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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Jastey's SoD Tweak Pack updates to v12.1 with a fix! Changelog: - Fixed bug due to doubled patch code for bdrom03.bcs ("Do Not Miss NPC-PC Dialogues").
  2. @CamDawg I'm awfully sorry for wasting your time - this was all mine and embarrassing, too.
  3. @CamDawg is there any way that it's possible that Tweaks Anthology also changes the trigger of bdrom03.bcs like it is shown here? https://github.com/Gibberlings3/Jasteys_SoD_Tweakpack/pull/32 Component ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 2 1010 // Davantage d'interjectionsv16 In short: somehow in the user's install, the trigger "IsOverMe(Player1)" was changed to "OR(6) IsOverMe(Player1) IsOverMe(Player2) IsOverMe(Player3) IsOverMe(Player4) IsOverMe(Player5) IsOverMe(Player6)" twice.
  4. bgqe updates to v27, with a revised Spanish version and a new simplified Chinese version! Thank you @ElGamerViejuno and lzw104522773 for the translations! v27 does not fix the bug that the hatching of the egg can be prevented by not talking to the mage on the road. Changelog; - simplified Chinese Version added, by lzw104522773. - full revised Spanish translaion, by ElGamerViejuno.
  5. @morpheus562 It's one thing to disable a translation because it's outdated, but it's another thing to outright delete it and erase the translator's name from the readme? I'm sorry it came to such a dispute, but I lack knowledge of the background.
  6. I'm pretty sure that a permanent death is not intended here. My faint recall from oBG1 is that the NPC died, yes, but could be raised again.
  7. Thanks for letting us know how you solved it!
  8. Good old times! ... Sorry about that. Thanks, I'll still be here, just not as always as before. I'm looking forward to really enjoying modding again.
  9. @paladin84 Thank you! Since it's my GitHub I'll do so when I'll find the time.
  10. I have NI open when I install and check different language versions, for example. Like jmerry said, you need to refresh after the mod install is done. And like you already said, I wouldn't edit the game resources with it while an installation runs.
  11. Definitely! I mean, I obviously put it in Thanks again for reporting!
  12. @Lurker I think you found a loop hole. If you talk to Halbazzer, a variable is increased which makes the mage go away. This means the player never meets him and the timer never starts. The mage would have been at [3884.349] in Fishing Village area, but only if Global("C#Q04_WyvernDeliverer","GLOBAL",3) is at 3. Now I have the Aha song in my head.
  13. @Lurker OMG, I'm so sorry - this was a misunderstanding. My Imoen remark was pure jest. There is no content with her doing anything to the egg. (But ... now that I think about it, it would be very funny if she did.) I remembered right, though: the timer for the spider to hatch starts when you talk to the mage on the road. You could either cheat him in: C:CreateCreature("C#Q04007") Or you declare the timer to have run and set by hand: C:SetGlobal("c#q04_SpiderTimer","GLOBAL",1) The latter should trigger the spider hatch immediately.
  14. Just to clearify for debugging: it was a black pearl from The Calling mod.
  15. Hmm. @Lurker I'm sure you should ask Imoen again in a quiet moment. Maybe she did some of her shenanigans with the egg... (I think the timer starts after meeting the mage. So, if you never met him...) Thanks for the report, I'll keep it in mind.
  16. The mod updates to EAOB.9! This update should fix the "need to fetch feathers for the fletcher again" bug, amongst other minor things. It also adds compatibility with The Calling's Black Pearl. Changelog: -sea troll revision for smoother killing experience, by CamDawg: oBG2 troll handling not needed on EEs; Adding interrupt-false to dead troll transformation; Adding item, swapping 'dead' script to highest script slot. -fletcher should not forget that she already received feathers if asked to coat the barrel (feather quest should not have to be done twice). -added failsafe dialogue in case the Seatower Commander can't see the PC when doppelganger questline was done. -compatibility with The Calling's Black Pearl: added reaction to TC's pearl and extra dialogue for BST's; adjusted item description. -tanner should call the Amnian Bitter Liquer by its correct name. -typo correction.
  17. I'm playing v3, so maybe this is outdated. -Mrs. Iris Cotton still answers "Squeak!" even after being returned to humanoid form. (Even if this might not be unrealistic since melicamp also still has his *cluck*, it seems like an oversight.) -When Taerom forges the amulet out of the shrunk bracers, the spell animation is on the group member that talked to him (I guess - was an NPC in party position 1). Suggestions: -I have a black pearl now but can't give it to Kelddath (I can't remember whether I already handed him one back, maybe I did, but maybe he'd be interested in getting another one) - I can sell it to his shop, though. -I am missing more journal entries to tell me where I am in the quest. I had a faint recall that I need to return to either Taerom or Thalantyr, but it's been months since I played and when I came to Thalantyr he finished the devise without me being able to remember ever having given him any gems. (This is on me - might well be I already gave him some; I also already was at Taerom's, apparently.) But I also didn't see a journal entry to look at the location the bracers were located, nor that I should return to Thalantyr after encountering them. If you'd feel like giving more intermediate entries that would be nice for occasional players like me who forgot where they were with a quest.
  18. The German thread is here (English welcome), but apart from that this thread is still more central than asking questions elsewhere.
  19. Heheh. I like where this is going. Thanks!
  20. Since it was on my HD: Ascalon's Questpack updates to 5.2 with a Spanish version from alaisFcZ! Changelog: -Spanish version added, by alaisFcZ -Aaron should be "NEUTRAL", not "GOODBUTBLUE"
  21. I'm glad it worked. Like I said, I know what the error message means, but it usually means that something is off in your install, since the mod usually works.
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