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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. But then iwdification is an improved version of SCS iwd spells if I remember correctly...
  2. You can install only certains components on a mod at one point and then the rest later. You would install the spells part of SCS at the same place you would install iwdification and then the rest of SCS much later
  3. https://github.com/subtledoctor/d5_Random_Tweaks/pull/7 (sorry, that's probably more that what you asked for)
  4. There's a slight encoding issue, I'll send a fix
  5. In fact, with the addition of (d5_random_tweaks) 1.4 i saw you added a tweak for prismatic spray and started reviewing what I submitted last time (for 1.3.1) and found it... unsatisfying (many typos). I'll look at the mbr one much faster. Also, I'll send a fix for some encoding issue with prismatic spray in this that one (I *assume* you copied from spell_rev, which has a translation in ISO-8859-1.. maybe for a reason? and it ends up funky in the d5_random_tweaks translation file which is utf-8). EDIT: I mixed the mbr and d5_r_t threads
  6. > EDIT - oh, you mean the fact that Magic Battles Revised doesn't have a French translation? I has (just for me though)
  7. Don't panic, I was just saying I didn't see the translations I put inside french/setup.tra and got the vanilla strings or spell revision strings instead
  8. Seems it happened for 1.3.1 https://github.com/subtledoctor/d5_Random_Tweaks/compare/1.3...1.3.1# with the removal of component 5000 Revised Magic Battles
  9. Hi @subtledoctor Looking at the tra file, and not being able to see some spell descriptions changes in-game, I wonder : were the changes from the MBR.tpa file maybe extracted to the magic_battle_revised mod and then disabled from d5_random_tweaks ? If so, a big part of the setup.tra file is unused (all the parts about protection spells and protection-stripping spells). That would explain why I can't see the descriptions in-game
  10. Will the (arcane) casters use the spells in the encounters? Or is that purely for the loot? I find the labels of the components in setup.tra more clear that the component description you gave above. Maybe that's because I'm not an english native speaker, but I fond "level - 4" easier to understand than "on the level above 4 of ". Well, that's what the user is shown when installing so that's OK.
  11. Yeah, most of the time pulling a string straight from a tpa to a tra file is really easy, but sphere_system.tpa is not a thing I would touch.
  12. > Yes, and the spell descriptions should be updated to mention both - though the dynamic description updating might only work in English. I don't think I've seen the spheres in any tra file (yet?), so yes, it probably doesn't work as is.
  13. Can a spell be in multiple spheres at the same time? Like CLERIC_FORBID (forbiddance, I guess?) is both in thought and dread in fnp and vanilla+ (but not in pnp, where it's only in Thought). Hm the spell description @50801 (and @50802) set it in Thought, but @1000000 set it in Charm, which doesn't seem to be a sphere at all, but as it's unused, it's probably not a problem.
  14. Well, yes, it's quite frightening and I actually didn't want to submit it. I did it for myself because I wanted to find if certain tra strings were used and for what, so for personal use (not even for installing it myself). But once I had it done and it actually installed, I thought why not... And BTW, I actually only tested the fnp spheres, not the pnp one (and v+ didn't exist yet).
  15. On a completely unrelated subject, would something like this be useful? unwelcome? https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/Faiths_and_Powers/pull/153 There are really two parts that I conflated because I'm lazy, but could easily be split: removal of a bunch of unused code on one side and traification of a handful of strings and some proofreading on another one. I'd argue for the removal because it makes it easier to poke around the code to see how it works (and may even make it easier for you one day, one never knows). It's not a glamorous contribution, but would come at no burden increase for you i think. Of course i don't expect to accept without some scrutiny so there is _some_ additional work..
  16. And people that are really bothered by purple will submit new ones (well, in my dreams they will ).
  17. Hi, I made a Fnp Forest druid (human) in BG2 with the last (0.81.7) version but that's maybe the same for older version (didn't check). The spells "beetle swarm"(1), "spider swarm"(2) and "cloak of darkness" (3) don't have an icon. Or maybe they have one but I can't see it? In any case, in the divine spell book I only see the spell name with a "blank" space besides it. // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #21 // Create a sphere system -> FnP: the Faiths & Powers original sphere system: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #31 // Install Cleric kits: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #33 // Install Druid kits: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #35 // Install Paladin kits: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #37 // Install Ranger kits: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #75 // Alter priests' weapon usability and proficiency: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #80 // Apply sphere system: 0.81.7 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #85 // Apply FnP kits to NPCs: 0.81.7 ~FNP_MULTICLASS/FNP_MULTICLASS.TP2~ #0 #91 // Multiclass Druids: 0.81.7 ~FNP_MULTICLASS/FNP_MULTICLASS.TP2~ #0 #92 // Multiclass Shamans: 0.81.7 ~FNP_MULTICLASS/FNP_MULTICLASS.TP2~ #0 #95 // Multiclass Cleric kits (install AFTER all other kit mods!!): 0.81.7 (i.e. only installed fnp + fnp-multiclass) (linux, BG2ee 2.6.6, weidu 249)
  18. Hi, with 1.5.1 I get an installation error (not finding mxsplprs.2da). I made a pull request to point what I think is the correct path : https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/5E_spellcasting/pull/3
  19. Hi @subtledoctor, It seems there's an issue when installing 0.9.25 component Sorcerer Spell Switching (any version, each level or every 3 levels). ERROR Installing [Sorcerer Spell Switching -> Change spells once every three levels], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 195 files for [TomeAndBlood/TomeAndBlood.tp2] component 72. Uninstalled 195 files for [TomeAndBlood/TomeAndBlood.tp2] component 72. ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "stat", "tomeandblood/lib/semi_spont/xsorc.itm") Please make a backup of the file: setup-TomeAndBlood.debug and look for support at: aquadrizzt There's no xsorc.itm there, only a d5xsorc.itm, I think.
  20. When I must find this kind of thing I open the mod directory inside vscode and do a "search in all files" (ctrl+alt+F on my system but I think shortcut can vary between OSes)
  21. Haven't I already seen a mod where your familiar could be asked to sort your inventory? (not your bag content, your inventory) I think I did but I don't remember where. EDIT unless I got it mixed up with nwn, that"s possible. And I can can see sorting the inventory being different
  22. Haven't I already seen a mod where your familiar could be asked to sort your inventory? (not your bag content, your inventory) I think I did but I don't remember where.
  23. Yeah, that was just me using the wrong word. Didn't mean care, more "focus on different things" or maybe "balance things differently" . Not a native english speaker and all that, sometimes nuances are not conveyed correctly.
  24. exactly, you should have /media/zen/workshop/mnt/modbox/bgee/bgqe with a setup-bgqe.tp2 file just inside (I checked the exact file name and location, which can vary a bit, just now). Concerning the difference with cdtweaks (anthology), it depends which archive you downloaded and extracted (and also how your extraction program is configured). If you downloaded from there (github) https://github.com/Gibberlings3/BG_Quests_And_Encounters/releases/tag/v25.2 you have two different zip files with different structures - https://github.com/Gibberlings3/BG_Quests_And_Encounters/releases/download/v25.2/baldurs-gate-mini-quests-and-encounters-modification-v25.2.zip has bgqe/ un the root (along with some other useless files) while - https://github.com/Gibberlings3/BG_Quests_And_Encounters/archive/refs/tags/v25.2.zip (named "Source code") has a root BG_Quests_And_Encounters-25.2/ directory with bgqe/ inside it so this one can't be extracted directly (you only want the bgqe/ directory). The G3 download section has the first one, which should be correctly extracted to bgqe/ unless you configured you archive extractor to extract inside a directory which will usually take the name of the archive, and in this case, it's named... baldurs-gate-mini-quests-and-encounters-modification-v25.2.zip which would be extracted to baldurs-gate-mini-quests-and-encounters-modification-v25.2/ (checks). So I guess when extracting you probably (un)checked a checkbox in the archive extractor (file-roller? ark?) for bgqe and not for cdtweaks, or the reverse. BTW, the lin-cdtweaks-v9.zip has exactly the same layout as baldurs-gate-mini-quests-and-encounters-modification-v25.2.zip (the correct one).
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