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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Wouldn't it be...literally none? Armor disables spellcasting entirely in the vanilla game, so no enemies expected to use arcane spellcasting should have armor equipped.
  2. Zipping files was just an aside to me for archiving the game, not to do with fixing anything. Yeah, it should only be the icewind.ini. The others are...to do with...like controls and maybe something else, IIRC. When you do a full game install via the CD, this just means the files are transferred from the CD into the game directory so that the files can be read off of your hard drive instead of the CD-ROM (CD/DVD drives are horribly slow). As for making the game no-CD, uhh, I don't think so, I just have a program that removes the CD check from all the Infinity Engine games (although it requires doing a full install, of course, as otherwise there'd be missing files).
  3. No doubt - because I never installed the game on this Windows format. However, as established, it's an unnecessary problem to fix, since the game works perfectly fine without, . @WinRAR: I'll take your word for it, Jarno, but nevertheless, I think I'll stick with 7zip.
  4. @Jarno Mikkola @pochesun No, actually, this was my fault, and this was coincidentally the target of the the patch I previously mentioned. I did not even see that error in your previous image - all I saw was "sppr735.itm not found" (and the DEBUG file shows it is actually 731, which is a real file). So that should be fixed with the newest 1.2.4. As for your install order, that's correct, .
  5. Okay, so for example, my Icewind Dale folder is located in D:\Icewind Dale\Icewind Dale (...because Icewind Dale II is in the first Icewind Dale folder, and I love nested, organizational folders). I change the second Icewind Dale to be "Icewind Dale1", and try to launch IDMain.exe (Icewind Dale 1 doesn't have a launcher .exe - now that I think about it, I think only BG1 and BG2 do): I get an assertion error and it fails to launch. In the Icewind Dale directory, there is a "icewind.ini" file - if you open it up with a plaintext editor (e.g. Notepad), you'll see the "HD0=[path]", "CD1=[path]" lines under Alias. You'll note that the paths specified go to your previous location of the game directory - change all of them to the new one, save, and launching IDMain.exe magically works again. The same principle applies to all of the games. You don't actually need a given system to go through the "installation" via the installer CD/exe - just need to make sure the .ini points to the correct path if you actually have all the game files already. I apparently haven't had BG2 properly installed for years - I opened the launcher and it thinks it wants to install instead of play.
  6. I would've mentioned this if I thought you had access to a Windows 7 computer, whoops. I made clean backups of my IE directories and put them in zip files to prevent reinstalling a long time ago, and you don't even need the games to be "installed" if you just run them through the game .exe instead of the launcher (...and make sure their main .ini files point to the correct location).
  7. @pochesun IRR should be installed after SRR, actually. It's not the end of the world if you don't, but there will be some minor inconsistencies for some item abilities in IRR. It should be extract IR, extract IRR and overwrite - same for SR and SRR. I'm not sure what extracting SR would've overwritten if this was a clean install. sppr735 is not referenced to at all in SR or SRR, so I'm unsure why this would be the case. I did notice a text problem just now for Earth and Fire Elemental Transformations that I just fixed with V1.2.4 on github, but it's not the critical error described in your image. Still, might be worth giving it a go.
  8. There should be no issue with that, .
  9. main_component.tpa under spell_rev\components. Be warned that you may run into problems depending on exactly what you modify.
  10. @pochesun It's better to attach the DEBUG file that's created when the installer is run (should be right next to the setup-spell-rev.exe)...especially seeing as I can't quite read the image. From what I can tell, the image says it tried to install but could not find a file called SPPR735.itm in spell_rev\sppr7##...and seeing as there's no such thing as SPPR735.itm, I can only conclude that I am not reading it right, .
  11. That was how I initially interpreted what you meant actually, but Giant Spiders in SR (...Monster Summoning IV, I want to say?) don't have a webbing ability, so that didn't make sense. Sadly, as you can see, the "wrong text" problem affects more than just SR for BG1:EE, .
  12. I looked more into it. Basically, the ANTIWEB item that all spiders seem to have grant an immunity to projectile 319 (or 320, depending on how it's enumerated), which is called "webtrav", which I initially did not believe to include your bogstandard web projectile (63/64). Then I realized that wait, web would use a secondary projectile that actually strikes creatures, and what do you know, it's project 319 in BG:EE. So okay, what is probably happening is that @Hoverdawg is NOT on an EE game, and...is seeing spiders not get held, but maybe get slowed by a secondary effect that the ANTIWEB item doesn't protect against?
  13. Thank you very much for your time and trouble, it seems to work perfectly now, .
  14. They are equipped with an amulet called "ANTIWEB" that comes with the vanilla games. In BG2:ToB, it protects against web effects. In BG2:EE, it inexplicably has been changed not to. I guess I'll have to make my own and give it to them.
  15. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1wf5bqooo9fhxow/pre-commit ...for item_rev.tp2 in IR_Revised\item_rev (where IR_Revised is the name of the github repo) targeting "VERSION ~V4 Beta 10 (Revised V1.2.8)~". "echo "New version: $NEWVERSION"" right before the "sed" command displays 1.2.9 correctly every time, but it's just not updating with the sed command itself (...although it's clearly accessing it, because its "last edited" time keeps updating every time I make any sort of commit).
  16. It's probably unlikely anyone knows for sure except DavidW himself, and he's currently on hiatus. If you don't feel like testing and experimenting, then it's probably best to stick with an older version.
  17. I removed it, still not actually updating the .tp2 to 1.2.9.
  18. When you summon a creature via opcode 177 (use EFF), you use self-targeting there as well even when you're casting the spell at a distant point, and using any other kind of targeting seems to break it. I'm not sure why the engine interprets it that way, but I imagine it's a similar thing here.
  19. I tried to implement the new version with IRR, and it no longer seems to work. Smartgit says this when committing: C:\GitHub\IR_Revised> git.exe -c "credential.helper=C:/Program\ Files/SmartGit/lib/credentials.cmd" rm -- "item_rev\settings - Copy.ini" rm 'item_rev/settings - Copy.ini' C:\GitHub\IR_Revised> git.exe commit --file=C:/Users/BARTIM~1/AppData/Local/Temp/smartgit-5881788229702730413tmp/commit-15882150802797423814.tmp -o -- "item_rev\settings - Copy.ini" Old version: V1.2.8 New version: V1.2.9 LF will be replaced by CRLF in item_rev/item_rev.tp2. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory [master 4db5888] Test versioning again again again again again 1 file changed, 31 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 item_rev/settings - Copy.ini C:\GitHub\IR_Revised> git.exe -c "credential.helper=C:/Program\ Files/SmartGit/lib/credentials.cmd" push --porcelain --progress --recurse-submodules=check origin refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master Delta compression using up to 8 threads Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) To https://github.com/BartyMae/IR_Revised.git refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master d8dc415..4db5888 Done 'master' pushed: d8dc415..4db5888 Delta compression using up to 8 threads Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) The correctly ECHO-ed "Old version" and "New Version" suggests it's able to find the correct field and knows how to increment it, but it isn't actually taking on the .tp2 itself even after multiple tries. I guess that would suggest there's something not working with the "sed" command (which I'm not familiar with).
  20. Area of Effect: 1 creature That's really weird. Could swear I fixed that eons ago. At least the actual spell description makes it clear that it's multiple targets. Thanks. Fixed on the latest repo along with familiars' inventory items' now being correctly set to "Familiar", plus Fighter HLA's should get the correct names and descriptions again. (e): @Hoverdawg "Another one that's broken is Giant Spider's webbing ability." Giant Spider's webbing ability? Giant Spiders don't have webbing, could you explain more?
  21. I did notice I was getting yelled at every time I made a commit now by SmartGit for that. Thanks, .
  22. If I had to guess, when IWD1/HOW are installed, the installers set a number of registry values and install a few files in pre-determined locations that the Trials of the Luremaster patch attempts to confirm are correct before it goes ahead. Most likely what's happened is that Windows 10 has changed how it handles something in that process from previous versions of Windows, so that a file or registry value gets put somewhere that the patch does not expect and cannot account for. Windows 10 has also undergone a number of majors revisions at this point, it's possible that it could even be a subversion problem. I attempted to identify all the checks that the patch checked for, but was unfortunately unable to successfully identify all of them. (e): Why does trying to use spoilers break every single one of my posts whenever I try to use it every single time on these forums? Ugh. Registry values it seemed to need: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\WOW6432Node\Black Isle] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\WOW6432Node\Black Isle\Icewind Dale] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\WOW6432Node\Black Isle\Icewind Dale\1.00.000] "Language"="English" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\WOW6432Node\Black Isle\Icewind Dale - Heart of Winter] "Path"="%Game Folder%" "FullPath"="%Game Folder%\\IDMain.exe" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\WOW6432Node\Black Isle\Icewind Dale - Heart of Winter\1.00.000] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IDMain.exe] "Path"="%Game Folder%" @="%Game Folder%\\IDMain.exe" It also needed some file called like ISInstall.exe or something in the C:\Windows folder, and some files in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common folder. It also, of course, needed IDMain.exe in the Icewind Dale directory (but nothing else). Removing one of these would each cause the Trials of the Luremaster patch to fail - but transposing all of these to a clean system that hadn't already had IWD+HOW installed before owuld still not let me run the Trials of the Luremaster patch, so it seems as though there is still at least one other check I am missing. Very strange, since I ran it in a sandbox and should've been able to see every single change made to the system by these two installers, and I did a complete registry hive comparison, but still was not able to find whatever it was missing. Sorry!
  23. That stinks. The Trials of the Luremaster install .exe is 71.2MB, right?
  24. That's pretty cool. Would be quite the spectacle to get blasted by a bunch of them at once.
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