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Posts posted by jastey

  1. 1 hour ago, Endarire said:

    Technical updates - at least on inactive mods - are allowed without an author's prior permission, which is simply what I did.

    And if you are asked to take them down, you take them down.

    What you uploaded to GitHub aren't even technical updates.

    Take your unauthorized mod versions down. This can't get any clearer than this.

  2. This list needs some more work before it is recommendable.

    EndlessBG1 needs to be installed before NPC (expansion) mods, especially Ajantis BG1 Expansion.
    Grey the Dog should be installed late in the NPC section.
    Install NPC mods after quest mods, especially if they (will) touch BG2 content. (My newer NPC mods will.)
    Put Brage's Redemption into the NPC section.

    BG1NPC Project should be before the BG1 friendship mods (especially before Ajantis BG1 Expansion).

    Almateria's Restoration Project comes early, after Unfinished Business (which also comes early.)

    Flirt Pack should be installed late, after all other NPC mods and Friendship mods.

    Alternatives, Ding0's Questpack, G3 Anniversary mod, Fading Promises, and more: quest mods. Should be before NPC mods in quest mod section.
    Same for Hidden Adventures.

    jastey's SoD Tweak Pack: earlier, with quest mods, after EndlessBG1.
    Imoen4 Ever: earlier, and after jastey's SoD tweaks.

    The Cowled Menace and other mods: I am pretty sure that needs to come before EET_End.
    This is also true for more mods: EET_End is too early on that list imho.


    In general, listing the crossmod components of some mods as a separate install, or at least make a point in teh list where crossmod components/mods should go would be helpful for new players.

  3. 7 hours ago, RaaDeeK said:

    EEex:0;EEex - EEex
    EEex:1;EEex - Enable effect menu module - LShift-on-hover to view spells affecting creature
    EEex:2;EEex - Enable timer module - Visual indicators for modal actions, contingencies, and spell/item cooldowns
    EEex:3;EEex - Timer module - Show modal actions (red bar)
    EEex:4;EEex - Timer module - Show contingencies (green bar)
    EEex:5;EEex - Timer module - Show spell/item cooldowns (cyan bar)
    B3-BubbsSpellMenuExtended-Main;Bubb's Spell Menu Extended - Bubb's Spell Menu Extended

    I think these need to be earlier.

    EET has an own worldmap; if you don't install a mod that states that it needs the worldmap mod then you don't need the worldmap mod.

    Again, I suggest show a little decorum with regard to the manpower that went into these mods; if you'd have a mod that needs the worldmap mod to make the added areas reachable you'd probably notice that it's not "crap" at all.

  4. @RaaDeeK The EE Fixpack is not officially released yet - you install at own risk. The BG2Fixpack is for the classic engine, not EE.

    And modding the IE games will probably be the same complicated mess in 2045, too - it's due to how the engine works and how it does not originally support modding at all.

    Next time, make a mod order list and ask here for advice first - the community is usually very helpful. It helps if we do not get shouted at, though.




  5. Thanks again to everyone who already cleaned some of the Wiki pages from you know what!

    I just checked and the link to Balduran's Seatower is still in! (Link)

    ... And I noticed a comment from WithinAmnesia from 2019 on that page where he is talking about working on it, with Mindflayers, and a dragon, and ...

    Sometimes it would be good if the internet would forget things, I guess.

  6. There seems to be another problem I don't understand yet, mentioned (here).

    Indeed, when I look at BG2:EE with NI I see an existing blank.mus which, indeed, plays the tavern music. This is the same for my BGT install.

    Copying the blank.mus file included in the Branwen BGII mod into the override does not seem to replace this blank.mus file from the original game. Looking at it with NI, the custom blank.mus file is listed in a newly created category "mus" in NI, and trying to open it leads to an error message.

    So, did the "insert blank music file" in mods only work because most have a unique name? What I don't understand is why the blank.mus file in the override does not replace the exiting one. (And why copying over a mus file that gives error message in NI works for other mods.)

    7 hours ago, jmerry said:

    The other mods are doing things more sensibly and skipping the header by only reading rows with three or more entries. And then they still assume that the first data row is song zero, which is the initial state but isn't actually required by anything. You could break all of these by reordering the 2DA table so it didn't start at zero.

    Thanks. I'd assume chances of the file getting restructures are very low, though.

  7. We think that it is an SCS script that lets Duke Jannath use area spells in the fight with Sarevok. I had reports for EndlessBG1, that after returning from defeating Sarevok, the Dukes turned hostile. This seems to be an instant where the impact only shows in combination with other mods (in this case, prolonged exposure to the Dukes in the palace). @jmerry identified a possible problem here (plus his following post):


  8. 1 hour ago, jmerry said:

    As for the use case ... no, songs mixing isn't a problem. Whenever the game starts playing a song, it stops playing whatever it was playing before.

    A lot of NPC mods do not add their music as a music, but as a sound file. The mute song is used to mute the area music, and the lovetalk music is played as a wav:


    I understand now that the mods themselves do not point to the .mus file but the position in songlist.2da, so the actual name of the mute song is not important.

    Which slots are the one BGFixapck patches?

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override/songlist.2da~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 1 2 ~G3Blank~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 2 2 ~G3Blank.mus~


  9. A lot of mods add an entry 0 to songlist.2da.

    This is a selection of some randomly chosen mods and their songlist.2da patching.

    1. What is this "xyzblank.mus" entry in songlist.2da actually for? I thought it's a muted sound, but I use a wav for Ajantis which works fine without patching anything.

    2. Do I see it right that the last mod is the winner, and that it would be useful to unify this?

    3. If yes, is there a smarter way to do this? I also included what the BG2Fixpack does, for reference.


    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
        SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~rh#blank.mus~

    Ajantis BGII - not active yet, but could get reactivated:

      COPY ~AjantisBG2/Sound/blank.mus~ ~music~
      COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 1 2 ~Blank~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 2 2 ~Blank.mus~


    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~m#blank.mus~


    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~^\(0[ %TAB%]+No_music[ %TAB%]+\)\*\*\*\*$~ ~\1BLANK.MUS~


    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~lk#blk.mus~

    Ascalon's Breagar:

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~         ~OVERRIDE~
    SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~acblank.mus~

    Auren Aseph:

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~


    ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~tutu tutu_totsc~ THEN BEGIN
      COPY ~bg1npc/Core/MUS/x#blank.mus~ ~music~
      COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
        SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~X#BLANK.MUS~


    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override/songlist.2da~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 1 2 ~G3Blank~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 2 2 2 ~G3Blank.mus~

    Branwen BGII:

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~Blank.mus~

    Fading Promises:

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~Blank.mus~

    Gavin BG1:

      /* Music File .2da patching, Tutu only */
      COPY ~GAVIN/B!Blank.mus~ ~music~
      COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~B!Blank.mus~


        COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
          SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~lk#blank.mus~


        COPY ~keldorn_rom/song/b_blank.mus~ ~music/blank~
        SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~b_blank.mus~

    Xan BGII:

    COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
      SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~blank.mus~


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