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Everything posted by argent77

  1. Since only automatic saves appear to be affected you could open the override folder of the game and look for a file called SAVENAME.2DA. Move it somewhere outside of the game folder and see if it fixes your issue.
  2. That appears to be a standard error message that always pops up if the game cannot save the game for a variety of reasons. Did you install the mod on BGEE with SoD? In that case you have to install DLC Merger as the very first mod before installing anything else.
  3. These are most likely binaries for macOS or Linux. You can ignore or delete them on Windows.
  4. PSTEE doesn't provide all the features of the BGEE engine. WBM support may be one of them. I haven't seen any instances of background animations using PVRZ in the games yet. But I can imagine that it might be useful if you need a static image as background animation.
  5. Except in the case of reinstallation, mod order is actually irrelevant for this mod. The recommended lighting preset should be good enough if you're unsure what to choose. There is usually no need to change the lighting settings once it is installed.
  6. This component modifies stack size only if the chosen size is greater than the original size. Ammo stack size in vanilla EE games is already 80, so setting it to 40 or 80 doesn't change anything. Component description in the readme is somewhat vague in this respect, as the only hint can be found in the component name.
  7. #BONECIR.SPL contains an illegal signature in the unmodified game ("SPL\x03V1 " instead of "SPL V1 "). It is possible that some mod tried to "fix" this issue by removing this unused resource from the game.
  8. I'm not sure if these issues count as bugs that should be fixed by EEFP. They are definitely annoying though. 1. Some portal activation scripts in PSTEE use HarmlessEntered([PC]) instead of HarmlessEntered(Player1) to trigger portal-related dialogs, which causes the dialog to trigger for each party member individually that enters the trigger region unless they all enter in the same script round. I'd suggest to change all these instances to HarmlessEntered(Player1) unless there's a good reason that someone else than TNO should trigger a portal. Affected scripts: 0101PRT1.BCS, 1000PORT.BCS, 1500LIPS.BCS, TO0610A.BCS, TO0610B.BCS 2. The portal activation scripts from and to the secret area in Ravel's Maze are coded so that when you arrive at the destination the dialog for activating the portal back to the source are triggered immediately. With a bigger party this dialog can be triggered multiple times when you try to move away from the portal. Adding a small delay to the trigger script could fix this issue. Affected scripts: TO0610A.BCS, TO0610B.BCS Suggestions?
  9. Yes. The ALWAYS block is executed for each component separately. This is necessary since the user may choose to install both components at once or each component by a separate WeiDU call. ACTION_READLN only allows the user to enter data. It doesn't directly solve the problem of sharing data between components. To forward array data from one component to another you could use text files with the array content. Another (and probably better) option would be to generate a WeiDU script file (.tph) dynamically by component 1 with the updated array definition that can then be INCLUDEd by component 2 if it exists.
  10. Spellhold Studios Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate is a port of the Icewind Dale expansion for the Baldur's Gate series. It is available for BG2:EE, SoD and EET. Version 4.3 adds Simplified Chinese translation to the mod, by Lewis Liu. You can grab the latest release from the download links below. Download: GitHub Forums: SHS, Beamdog Readme
  11. Magic Store of Vergadain The mod allows you to acquire a magical artifact called "Magic Store of Vergadain" that provides the means to visit any store you have visited in the past. Getting your hands on this unique artifact involves a small quest of one kind or another. It is available for original BG2, Tutu, BGT, BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE. Version 4.0 adds a new subcomponent to tweak the Magic Store artifact and updates French and Polish translations. Download: GitHub Discussion: G3, Beamdog Readme
  12. New release: Magic Store of Vergadain 4.0 Changes: Added a new subcomponent that allows you to tweak number and type of the Magic Store item charges Updated French translation (thanks JohnBob) Updated Polish translation
  13. Spellhold Studios Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options This is a mod for all Enhanced Edition games that adds a great number of useful options directly to the game's options menu. These options include the (in)famous debug console, various convenience and graphics options and many more. Version 4.6 updates the Simplified Chinese translation and Project Infinity metadata. Links: Forums: SHS, Beamdog Download: SHS, GitHub Readme
  14. Chaos Sorcerer Kit The Chaos Sorcerer is a unique sorcerer kit, inspired by the "Wild Mage" specialization for mages. Version 2.9 provides a translation update for the French language. Links: Download Forums: Beamdog, SHS Readme
  15. This error seems to be originally caused by TA's subcomponent "More Interjections". The issue can be reproduced by Installing "More Interjections" Reinstalling "More Interjections" @CamDawg More specifically, it's caused by this code. My guess is that the IDS table isn't properly reloaded by WeiDU between the uninstallation and (re-)installation step. Possibly a WeiDU bug? As a workaround I could fix it by adding CLEAR_IDS_MAP as the first action to the subcomponent before everything else. @Proclaim_TV To fix it locally open the file "cdtweaks\setup-cdtweaks.tp2" in your game directory with a text editor. Jump to line 1274 or search for the string "LABEL ~cd_tweaks_more_interjections~" (without the quotes). Right after that line insert a new line with this command: CLEAR_IDS_MAP and save the file. It should (hopefully) fix this issue when you install or reinstall more mod components.
  16. Yes, I noticed after posting that code snippet. I've added a note to the comment.
  17. That'll probably work too in most cases. However, it might fail with an error if the dialog.tlk size is >16 MB because of (32-bit) WeiDU restrictions. It may also miss strings added by the current installation process since I'm not sure whether WeiDU writes them immediately to disk or just caches them in memory until the installation is complete.
  18. The EET mod compatibility list still lists BG1-UB as a BGEE-only mod, which means that it has to be installed on BGEE before EET is installed.
  19. This is a small function that could come in handy to determine the string count in the dialog.tlk. It uses a constant (and small) number of iterations to determine the string count regardless of the actual dialog.tlk size. Code: Update: The WeiDU command NEXT_STRREF seems to provide the same functionality as this function. I leave it here for educational purposes.
  20. According to the attached debug file it looks like EET could not create a desktop shortcut for the EET game. This is a purely optional feature of EET which (imo) shouldn't have been added to EET in the first place since it's prone to failure. You can either run setup-EET.exe from the command line with an additional argument that skips desktop shortcut creation: setup-EET.exe --args s Or you could open EET\EET.tp2 in a text editor, scroll all the way down and remove everything starting with the line ACTION_IF (~%argv[0]%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~[Ss]~ = 0) BEGIN and everything afterwards. This will remove the shortcut creation from the mod.
  21. According to NI's Advanced Search I could find in BGEE+SoD+BP: - 264 detectable traps - 436 locked containers - 64 locked doors in BG2EE+BP2: - 188 detectable traps - 318 locked containers - 46 locked doors In BGEE the XP bonus would be negligible. In BG2EE that would be a bonus of more than 1M XP when unlocked/disarmed by thieves of level 16 or higher. However, these numbers include all campaigns and NPC/Quest-specific areas.
  22. The macOS version gives me the biggest headache. Mostly because there is no way to associate file types with the app without signing abilities but also because of the increasing number of restrictions Apple adds to each new macOS version. Moreover my macOS testing capabilities are limited to the version that can still run as VM on my system (currently Monterey). I'll look into it. In the worst case I have to remove the portable version for macOS. The Open File dialog was an attempt to quickly choose a mod for installation. But I can see that it might be confusing for the user when it pops up for the first time. I'll see if there is anything that can be improved.
  23. Good catch. It was caused by an existing bug that was dormant until now but had been exposed by the improved table padding algorithm. It was the result of an unintentional use of the same array name in two different functions. Issue has been fixed in ADD_KIT_EX v0.6.2.
  24. No, the creature doesn't appear to be immune to any weapon enchantments. However, a Mirror Image effect is triggered whenever it is attacked. Maybe you're just unlucky and always hit the image.
  25. @Dan_P ADD_KIT_EX has been updated to v0.6.1 which fixes the issues mentioned in this topic.
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