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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. I plan on providing an alternative Remove Magic via an .ini setting sometime within the next week, and eventually a not as extreme Dispel Magic (5/5 instead of 5/10), but that's a bit farther off due to its complexity. Implemented Mike's safer macros.
  2. That too, thanks. @subtledoctor It actually wasn't that bad to do IR -> SR instead, once I realized it would actually help get rid of the majority of my patches - though I should note that the majority of my spell-like abilities in IRR are already SR-ized. This is what ended up being the totality of my SRR-for-IRR patches: ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~ir_mc.mrk~) THEN BEGIN LOAD_TRA ~spell_rev/languages/english/item_revisions.tra~ ACTION_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED (~SPELL.IDS~ ~[ %TAB%]CLERIC_POLYMORPH_OTHER[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]~)) BEGIN // Periapt of Form Stability Druid Polymorph Other LAF RES_NUM_OF_SPELL_NAME STR_VAR spell_name = ~CLERIC_POLYMORPH_OTHER~ RET spell_res END OUTER_SPRINT ~polymorph_other~ ~%spell_res%~ ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~amul24.itm~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~amul24.itm~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~sppr420~ ~%polymorph_other%~ END END COPY_EXISTING ~brac23.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1308 COPY_EXISTING ~hamm03.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1550 COPY_EXISTING ~hamm11.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1566 COPY_EXISTING ~misc3a8.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1699 COPY_EXISTING ~misc3h.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1714 COPY_EXISTING ~misc3l.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1723 COPY_EXISTING ~npshld.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1805 COPY_EXISTING ~slng06.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @1932 COPY_EXISTING ~staf22.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @2049 COPY_EXISTING ~sw1h65.itm~ ~override~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC @2162 ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~brac23.spl~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~brac23.spl~ ~override~ // Righteous Fury SAY NAME1 @4012 END ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~npshld.spl~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~npshld.spl~ ~override~ // Protection from Missiles SAY NAME1 @4033 END ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~sw1h65.spl~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~sw1h65.spl~ ~override~ // Draw Upon Holy Might SAY NAME2 @4073 END ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~misc3l.spl~) THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~misc3l.spl~ ~override~ // Silence SAY NAME1 @4104 END COPY ~spell_rev\item_rev\dvbram.spl~ ~override~ COPY ~spell_rev\item_rev\dvmcure.spl~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 @177 COPY ~spell_rev\item_rev\dvpexpl.spl~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 @4014 COPY ~spell_rev\item_rev\dvreson.spl~ ~override~ COPY ~spell_rev\item_rev\dvsburst.spl~ ~override~ COPY ~spell_rev\item_rev\hamm11.spl~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 @163 END Much better than the thousand line nightmare that it was in IRR. One thing I don't know how to fix yet is re-stringing item extended headers outside of the framework of IR, though - so for example, Anomen's shield will say "Protection from Normal Missiles" when you mouse over the ability instead of the actual cast spell, which is "Protection from Missiles". There's only a handful like that that need minor corrections, which I'll...try to figure out some other time. I think one of the other things that I did back when I first was doing this that complicated everything was that I was installing Store Revisions right after the main component for Item Revisions, which is a terrible idea if you're using SR because it has SR-centric stuff, and so should be installed after SR. I do hate splitting up the installation of components into different chunks, but at this point, it's rather kind of necessary. (e): Actually, I lied - I added a chunk of IRR resources to the Spell Deflection and Haste/Slow .tpas, too, but overall, not too bad. ...And also, I don't think this is BG1EE-friendly, so I guess I'll have to fix that, too. Sigh...
  3. (Post duplicated from the SRR thread) I have completed the transition of installing IR first and then SR second in the last github repository. I will be doing a full release with a proper version number increment for both IRR and SRR once I have finalized compatibility between these two and 1pp as well, with fuller instructions to follow. For the time being, if you're installing the very latest repositories, it should be: Main component of IR. Main component of SR. (Non-EE only): Except for the avatar-switching script component, all of 1pp v4.1.0 with my 1pp fixes (NOT v4.2.0 - full v4.2.0 compatibility without any need for my fixes will be forthcoming in the near future). EE games do not need 1pp or to heed this step. The rest of SR after any other spell-adding components that aren't SCS and CDTweaks (i.e. all the other components should always be before SCS and CDTweaks). The rest of IR after any other item-adding components (but like above, before SCS and CDTweaks - SCS and CDTweaks should be installed after all "content" components, which should be pretty late into your install). Note that the order of #4 and #5 do not actually matter in relation to each other - you can do IR's secondary components first or SR's secondary components first, it shouldn't matter, so long as they are after other content-adding mods.
  4. And on that note, I have completed the transition of installing IR first and then SR second in the last github repository. I will be doing a full release with a proper version number increment for both IRR and SRR once I have finalized compatibility between these two and 1pp as well, with fuller instructions to follow. For the time being, if you're installing the very latest repositories, it should be: Main component of IR. Main component of SR. (Non-EE only): Except for the avatar-switching script component, all of 1pp v4.1.0 with my 1pp fixes (NOT v4.2.0 - full v4.2.0 compatibility without any need for my fixes will be forthcoming in the near future). EE games do not need 1pp or to heed this step. The rest of SR after any other spell-adding components that aren't SCS and CDTweaks (i.e. all the other components should always be before SCS and CDTweaks). The rest of IR after any other item-adding components (but like above, before SCS and CDTweaks - SCS and CDTweaks should be installed after all "content" components, which should be pretty late into your install). Note that the order of #4 and #5 do not actually matter in relation to each other - you can do IR's secondary components first or SR's secondary components first, it shouldn't matter, so long as they are after other content-adding mods.
  5. Yeah, it would - but for the time being, the current 5/10 system would continue to exist until I get around to it, and doesn't really affect the change of Remove Magic.
  6. It's Baldur.lua in [User]\My Documents\[Game] for EE games instead.
  7. Think you've got it handled, pal.
  8. Yeah, I'm having trouble conceptualizing how to balance it as well: 1 per 5 levels may be too much considering there are only so many protections you'd realistically use at once as a player (at the most extreme, if you were a mage-cleric, you might be running combat protections Mage Armor, Shield, Armor of Faith, Stoneskin, Physical Mirror, and one of PfMW/Mantle/Absolutely Immunity, which is 6...a single Remove Magic from a lich would destroy all of that in one go at 5x per level)...and on the other side, the AI doesn't tend to just stack a huge amount of them on either, which means you want to limit its effectiveness for the player's sake as well. One other interesting facet of making Remove Magic target specifically specific and combat protections a la Breach is that some buffs from the party, such as Bless or Defensive Harmony, will no longer ever be dispelled, as they are neither specific or combat protections. Guess I'm throwing that in the trash.
  9. That's exactly what I thought, but I haven't played BG2 in a while so I couldn't remember for certain. I knew there was a reason I converted the SR clerical Dispel Magic to Remove Magic...although, uh, I guess I don't know if SCS bothers to ever make clerics use the clerical Dispel Magic. (e): You did mean "party-unfriendly" (i.e. could affect themselves), right?
  10. At 5% per, that's...18 effects per level (presumably 5% lower limit, 95% upper limit), and around 40 extended headers, and you'd need to fix the dice limitations every time you make a new header. Sounds kind of terrible to make regardless of whether you make it through weidu or doing it via a prebuilt .spl. Do SCS triggers and stuff usually use Remove Magic or Dispel Magic, out of curiosity? @Salk So I'm having a thought here - why not split up Dispel Magic and Remove Magic conceptually? Remove Magic targets enemies only and does the 1x combat and specific protection per 5 levels, while Dispel Magic continues to be wholesale (dispel everything + targets friendlies and enemies) but works at 50% +/- 5% up/down.
  11. A whole lot of extended headers, percentiles, and hit-dice limitations. Not fun.
  12. My feedback was more on Subtledoctor's idea than polytrope's. Personally, for the old way of Dispel Magic, I'd be pretty content to just make it 5% both ways instead of 5% up and 10% down. For Subtledoctor's idea, the "1x combat & specific protection per 5 levels" seems like a solid enough starting point to at least test the concept.
  13. Ah, didn't expect them to regenerate while down, that makes sense. I usually try to time it just right so I can use one Burning Hands for 2-3 wolves - that would make sense why some won't die when I do that.
  14. Will do. Also, already 'got' Potion of Speed, but I haven't uploaded it to github, due to needing to actually set up a game to test the solution, .
  15. How many hitpoints do dread wolf have when they're down? I feel like whatever it is, it has to be too much, since I've had them live through 7th level Burning Hands and there aren't enough sources of fire in BG1 for this to be a particularly fun mechanic when a Burning Hands isn't killing them. I've just started to accept that I'll have to kill them twice, and that's a bit annoying. The Ulcaster dungeon was otherwise pretty good except for that - the burning bones guys were pretty hurtful, but there were only two so not too horrible; I was just losing my patience because of those dread wolves.
  16. He's been repeating the same tired line over and over for a few different mods the past few years for very vague reasons, I'm not sure it's worth arguing about at this point. @Prof Errata If I'm not mistaken, only Mike has the authority to do what you're asking, and he has already given you a definitive "no". Do what you want with your mod, quit pestering other people with pointless trivialities about theirs.
  17. The correct order for the time being is still SRR -> IRR -> SCS. It's possible this order may change when I update IRR for the new 1pp version, which will require a sizable update in order to fix, including a number of things that will overlap with how I handle compatibility between IRR, SRR, 1pp, and the EEs, so I might well change it then.
  18. I think Kreso's Haste/Slow code dynamically detects anything with Haste/Slow effects, so if SR is installed after, there's no need to do even that. For IRR, I'd wager it's...probably in the 20-30 area for spell-like abilities. I don't know for IR.
  19. I do patch Potion of Speed (among other IR items) to dispel the slow effects, but it looks like it's sensitive to where it's inserted, which is ironically something subtledoctor just ran into with literally Haste and Slow just a couple of days ago for his tweak of them. I'll have to figure out how to insert it at the beginning of each spell to make sure it actually works correctly. @subtledoctor That's, uh...complicated to answer. Honestly, if I was doing everything all over, I think I'd go IR first, SR second (and actually, at one point, I had planned to reverse it, but it's just too much work) - as it is, I have like a million patches (literally hundreds of KBs' worth!) that make everything function correctly, and even then, not everything always does! But not having to fix the global patching stuff on an individual basis sure would be nice. The problems with IR -> SR seem much more minor: 1. Fix like a handful of descriptions for new spell names/functions. I think I once saw someone code up a clever way of dynamically grabbing any given item's description to do text re-writes, though I don't remember where that was used. This would make solving this problem very easy. 2. Update/clone spell-like item abilities that use their own specific resources and NOT the base resource (most arcane-casting items, in other words - important for SoA because getting constant Cowled Wizard triggers for item abilities is annoying as hell). Alternatively, just have IR assume that SR is always going to be installed and say "screw it" to all the people who don't use both - they can live with a few spells not doing exactly what they did in vanilla - but this isn't how it's done currently in IR, which is an annoyance. 3. ...Is that it? That might be it. Fix temples' Dispel Magic since SR's Dispel Magic can't target non-enemies? There might be some other minor things, but those are the major points. If I was a good weidu coder, it certainly seems like it'd be a lot easier to do it this way than what I did.
  20. I misread your "is it supposed" as "it is supposed", whoops. But regardless, not something handled by IR/R, . I looked at both Voidsword and Voidhammer from BG2EE, and both of them have their proficiencies set correctly, so I'm not really sure.
  21. "Hold Undead and Control Undead bypass magic resistance" I see you finally converted on this idea! "Dwarven Thrower" ...This wasn't really still only usable by Dwarves in IR, was it? I don't remember changing that, but it hasn't been that way for years with IRR. "Cure Spells Bypass Deflection" Aw yeah, thanks, pal. Although funnily, yesterday (or was it the day before?), I was using Cure Wounds spells on Kahrk to try to wear down his Spell Deflection. It was unsuccessful because then his Globes of Invulnerability kicked in, but I did try.
  22. So it took ten minutes to add in GemRB, and a few days to add without even being able to see the source code via EEex. Hmm.
  23. Voidhammer is not handled by IRR (and nor are any named SOD/BG2EE items), so any bugs with it would be with the original item. On a side-note, the description on the wiki simply says *strength* bonuses do not apply, not proficiency.
  24. Didn't see anything wrong with your patching (not that, uh, I'm a weidu expert or nothing, but I didn't see any inconsistencies), so I decided the only thing to do was actually run it and look at what it created. A cursory glance at both spells showed that your 221 and 226 opcodes weren't being added in the same order or places on both spells, and that Slow had a 324 opcode at the very beginning of the spell (which Hsate doesn't), which I just moved to being after your 221 and 226 opcodes and it magically started working.
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