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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. There's another side-effect that players that use the english version may not be aware of: when using these tags on a $LANG version of the game where some mod without a $LANG translation was installed in english this mod used these tags you end up with a mix of english (mod text) with translation for the tags in $LANG, which is... way worse than just having the text in english. I won't advocate not using these tags, they're useful, but I think they should be used parsimoniously. I'd put the limit on story, dialogues etc. but not in spell and item descriptions.
  2. You're right, it did at least in the english version of the three EE version I just checked, I didn't have an english version of the original game to compare (they are probably the same) In that case that's probably a very old oversight, as it makes no sense. This was apparently "fixed" at least in the french translation of the originals (and then the EEs). And then, in spell revisions, in which not even the english versions use any PRO_ (Just had to check the jargon for "IIRC" ) To make that even clearer, wouldn't it makes as much sense to write as it would if you wrote ?
  3. We would need something like https://github.com/Gibberlings3/SpellRevisions/pull/105 for the runaway string, comments welcome. For the `SAY NAME1 #XXXX `, I guess this means the string is taken from the original tlk? In that case, that should be good (provided it really means the Shapechange: XXX variants for elementals, iron golen, mindflayer and wolfwere).
  4. As an aside, I wonder if it's intended that the `collections/vanilla/**/*.md` files (the documentation, I guess?) use the `PRO_*` tags for the spells descriptions, which is bad (why use the protagonist as reference for a spell that will be cast by anobody?). I'd have guessed this was the docmentation published on https://gibberlings3.github.io/SpellRevisions/ , but then neither the SR nor the vanilla descriptions on this site show them. So these files must besome outdated leftovers I suppose?
  5. I just checked, none of the commits after the merge changed any of the .tra files (unless I missed something).
  6. I'm under the impression there's a slight issue with the way single/two handed version of weapons is handled with the Breagar NPC. That's not really a big concern because you just have to not use it with this specific axe. There's an axe in this storyline which is a quest reward (and probably also a quest item). It's a single handed axe, and if you switch it to double handed, the dwarf panics and says (after a while) I don't know how the switch is done. Does it maybe create a copy of the item and then the character detects that he doesn't possess the given item?
  7. was it https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/kits/npckit/ you thought about? That's "just" a renaming AFAIK.
  8. The artisan's kitpack has some - the arcane archer (does it qualify?) in tow variants (fighter and fighter/mage kit) (c0aa and c0aa2) - there's an archer class there though I don't know if it changes or if it replaces. - the rogue archer (thief) -> this one I'm not sure anymore, there seem to be a confusion in the code with adventurer ? There a SpiritHunter shaman kit for bows there https://github.com/thisisulb/SpiritHunterShamanKit never played with it though (UB_SH ?) https://gibberlings3.github.io/Documentation/readmes/readme-spstuff.html has an Archer of Sylvanus (CDArcSyl ?)
  9. Strangely, the assets in the 4.0.2 (github) release are all numbered 4.0.1 (probably just an oversight).
  10. Well, that worked! Thanks! (I was a bit frustrated because I think there was some canine adventure i hadn't seen yet)
  11. Just an addition, I tried to do CreateCreature("c#grey02"), but that just spawnsa dog with no dialog (so no way to have Grey join the group)
  12. I think I was ambushed quite a lot by wardogs in my current game
  13. I had it as the third (full) member of my party though, if that's what you mean. That's it!
  14. So, that doesn't seem to be the case. I can actually see Brandock, who is also in 7th position, but IS still present alongside the group, and I can see his position is NI. But even looking at every item in the NPC list I didn't see Grey. I could have missed him, of course but... (And totally unrelated, but why are so many NPC duplicated in there?) I guess I'll meet him again when transitioning to SoD...
  15. Hi, i've... misplaced Grey, it seems. He's not following me (7th member mode) as he was until now. Just checked, in my last non-rotating save (non-periodic, non-quicksave), he not here either. The previous one is... well quite old. I guess he could have "died" somewhere (I mean, turning blue and getting rest somewhere on the ground) and "forgot" to re-join when a fight ended, but I don't see him anywhere it could have happened. I there a way to find out, for example by examining a save in NI?
  16. There is a massive documentation, each component tells what they do. Either https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/tweaks/tweaks/ or https://gibberlings3.github.io/Documentation/readmes/readme-cdtweaks.html
  17. Ah yes, maybe one that was too obvious : mick@piurifayne:~/Games/bg2/game$ ls -1 override/ |wc -l 107792
  18. Ah yes, that's also on a SSD, with JDK 11, with 16G ram. Nothing else I can think of that could have an influence... Nice to know, less things to type
  19. One word: whoa! NI startup is now... not quite instant (java) but reasonably fast (a couple seconds). Loading a .gam is now around 15 seconds. Really, thanks!
  20. That's v20220408 The most I can say is I am on linux and the game is inside a loopback device (ext4 with casefolding) and I launch it with -i (otherwise it doesn't work at all)
  21. For me, it takes minutes. For an early BG1 saves (of an EET heavily modded game). So much that it's practically unusable (because just opening NI is also timed in minutes).
  22. Ahh! Ok ! I guess this also overrides the tweaks anthology component "Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-Classes"? Even if this one is installed later ?
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