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Everything posted by argent77

  1. Thank you, that was very helpful. Since it deals 1d20+3 damage it averages around 10+3 damage. However, it currently adds strength bonus to the damage output. I think that's not really appropriate for a shapeshifting weapon. Without the strength bonus the actual damage output would be more unpredictable and would more suit the nature of this weapon. The dagger is only available in ToB though, so it should stand out somewhat. The bonus damage is more or less taken from PsT. I agree that it's too much for a BG weapon, especially since it becomes available already in early SoA. That was originally Vhailor's weapon in PsT. While in that campaign setting the weapon was probably fueled by Vhailor's strong belief in order, this is not the case in Baldur's Gate. Reducing the weapon's base damage to 1d6+3 would be more sensible. These bolts are limited and/or are available rather late in SoA or ToB. However, outside of some basic tests I haven't really checked how they behave in regular gameplay. I think I'll leave the Bolts of Whistling Doom unchanged, but reduce their availability some more. I agree that damage of the Bolts of Wincing is indeed very high. That is actually the original damage in PsT, but I should tone it down somewhat for BG. For these bolts I admit that I got carried away a bit when I defined their attributes. I based them more on their lore rather than their original attributes in PsT. They are rare though, so I'll probably just make some minor adjustments. Again this weapon uses the original stats from its PsT counterpart, which are quite high (even by PsT standards). It was the personal weapon of a deva after all. I had originally planned to make a 2h weapon, but it ended up as a regular longsword. In the former case the power wouldn't have stood out as much as it does now as a 1h longsword. This is probably the most expensive item available for sale, so it should be somewhat more "special" though. The effects of the box depend quite a bit on the power of the party. It can be worthwhile, or not, depending on when you open it.
  2. Yeah, it's difficult to find the right balance for items that were originally designed for a different universe. But I'm always open for suggestions. Which items do you think should be rebalanced?
  3. Wares of the Planes is a mod that introduces a large number of weapons and accessories from the Planescape universe to the Baldur's Gate series. The items can be purchased from a unique travelling merchant who is available throughout the whole game series. The mod is available for BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE and EET. Version 1.3 introduces a number of new items, including the infamous artifact "Grimoire of Pestilential Thought" from PsT, as well as several exotic magic spells of planar origin. You can grab the mod from the download link below. Download: GitHub Discussion: G3, Beamdog Readme
  4. New release: Wares of the Planes 1.3 This version introduces a number of new items as well as several exotic magic spells of planar origin. A notable artifact for sale is the Grimoire of Pestilential Thought which tempts the owner with wealth and power - for a price. Changelog: Added new items for sale: Grimoire of Pestilential Thought, Cowl of Deepest Shadows, Skeletal Key, Tear of Salieru-Dei Added new spell scrolls for sale: Tasha's Unbearable Derisive Laughter, Modron Mind, Vrock's Screech Fixed a resource name conflict with the "Skip Chateau Irenicus" mod
  5. This issue can be fixed by providing a MOS file for the area. MOS files aren't normally required for EE games anymore since the map overview of an area is dynamically generated by the engine, but it looks like someone forgot to remove all MOS references in the PSTEE engine fork.
  6. As lynx mentioned, the case-sensitivity issue has to be dealt with only once. You might also have to search for an older version of the libssl and libcrypto libraries (or compile them yourself) since many Linux distros don't provide them anymore. But that issue might be solved for you automatically if you install the game through Steam. Also note that there is no Linux version of Project Infinity. I don't know if there is a way to run it in Wine. Apart from that mods are installed just like on Windows. I've noticed that mod installation is generally faster than on Windows, so there are benefits for running the games on Linux.
  7. For BG2EE we have: AR0021.ARE (Crooked Crane 1st floor): Uses AR0004.BCS which looks like an arbitrary script name. Not even the BGEE area (Behren's home) has any similarities. I'd suggest to fix it. AR0315.ARE, AR0316.ARE (1st and 2nd floor of the Cowled Wizard home related to Edwin's quest): Uses AR0006.BCS and AR0007.BCS respectively which also have BGEE counterparts that don't really have any similarities. I'd suggest to fix these, too. AR0707.ARE (Enge's Shop): Uses AR0003.BCS. The BGEE counterpart is just a generic home without any similarities. Should be fixed. AR1603.ARE (Brynnlaw's Shop): Uses AR0001.BCS. There is no BGEE counterpart. Should be fixed. AR1604.ARE (Temple of Umberlee): Uses AR0609.BCS which indicates that the area is a clone of BGEE's Temple of Umberlee. Should be fixed. AR1612.ARE (Brynnlaw - Brothel's kitchen): Uses AR0005.BCS. There is a BGEE area of that name but it doesn't share any similarities. Should be fixed. AR2001.ARE (The Smithy in Trademeet): Uses AR0001.BCS which is also shared by AR1603.ARE. Should definitely be fixed to avoid ambiguities. AR0518.ARE, AR0519.ARE, AR0520.ARE and AR0521.ARE are all cells in the Planar Prison (Haer'Dalis quest) and share the prison's main area script AR0517.BCS. That's probably intended. AR1107.ARE (Ranger Stronghold cabin): Shares the area script with the same cabin when it still was Merella's Cabin (AR1102.BCS). The area script contains code related to the Shadow Temple quest. It's useless for the Stronghold cabin, but may trigger unintentionally if, for some reason, Merella's Journal and Mazzy's notes weren't properly registered before the Shadow Temple quest was completed. I'd suggest to fix it unless there are mod conflicts. OH8100.ARE (BP2 Staging Area): Uses OHBHUB.BCS. Should work as intended. OH8200.ARE, OH8300.ARE and OH8400.ARE (BP2 Arenas) all share the same script OHBARE1.BCS which is probably intended. OH9000.ARE and OH9100.ARE refer to BP2 area scripts. That's either intended or the areas are unused. I've never completed BP2, so I can't say for certain.
  8. Are there mods that depend on a static list of area script names? Ideally mods should read the area script name from the ARE resource itself to be on the safe side. That's why I think the biggest issue are areas with empty script references, which should definitely be fixed by EEFP. However, areas with references to differently named script names can be confusing or even create conflicts if they point to potentially valid area names. For example, BG2EE's AR1604.ARE (Umberlee's Temple) refers to AR0609.BCS. That sounds like a leftover from a BGEE area and should (imo) be fixed.
  9. Many ARE resources reference area scripts which either don't exist or have different names (or both). In some cases they don't reference area scripts at all. At least some of these cases should be addressed by EEFP. I have categorized these issues as: Empty script reference: Should be fixed Non-existing script with different name: Should probably be fixed Existing script with different name: Should be decided on a case-by-case basis Non-existing script: Probably not an issue BGEE: BG2EE: IWDEE: No issues. PSTEE:
  10. The biggest weakness of the PVRZ-based compression format are low-contrast regions with subtle color changes or gradients where you could indeed notice some blockiness or color banding (which the tileset of the area in question has in abundance). It's not as noticeable in original BG areas because water is usually overlaid with animated tiles. The compression format was originally designed to compress textures for 3d models where the dynamic lighting of a scene conseals the weaknesses somewhat. You could probably reduce this effect by adding artificial contrast in some way (e.g. adding more waves or reflections to the water regions).
  11. These artifacts have nothing to do with compression. The original tileset from oIWD is already very bad and blocky. The recompressed version in IWDEE doesn't degrade quality further. It's not possible to adjust PVRZ compression quality in NI. The compression routine already uses the highest quality algorithm possible. There will always be a small (and most of the time unnoticeable) loss of quality involved since the compression format uses a 16-bit color format for their anchor points and interpolates the remaining pixels of a 4x4 block by a complicated formula.
  12. The READ_ASCII command is incomplete. It needs an explicit string size argument and the keyword NULL to instruct WeiDU to read a null-terminated string. Otherwise it would also read all remaining null-bytes to meet the specified string size. READ_ASCII (cont_off + (i * 0xc0)) cont_name (32) NULL
  13. It's not enough to make the .command file executable. You'd have to do that to the actual setup binary as well: chmod +x setup-cdtweaks
  14. Not anymore. EET installs post-processed cinematics to reduce blockiness. Some of them also make use of the MVESND.2DA feature to provide multi-language support without wasting too much modding space. It doesn't restore the original chapter backgrounds though (iirc).
  15. You might want to look at the "a7_clone_2da_entry" function in this commit for the EEFP how it could be done. It deals with adding new 2DA entries as well as updating existing entries: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/EE_Fixpack/pull/101/files That's nothing COPY_EXISTING can't handle.
  16. It will find you if you play a bit with the modron cube. On a more serious note, you did encounter some rogue modrons in the Planar Sphere? Otherwise, it sounds like a mod conflict.
  17. [ToB] Rasaad's ToB quest should not allow you to skip the Oasis map by travelling to Amkethran via Deepstone Clanhold The Deepstone Clanhold map is revealed by an event that can be triggered any time after leaving Saradush. When Amkethran is revealed on the worldmap after defeating Yaga-Shura it is possible to travel to Amkethran via Deepstone Clanhold (OH4200) without having to enter the Oasis. Edit: The same is true if you proceed with Neera's ToB quest. It is possible to bypass the Oasis via the Clearing (OH6400).
  18. The FOG_TYPE variable is hardcoded to select a custom fog definition for an area. However, it has been implemented in a buggy way. See this comment for more details: The SoD base game uses FOG_TYPE in several instances. Since it's already used pretty early in the main plot it overrides many other fog definitions which will therefore not function as intended anymore. Usage: Coast Way Crossing (BD1000): FOG_TYPE is set by the cutscene that is executed when the bridge is destroyed by Caelar's troups to simulate smoke. This map also has a 20% chance to generate generic fog before the bridge event happens. Removing FOG_TYPE would result in losing this generic fog completely. Ambush area (BD6100): FOG_TYPE is set to enable the mist effect when the party is ambushed by the Shadow Thieves at the end of SoD when you flee from Baldur's Gate. Removing FOG_TYPE should not have any side effects. Would a fix like this be suitable for EEFP?
  19. I can't check this repo out on Windows either. It was most likely introduced by @CamDawg's commit 32b38cf. It looks like the commit you mentioned tried to fix this issue but didn't fully succeed. From what I get from this Stack Overflow answer if the content of a fake-symlink file is changed without changing its mode from "symlink" back to "regular file" it is made as a blob that can't be extracted on an OS with real symlinks. The SO answer also provides some clues how to fix it.
  20. There is another bug in the implementation of the fog feature. The tables FOGAREA.2DA and FOGPT.2DA are responsible for defining visual characteristics and dynamics of the fog by using area resrefs or numeric indices as labels. Entries defined by area resrefs are automatically used by the respective area if fog probability is non-zero or fog is forced by script. However, the game also provides a hardcoded global variable "FOG_TYPE" which can be used to override fog definitions with entries that are labeled by numeric indices. The problem is that there is no way to reset this variable for the rest of the game once this variable is set. Even setting it to 0 or another invalid index doesn't work. Bubb confirmed that the code (erroneously) checks only for the existence of the variable to enable this override. SoD uses this override feature very early in the plot - in Coast Way Crossing to simulate smoke after the bridge is destroyed by a scripted event. Every map afterwards that uses fog will therefore use incorrect fog definitions. This bug affects mods but also vanilla areas in SoD.
  21. Ironically Roxanne's mod manager is called "EE Mod Setup" (without T), but that didn't stop people confusing it with EET.
  22. When does one see such error messages? In the Terminal when installing? Game startup? In a crash log after quitting the game? These messages should be visible if you run the game from the terminal/console (or if you redirect error output to a file). Sometimes they are also shown in a small error dialog. Some of the lua files are definitely added by mods, probably some very specific chinese mods (e.g. the only instance of M_HEITI.lua I could find is in this forum post).
  23. They look like Lua syntax errors. This one even seems to have a typo in the variable name (fountcolors -> fontcolors).
  24. [BG2] Neera's comment when arriving in the Underdark is inappropriate if you take the route through the Sahuagin City This is Neera's line when she comments the party's arrival in the Underdark: This is out of character even for Neera (and rather immersion-breaking) if the party chose to go with Saemon Havarian instead of using the portal in Spellhold.
  25. Soul Eater also exists in IWDEE (SPWI631.SPL). It basically uses op326 with target GENERAL>DEAD to apply a subspell.
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