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Everything posted by argent77

  1. Strref 0 ("<NO TEXT>") will be resolved as an empty string that isn't displayed when used as creature name. Behavior of BG1EE and BG2EE are identical in this regard. Setting name to strref 0 solves the issue in EET. Edit: The random name issue when using strref -1 is most likely a game bug and has to be fixed by Beamdog.
  2. I have noticed a (cosmetic) issue regarding invisible creatures. They are used a lot in SoD to simulate all kinds of activity. In SoD their name uses strref 0 which should essentially be an empty string. However, EET uses strref -1 instead which causes the invisible creatures to display random party member names when using TAB. Example: BD5200.ARE contains many instances of BDTARGET.CRE (see archer training near southern entrance).
  3. 0x401 appears to be unused. WBM does use 0x3ff. 0x44c is supposed to be the resource type for BAH. I've never seen a BAH file nor do I know anything about its file format or what it could be used for. The only mention of it (that I remember) comes from the game executable itself. Maybe it's a remnant from an earlier Infinity Engine development stage. You can find a more complete list of known resource types in the Near Infinity sources.
  4. Latest tileconv and tile2ee should be compatible with macOS Sierra.
  5. I've noticed that when you start a new ToB campaign, the protagonist doesn't receive the "Slayer Change" ability.
  6. Your mod doesn't replace any spells, but adds your own spell to the spell selection screen that coincidentally uses the same description as PfE. Since the spell is not properly configured for a priest spell it will cause some issues in the game itself. Just removing the ADD_SPELL line from your mod should be enough. From your last comment I assume you're using one of the Spell() script actions to cast it. I would suggest to use the SpellRES() version instead. It has the advantage that it doesn't need to be added to SPELL.IDS. Spells added to SPELL.IDS (via ADD_SPELL) are using a fixed naming scheme to be recognized by the spell selection screen: SP<TYPE><LEVEL><ID> (e.g. SP PR 1 17). The ID is simply generated from the next free slot for the requested spell level which happens to be 17 in a clean BG:EE game.
  7. The issue of having a spell called "Wisdom has been raised by 1 permanently" is caused by BG1RE alone. Improved Shamanic Dance has nothing to do with it. Poking a bit around the BG1RE code it looks like that it's installed by the component "The Messenger 2: Rain or Snow or Gloom of Night" via ADD_SPELL as "sppr117.spl" in my game. ADD_SPELL should only be used for spells that should appear in the spell selection screen at character generation or level up. The spell in question sounds more like a quest reward. It also contains several incorrectly set fields which will probably apply some weird or unexpected behavior, including availability for druids and shamans. Removing ADD_SPELL from the installation script should fix this issue.
  8. My tweak idea: Disabled "Party AI" when starting a new game It's basically just a matter of setting Configuration bit 0 (Party AI disabled) in the game's default BALDUR.GAM.
  9. You're right. There is a (patch-only) SPRINTF command available which supports %s, %d and %x format specifiers. However, the command doesn't properly convert negative values into hexadecimal format, always prefixes the result with "0x" and you can't specify minimum number of digits, which forces me to do a lot of editing either way for my purposes.
  10. The majority of my own functions and macros are too specific to be of (general) use. But there is a small number of functions that might be helpful. TO_HEX_NUMBER: A decimal to hexadecimal number converter. May be useful when dealing with IDS or INI files. FIND_FREE_ANIM_SLOT: This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.
  11. You haven't mentioned whether the mod is for the classic games or the Enhanced Editions. In the latter case TIS files are much smaller (several kb instead of MB) and can easily be modified with WeiDU. File format is described in more detail in this post. It's just a matter of adding one or more tile data blocks and providing a small PVRZ file with the new graphics. Theoretically it would also work for the classic games if you don't mind converting the TIS to the new EE format with tile2ee, making your changes and converting it back (with the same tool).
  12. It's not limited to party members, but all creatures with humanoid creatures animations (xxx_LOW animations are restored as non-LOW animations). Monster animations appear to be restored as human clerics though.
  13. I've noticed that setting parameter 2 of opcode 32 (Raise Dead) to nonzero allows you to raise even creatures that died an exploding death. However, the opcode appears to be hardcoded to change the creature animation to a human cleric. It would be perfect for my purposes if there were a way to prevent the animation change.
  14. Using the "Seven Eyes" mechanism is probably too much effort for my spell. I will use this restriction to prevent the spell from becoming too powerful instead.
  15. I've tried increasing personal space with opcode 342 (Override Creature Data) without success. I don't know how to increase selection circle size via opcode (but it would probably look weird to have a goblin running around with a dragon-sized selection circle all of a sudden). If nothing else works I have probably no choice but to adjust the spell description and live with this restriction.
  16. It's a bit more complicated in my case. The spell I'm working on is also using opcode 232 (Cast Spell on Condition) with condition = "Target dies" to trigger some kind of "resurrection" spell as soon as the affected creature dies. However, resurrection doesn't work when a creature dies an exploding death, so I have to somehow prevent this type of death. (Btw, scripts are out of the question.)
  17. I tried opcode 208 (Minimum HP) with param1 set to 0 or -1, but without success (regardless of timing mode). Opcode 295 (Disable permanent death) doesn't appear to work either.
  18. I know that you can prevent exploding death via creature flags. But (afaik) they can only be set at install time. Is there a way to prevent this type of death via effect opcode?
  19. There will most likely be no further progress as long as IWD:EE is still on patch v1.4.
  20. I found an issue in EET which severely weakens the Shaman class. The script BDSHUNSU.BCS which governs the general behavior of all summoned spirits checks for a number of items equipped by the summoner in BGEE/SoD and applies their respective spell effects. However, the BG2EE version does not contain any of these checks. Since EET uses the BG2EE version of the script, items which empower the spirits will be ineffective. (Although I would rather blame Beamdog for providing a simplified script even though some of the items are still available in BG2EE as well.)
  21. I found another issue of BG1 strrefs not adapted to EET. This time in SoD's BD0010.BCS: // in EET: DisplayStringHead("Angry Flaming Fist 1",9989) // Why did you not turn to one of them instead of Shar? DisplayStringHead("Angry Refugee 4",18402) // Valygar is dead, but his body has been destroyed. I cannot do as you ask. // in SoD: DisplayStringHead("Angry Flaming Fist 1",9989) // Nooo! Stay back! DisplayStringHead("Angry Refugee 4",18402) // No one will help me... No one will help... Tested in EET 1.0 RC 8.6.
  22. I haven't read all the posts in this topic, so I don't know if this has already been reported. I noticed that some of the spell variants not available to the player recursively call themselves in an endless loop which can even grind the EEs to a halt eventually (tested SR v4 Beta 14). The following spells (and most likely more) are affected: - SPCRYO01.SPL (Cone of Cold) - SPWISH24.SPL (Meteor Swarm) <- may freeze the game - SPWISH32.SPL (Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting)
  23. That's understandable. The current solution of using additional script blocks is working well enough in this case (with minor quirks). There may also be a way to duplicate dying conditions. I will look into it a bit further.
  24. Regarding your view on Demogorgon's combat script, I'd like to suggest another option how to deal with items dropped by the demon on death. I have played a bit with the script action DropInventory(). It will drop all regular (i.e. droppable) items from the creature's inventory to the ground as it would be automatically done if the creature died normally. Would you consider adding it to the dying sequence in SCS? However, I don't know if there are any mods out there which add droppable items to Demogorgon that are not meant to be dropped (since he never properly dies in an unmodded game). Someone more knowledgeable about (BWS) mega mod installations can probably say more about it.
  25. There appears to be an issue with the component "Improved fiends -> Fiends have about 50 percent more hit points than normal: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility + kreso's Spell Revisions compatibility". From what I could find out it seems to overwrite any changes made by previous mods to the script DEMOGOR2.BCS. You can find out more in this and following posts.
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