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Everything posted by argent77

  1. WeiDU caches strings (and other stuff) internally for performance reasons. Reading or modifying the dialog.tlk externally while a mod installation is in progress may not work as intended.
  2. Thank you. I agree that the portrait style doesn't really fit into the BG environment. I'm already working on a more suitable alternative. My Photoshop skills aren't the very best though, so we'll see how it turns out.
  3. That's a good example how deceiving ChatGPT's answers can be. At first glance this script looks plausible (except for two glaring syntax errors), but the code itself is nonsense and looks more like a mishmash from several different (and unrelated) mod scripts.
  4. It should work fine if the "data" folder is specified in the path definitions in Torment.ini (or maybe *not* specified in your case) rather than hardcoded directly in the chitin.key.
  5. I don't know if or how the GOG version is different, but in my oPST (disc) version all biff files can either be found in the root directory or the "CDALL" subfolder. Whether the game (and NI) can find them depends on the path definitions in Torment.ini and how biff files are referenced in the chitin.key.
  6. This is a new mod that introduces a large number of weapons and accessories from Planescape: Torment to the Baldur's Gate series. The items can be purchased from a unique travelling merchant who is available throughout the whole game series. It is available for BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE and EET. As of version 1.0, the travelling merchant offers a total of 17 Daggers 10 Battle Axes 9 different types of Bolts 5 War Hammers 5 Clubs 4 Maces 1 Morning Star 1 Long Sword 10 Rings 7 Earrings (can be equipped in the Amulets slot) 6 Bracelets (can be equipped in the Bracers/Gauntlets slot) 1 Wand several miscellaneous items a unique quest-related artifact and a pet You can grab the mod from the download link below. Download: GitHub Discussion: G3, Beamdog Readme
  7. Wares of the Planes Download from GitHub Readme Overview This mod introduces a large number of weapons and accessories from the Planescape universe to the Baldur's Gate series. The items can be purchased from a unique travelling merchant who is available throughout the whole game. Several items have been slightly altered to fit better into the BG series since items from the Planescape universe are generally more powerful and unique than their Forgotten Realms counterparts. The mod is available for BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE and EET. The travelling merchant offers a total of 17 Daggers 10 Battle Axes 9 different types of Bolts 5 War Hammers 5 Clubs 4 Maces 1 Morning Star 2 Long Swords 2 Bastard Sword 2 Scimitars 10 Rings 7 Earrings (can be equipped in the Amulets slot) 7 Bracelets (can be equipped in the Bracers/Gauntlets slot) 2 Wands 3 Spell Scrolls several miscellaneous items a unique quest-related artifact and a pet for sale. As the items vary greatly in power, they are only gradually made available as the main story of the game progresses. Detailed descriptions of available items are listed here: item-descriptions.txt Note: It is not necessary to start a new game after installing the mod. Screenshots
  8. Both versions work equally fine, but the first version looks cleaner, imo.
  9. Square brackets and period characters have special meanings in regular expressions and must be escaped if you want to match them directly. But since your search strings don't contain any special regular expression features I'd suggest to add the EXACT_MATCH flag to the REPLACE_TEXTUALLY instances instead. ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~garan.dlg~ BEGIN //Replace Summoned Ankhegs with Remorhaz COPY_EXISTING ~garan.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~"ankheg",[912.1057],S~ ~"remorha",[912.1057],S~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~"ankheg",[822.1029],S~ ~"remorha",[822.1029],S~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~"ankheg",[1198.1011],S~ ~"remorha",[1198.1011],S~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~"ankheg",[1220.1172],S~ ~"dtkremor",[1220.1172],S~ END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES END
  10. That is certainly possible and already actively used for certain tasks, e.g. for converting tilesets. More general operations, like patching game resources, requires more effort though to keep it consistent with WeiDU's backup and caching mechanisms.
  11. I'm surprised nobody noticed this before: [All games] Script action `ChangeStoreMarkup(S:Store*,I:BuyMarkup*,I:SellMarkup*)` is defined with a wrong parameter order "BuyMarkup" and "SellMarkup" should switch places to work as intended. This can be experienced with Jegg Hillcarver in Bridgefort (SoD). If you choose a friendly/sympathetic reply she will lower her store prices a bit for you. But with the incorrect parameter order her store's selling price is actually lower than her purchase price, which allows you to make a profit just by buying and selling the same item in her store.
  12. This appears to be an EET-specific mod error. It looks like a Lua scripting error where a command is unable to open the file "weidu.conf" for reading in the BGEE game directory. I could reproduce the same error when I manually removed user access privileges from the file. Could you check whether the file "weidu.conf" exists in the BGEE game directory and can be opened with a regular text editor?
  13. Spellhold Studios Afaaq, the Djinni Companion Afaaq, the Djinni Companion is a mod for BG2, BGT, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE. It features the djinni Afaaq, a unique travelling companion who joins the party as your "seventh party member" and provides interesting dialogs, lots of quests and several new areas or area expansions. Version 2.10 adds Simplified Chinese translation, by Lewis Liu, and some minor bugfixes. You can grab the latest release from the download links below. Links: Forums: SHS, Beamdog Downloads: SHS, GitHub Readme
  14. Spellhold Studios Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options This is a mod for all Enhanced Edition games that adds a great number of useful options directly to the game's options menu. These options include the (in)famous debug console, various convenience and graphics options and many more. Version 4.7 fixes potential placement issues with the frame rate slider if Dragonspear UI++ is installed. Links: Forums: SHS, Beamdog Download: SHS, GitHub Readme
  15. Improved Archer Kit This mod makes an attempt to rebalance the Archer kit. It adjusts overall power and adds several unique skills and abilities to the kits. Moreover, it offers similar kits for the fighter, thief and paladin classes. Version 4.3 adds Simplified Chinese translation, by Lewis Liu. You can grab the latest release from the download link below. Links: Forums: Beamdog, SHS Download: GitHub Readme
  16. Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs This mod allows you to tweak various aspects of the new Beamdog NPCs for BG:EE, SoD and BG2:EE to your comfort level. Version 4.6 allows more control over Caelar Argent in the final SoD boss battle and provides an option to customize her class or kit. You can grab the latest release from the download link below. Links: Forums: SHS, Beamdog Downloads: GitHub Readme
  17. Magic Store of Vergadain The mod allows you to acquire a magical artifact called "Magic Store of Vergadain" that provides the means to visit any store you have visited in the past. Getting your hands on this unique artifact involves a small quest of one kind or another. It is available for original BG2, Tutu, BGT, BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE. Version 4.1 adds Simplified Chinese translation to the mod, by Lewis Liu, and updates Russian translation. Download: GitHub Discussion: G3, Beamdog Readme
  18. New release: Magic Store of Vergadain 4.1 Changes: Added Simplified Chinese translation (thanks Lewis Liu) Updated Russian translation
  19. No need for mods if you play IWD. There are Translocation Arrows which basically do what you have in mind.
  20. Another hardcoded issue concerns probability ranges rolled for item or spell effects. The engine rolls effect probabilities individually based on the target. As a consequence it is not directly possible to synchronize effects with probability subranges that are applied to different targets (e.g. the primary target and the caster). These are Bubb's remarks on this subject (originally posted on Discord):
  21. This warning probably comes a little late, but forcibly quitting a WeiDU mod installation will almost always cause trouble since it prevents WeiDU from performing important cleanup operations at the end of the installation. However, if you're adventurous you could manually add the entries of the installed components to the WeiDU.log, so that the installer can pick them up and provide uninstall options. No guarantee that it works though, and it probably works only correctly if you didn't installed any mods afterwards. The general scheme is ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #x where x indicates the designated number of the installed component. If you don't know exactly which components were installed then you can look them up in the "weidu_external\cdtweaks\backup" folder. For each installed component there should be a subfolder with the name of the component number.
  22. It could be. But then Beamdog must have tinkered with the implementation. That bug doesn't exist in oBG2.
  23. It looks like there is an engine bug with global NPCs who never joined the party yet. If they gain an item in their inventory (by script or otherwise) then the item will be gone when you leave and reenter the map. This behavior is only reproducible for NPCs who were made global statically in the game's default BALDUR.GAM file (which concerns basically all original Bioware NPCs.) The new Beamdog NPCs and (most) modded NPCs are not affected since they use "MakeGlobal()" instead. One consequence of that bug can be encountered in a Ding0's Quest Pack, "Additional Shadow Thieves Content" component, where the expanded Mae'Var quest doesn't work out as intended if you choose to betray Edwin.
  24. @DavidW It's caused by an incorrect resource reference for rangers in start_at_level_one.tpa. To fix it change "resref=SKILLSHM" to "resref=SKILLRNG".
  25. [BG2EE] Cowled Enforcers should not turn on themselves The combat scripts of several cowled enforcers are set up to cast hostile spells on their own members. I have identified several script blocks which probably need an update. COWENF01.BCS: COWENF02.BCS:
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