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Everything posted by Salk

  1. It may also be that the Call Lightning duration should be amended from 1 turn / 4 levels to 1 round / 4 levels (neither GTU corrects this, just like for the spells above).
  2. I sympathize with the straight-up buffs to some items but I generally welcome the +STR items replacing the original ones. It is a good choice to avoid making unique and supposedly beneficial items be completely or almost completely useless. I also don't think including Rasaad's quest belt can support your argument when talking about IR(R). It's an external item and IR cannot strike a balance with modifications that add new items. It must work on the original Bioware assets. I'm also genuinely curious about how you managed to combine IR items to reach STR 25 on multiple characters (I assume multiple means at least 3 out of 6 party members) in BG2, let alone BG1.
  3. Oh I understand what you meant now. But then IR changes also Varscona's +1 cold damage? I'm not home and I cannot verify this myself at the moment.
  4. I'm not sure I understand, Bartimaeus. A +1 electrical damage is too silly of a property while a 1D4 electrical damage would be fine? In BG1 Ashideena matches Varscona in many ways: they both have a +1 elemental damage and they both are +2 weapons. I'm not familiar with the thought process that had Demivrgvs swap around war hammers' properties but I am quite sure, considering the original IR changes, that he did not have a very clear picture of the BG1 part of the game. I personally don't see a reason for not having all the original properties of Ashideena restored but I am looking forward to understanding why it cannot be so within IRR. Cheers!
  5. I didn't even know that IR replaces Bassilus' Ashideena and I cannot see any reason for doing so, honestly. Ashideena is a unique +2 BG1 weapon which is already quite powerful and should be, in my opinion, returned to Bassilus.
  6. One more thing to report. It seems that the divine version of the Know Alignment spell allows for a saving throw (-2) while the arcane doesn't, even after installing the Fixpack. I find it very weird. I haven't installed the GTU but this is something that should be taken care of by the main component, shouldn't it? I'm not sure whether I'd rather have it allow for a saving throw or not but it should be one way or the other for both versions.
  7. I like the idea of equipping one of the Red Wizards with the Acid Robe. And the second one could be the mage summoning slimes. It'd feel quite appropriate considering the kind of experiments he dabbles in. Shandalar's Island is also a fine place to scatter one (there are several mages there) but I like the first two even better. If you decide to introduce the robes there, I would choose to have the Robe removed from Gorion in my own playthrough.
  8. Could you make so that people deciding to remove the Robe from Gorion may still have a chance to get it somewhere else later on? It'd be a shame to miss a chance to have it in BG1.
  9. I find myself sympathizing with Bartimaeus' position. A spell scaling properly is a great thing but the main focus must be on how effective they are at their entry level. So I'd rather see the berries be more effective at level one than they are when maxed. In this case I'd rather go for the first proposal: 3 berries, each initially healing 5 HP. About how they scale: I think the 30 HP cap at level 15 sounds good enough. I know that one of the goals of this modification is to make spells attractive at each possible level but I am actually fine with spells with some sort of limitation on their effectiveness.
  10. Hello, Bartimaeus! I seem to remember an old recommendation from Demivrgvs about not installing the "Mixed use of Daggers Fix" from the BG2 Fixpack. Is it still valid? Cheers!
  11. Thanks for this new version, Bartimaeus! Much appreciated.
  12. Thanks for clarifying the "black market" reference. Looking forward to the new component you have been thinking of.
  13. Hello, temnix. I have made a small text revision for my own use but I thought I'd submit it to you in case you like it better than the original. I changed @4 = ~Do I look like the black market? Get that out of my sight!~ to @4 = ~I want nothing to do with stolen goods! Put that away before you get us both in trouble.~ By the way, it seems that this string replacement only applies to Baldur's Gate 1 and EET. Is it so? And if it is so, why not extend it to TotSC, SoA, BGT, (Easy)TuTu as well? Cheers!
  14. My guess is that the original developer's idea with the whole bunch of "green scrolls" (except the cursed ones... ) was to give a protective item for the player's party, and not something to use outside of it. In the case of the Protection from Magic scroll, Bioware may have wanted to introduce some drawback for arcane and divine casters in order to not make the scroll too powerful.
  15. I would also suggest to add this to the list of the effect: LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 144 target = 1 timing = 2 parameter1 = 100 END and point out in the item's description the duration of the transformation.
  16. Thanks for the nice update, Bartimaeus! Will catch up with this and IRR once I'm home again.
  17. Oh I see, thank you Bartimaeus. Lately you have come to my rescue several times. You're not a Paladin, are you? But if you are, I can send your way some damsel in distress...
  18. Nice idea! The download link for the Windows version is giving me a 404 message though.
  19. I guess the problem there is that NPCs can be pickpocketed so I am guessing this modification flags their items as stolen if they end in possession of the Player. If that is the case, a revision accounting for specific cases in which the party is rewarded with items (and there are plenty such resolutions to quests) is going to be necessary although I wouldn't know how that might work with quests added by other modifications. The only solution I can think of is to create a second component for this mod to be installed after every modification introducing quests rewarding the party with items. It would go through the game's scripts that contain the GiveItem() action and remove the stolen flag of each such item via script or spell, if possible. Or, perhaps easier, replace the GiveItem() action with GiveItemCreate(), making sure the original item in the NPC inventory is destroyed.
  20. Interesting mod. What happens if the Player tries to sell stolen items to non fences? Are they greyed out?
  21. @Endarire, I'm playing BGT but apparently what I reported is not really new or a mystery. I guess the scripts could have been altered to account for the does_not_detect_items flag in the .ini but probably DavidW thought it was not worth the effort since the warnings are harmless (or at least I think they are) and probably very few users play with that flag on.
  22. Hello! I was wondering if there is a way for me to work out the new address for some topics I had saved the link for but that are no longer available after G3 has changed host. The old link in this case was: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=24727&p=226944 Thanks!
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