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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. How does the transition to for example archmage work? Is an enchanter who becomes an archmage still an enchanter?
  2. I had that king of crash each time I tried to start sod with... I don't which mod where you get an item you can "use" that allows you to start sod or bg2. I used stutter debug mod to see which script block was the last executed. It itself is not easy itself because *it doesn't log in the console*, only in-game and well... the game crashes before you have time to read it (is there a way to log to the console? I mean the OS console, not the infinity one). It was the script that transfered content from the houses gifted by... Eltan? (MoveContainerContents if I remember right). I never went there so I juste removed the part of the script that moved objects. I'm sure there are more efficient debugging methods, but I have no modding experience
  3. Isn't this a bit awkward if a further mod changes grand mastery bonuses? (or maybe this is completely not a subject in scope for this mod?)
  4. Whoa I wasn't aware of that... Was using v1.0 vs most recent 3.1
  5. That's not really what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway!
  6. Maybe I should try to install the english translation with the german voice-over. I don't speak german but I could probably convince myself it's some dwarvish idiom.
  7. I sort of guessed that would be the case, thanks!
  8. Does that change the recommended install order? I still refer to this readme (may outdated): https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/Faiths_and_Powers/issues/136 As far as I understand that meant installing some mods between fnp and fnp_multiclass ...Hm, now that I checked, that would only leave MnG, but there also https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/5E_spellcasting#compatibility that says to install it between Fnp and fnp_multi (And then https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/5E_spellcasting#compatibility says But it just probably means it needs to go absolute last in new kit mods?)
  9. Hi! Is Grey *supposed* to have "Spiritual hammer" as an innate ability or is it a weird multi-mod side-effect in my (broken in many kind of ays) installation?
  10. Well it worked! Well not really... They did follow me on the other side, but then I didn't have control over them at all. They still were "green" but I couldn't select them anymore to give instruction. The mouse cursor only takes the "talk to..." appearance when over then and the "select all" icon (rectangle in dotted line) didn't select them. Aaaand so they kept trying to end charname's miserable life.
  11. Uh will try that, if that works that would be funny! Long term though, I find myself often enough in a situation where the characters and summons mass themselves on the transition zone without the transition happening (one missing, not in exactly at the right place etc.) that I'm not sure about adding "with an ogre whirling a club and a hub trying to change me in a pin cushion
  12. Is there any mod that let you get summons through a transition? Actually is that really a voluntary decision? (or did the developers just forget to do something about it?) That seems really stupid that you would summons something, it would follow you everywhere on in one room, then refuse to cross with you in the next (and still be there and follow you again once you come back). Maybe I just made a fool of myself and it's just an ini option somewhere?
  13. OK, I better wait until you're ready. // 22000 already taken up in divine.tra. Sigh. One way to avoid this kind of problem would be for example to decide something like 0-99 999 arcane.tra and 100 000-199 000 divine.tra. Or whatever. Obviously not before release because that's long work (and likely to cause breakage). Could also use utf8 for tra files at the same time
  14. Was just saying there are some reasons to not install it if one didn't think they needed it. But the need to have a "working" fighter/druid kit that I wasn't aware of would force reconsideration
  15. Not knowing if that's the reason the OP did not install FnP multiclass , I could never install it because with moderate additional kits, it always end up with an installation failure because of more than XXX kits (was it 255 or 256? I don't remember). EDIT: but I don' t remember if I ever tried to install the multiclass druid kits only.
  16. I'm no modder, sorry if I spoke out of turn. But in another context, I'm a developer with some experience, i was just expressing some expectation that you won't make a change with that kind of breadth in the *basis* of so many other unrelated works, all of them heterogeneous in programming practice, without some breakage, for completely different reasons, sometimes the most unexpected ones. That's all, nothing more. (And I say that thinking the fixpack will probably be the best thing since sliced bread, too, even if I won't probably see the effect myself)
  17. I expect we'll discover that every mod ever published will need to be adapted to work on the fixpack. At least those that still have a maintainer around to do it. The other ones, well...
  18. I still have it, my install is kind of broken in multiple ways but I'll try to keep on with it for a time. But it was done long before your recent pre-release changes (looking at people playthroughs reports here, I play somewhat slowly)
  19. I've had this kind of problem when having mods that mess up with proficiencies *after* (in the install order) a mod that gave conversation based profs (I think it was npc_ee? or maybe "old" MnG?). Then the dialogs get incorrect.
  20. I found that if I edit the file engine.lua in the game directory, changing the value of The game changes the location of the saves. Actually, I didn't find it by myself, i just experimented after I saw EET managed to have a distinct save (and others) directory. I don't know if it's always applicable, I'm under linux, maybe that's OS dependent?
  21. Ah I was talking about the stratagems case specifically! Because that actually changes the idea that you wuold put forgotten-armaments at the end of item mods, when it has to be very late in installation (SCS *is* itself really late).
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