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Gibberling Poobah
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Posts posted by Mike1072

  1. Cam's documentation of cd_new_portrait_icon includes this tip:

    On 1/2/2018 at 5:02 PM, CamDawg said:

    As above, it returns 'icon' with the value of the new entry for usage in your spells or items, and you still need to copy your BAM.

    Are you copying the BAM file to the override?

    Edit: Regarding the ALTER_EFFECT function, based on the parameters provided, it will alter effects in the SPL that are using opcode 142 and have parameter 2 (icon) set to 94.  In the latest version of your mod, dtkshrdb.spl has a 142 effect with parameter 2 set to 204, so it won't match.

  2. 1 hour ago, Endarire said:

    Also, may we have an option to view all spells of a level in a list so we needn't click each spell individually?  What about showing the revised and original versions of a spell side-by-side or one on top of the other to help readers understand what's changed from vanilla?  Alternatively, giving a note per spell about what's changed since vanilla also works.  (After writing this I noticed all spells include links at the bottom to their vanilla/revised versions.  Neat!)

    As you noticed, your best bet for determining changes is by comparing the two descriptions.  We used to have a short summary of the changes to each spell but it became very outdated and wouldn't be of any help in its current state.

    Viewing all the spell descriptions of one level on a single page is sort of similar to the request that @ThreeQuarters made to view ALL the spell descriptions on one page.  Would something like that, ordered by level, work for you?

    I've moved the rest of your questions here.

  3. 2 hours ago, Sam. said:

    Is there an analog to

    OUTER_SET tmp = (~%prefix%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~MOS~ = 1) ? 0 : 1

    that uses the ternary operator but with strings instead of numbers?  Something like:

    OUTER_TEXT_SPRINT tmp EVAL ((~%prefix%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~MOS~ = 1) ? ~zero~ : ~one~)

    (except that doesn't work).

    Nope.  You'd have to use an IF statement.

  4. spells.2da theoretically determines which spells are automatically displayed in-game.  In vanilla, the file did nothing, but ToBEx made it work.  I don't know whether the EEs use it or not.  (I assume they don't, since the file only goes up to 7th level.)

    ADD_SPELL in WeiDU currently only considers adding spells in the range 1 to 50 and will display a message if it can't find a spot ("Couldn't add X to spell.ids as no slots remain").  It wouldn't be hard to change it to read from spells.2da, but you'd need to write a separate mod that would increase the limits in spells.2da (and update hidespl.2da accordingly).  If spells.2da isn't used in the EEs, this doesn't seem very worthwhile.

  5. 6 hours ago, ThreeQuarters said:


    Thanks again for the descriptions.

    I have read many of the (arcane) spell descriptions and here are a few comments / remarks / feedback (while I haven’t had time to install the mod nor try anything yet ^^).
    These remarks are made from the POV of a sorcerer trying to pick spells, and most of them are just minor remarks about typos in the descriptions, minor inconsistencies, or imprecisions.

    Other than those few things, I think everything I saw was solid. 🙂

    Sorry about the long post. ^^;

    Thanks for the feedback.  I've moved your post here so it won't get lost.  I don't have the answers to your questions but maybe someone else can jump in.

  6. 4 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    And rather than this:

    COPY_EXISTING ~%spell_res%.SPL~ ~override~

    I would use:

    COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~

    Those serve completely different purposes - one is copying a single specific spell and the other is copying every single spell.  The first option is appropriate for this scenario.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    I would encourage you to upsize the spell icons in the spell list page.

    Thanks, I've updated it so the icons are now all displayed at their original size.  You may need to do a hard reload to see the change.

    34 minutes ago, ThreeQuarters said:

    I know that it is really asking much, but could there as well be a one page version, containing all of the descriptions in one big file, in addition to the current « TOC + one page per spell description » ? That would help when you want to do Ctrl-F to find all spells that protect from / negate the effects of another one for example (Pierce Shield, etc.), or negate a specific effect like confusion. (Yeah, sorry. 😅)

    Thanks for the kind words.  I'll consider this.  For now, you can view the mod's translation files to see the entire set of arcane and divine descriptions at once.

  8. This release deals with spell icons and spell icons only.

    All of the icons included in the mod have been assessed and updated where needed to match the 1PP/EE style, thanks to bob_veng.

    Several icons have been redesigned or recoloured by bob_veng:

    • Magic Fang
    • Gust of Wind
    • Enchanted Weapon
    • Animal Growth

    In addition, a number of new icons have been added by bob_veng and DreamSlaveOne:

    • Regenerate Light Wounds
    • Regenerate Moderate Wounds
    • Regenerate Serious Wounds
    • Regenerate Critical Wounds
    • Mass Regenerate
    • Regeneration
    • Strength of Stone
    • Dimension Jump
    • True Strike
    • Protection from Elemental Energy
    • Banishment
    • Greater Spell Deflection

    You can preview these icons in the online documentation on the spell lists and spell pages, but the best viewing experience is in-game.

    I can't express how much it means to have such wonderful art in the mod. Thank you to @bob_veng, @DreamSlaveOne, @Pacek, @scorpio, @yarpen, and everyone else who has contributed over the years.

    View Release on GitHub

    Download (Windows)

    Download (OS X)

    Download (Linux)

  9. The v4b17 package installs without errors.

    These particular files were renamed, yes, but all the references to them were renamed to match.

    My guess is that the user has a version of main_component.tpa from before v4b17.  Perhaps they are using v4b17 in conjunction with SR Revised v1.1.0.  SR Revised hasn't been updated for compatibility with v4b17 yet.

    The user should choose between v4b17 only or v4b16 + SR Revised v1.1.0.

  10. I've updated the first post to fix the formatting issue.

    37 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    (FWIW, in that case better not to process BBCode at all - it seems to be partially processing it and then failing at some point.  Better to just show the BBCode tags in plain text, at least then it would be possible to edit it and manually change them over to the WYSIWYG functions.)

    The software used to store post content in BBcode format.  The editor had the option to swap between the WYSIWYG version and a text editor for the underlying BBcode.  The rewrite of the software (IPS 4+) changed the format that posts are stored in to HTML.  The editor can accept BBcode and transform it into HTML, but not the other way around.

    This wouldn't be so much of the problem if the editor didn't have various quirks and bugs that mangle things every once in a while.

  11. For reference, this is opcode 330.

    I don't understand how the effect works, but it references strref 45232 in parameter 3.  Strings 45232–45239 all appear to be lines that it should display.  I don't know if it's hardcoded to use the 7 sequential strrefs starting at the one listed in parameter 3, but that's where I'd start experimenting.

    If that is how it works, then you'll have to figure out how to insert 7 strrefs sequentially, with sounds, which sounds like a fun challenge.

  12. 7 hours ago, Arthas said:

    1) ...

    E.g gate spell, lv. 9. Inside the description it is made a reference to demons turning on their casters, but after reading the mechanics description there is no reference to gate demon actually turning on you.

    Also the spell seem to imply you don't need to cast protection from evil to avoid getting attacked. Is that true?

    2) would it be possible to add an optional component to triple the duration of spells?

    3) does spell revision makes potions undispellable?

    1. True.  Protection from Evil no longer has a specific demon-repelling ability.
    2. The chance of this being added to SR is extremely low.
    3. No, but IR does.
  13. 7 hours ago, Arthas said:

    Thanks for the release.

    1) For later releases, would it be possible to trim the description of the spells to actually match the game? 

    E.g gate spell, lv. 9. Inside the description it is made a reference to demons turning on their casters, but after reading the mechanics description there is no reference to gate demon actually turning on you.

    The site linked above contains the actual spell descriptions used in-game in v4b17. This was provided because all the other references are out of date.

    If you notice any instances where a spell's description and behaviour don't match, please report that as a bug.

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