure anymore, there seem to be a confusion in the code with adventurer ?


    There a SpiritHunter shaman kit for bows there https://github.com/thisisulb/SpiritHunterShamanKit never played with it though  (UB_SH ?)

  2. 12 hours ago, jastey said:

    Maybe because he never "really" joined and therefore is not in the GAM file. That's a wild guess, though.

    I had it as the  third (full) member of my party though, if that's what you mean.

    12 hours ago, jastey said:

    Dog needs his freedom - one rabbit chase too many.

    That's it!


  3. 6 hours ago, jastey said:

    Hmm, that's a good question. Since he's a real joinable NPC he should be listed in the savegame with his last location, I think

    So, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    I can actually see Brandock, who is also in 7th position, but IS still present alongside the group, and I can see his position is NI.

    But even looking at every item in the NPC list I didn't see Grey. I could have missed him, of course but...

    (And totally unrelated, but why are so many NPC duplicated in there?)

    I guess I'll meet him again when transitioning to SoD...

  4. Hi, i've... misplaced Grey, it seems. He's not following me (7th member mode) as he was until now.

    Just checked, in my last non-rotating save (non-periodic, non-quicksave), he not here either. The previous one is... well quite old.

    I guess he could have "died" somewhere (I mean, turning blue and getting rest somewhere on the ground) and "forgot" to re-join when a fight ended, but I don't see him anywhere it could have happened.

    I there a way to find out, for example by examining a save in NI?

  5. 25 minutes ago, Thacobell said:

    I learned that you can't run weidu in wine. It just won't start

    A potential issue: depending if your wine is a 32 or 64 bit environment, it's possible your (32bit) wine installation won't know what to do with your (64bit) weidu.exe binary.

    That said, I didn't try to actually run it.

    I only went as far as making sure I could use the (linux) weidu binary on a (classic) bg and bg2 installation and running the result works with wine (it did).

  6. That's probably not a blocker, and wouldn't probably be easy to fix, but maybe that may be mentioned somewhere.

    I was surprised to discover that my psionicist (uh, actually... Imoen) was restricted from using some "poisoned arrows" from stratagems.

    Because they "can't be used by cleric/thieves :D


    I must say I've found the trip refreshing but I think I didn't use the class the way I should have. At least at low level, the psion part seems focused on self buff, which would probably meld better with a melee character... I think ? So I should probably have tried the ranger/psion first maybe.

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