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Posts posted by AL|EN

  1. 1. No, you don't need any weidu logs. People often use them because it's the fastest way to do massive installations as it overrides the mod tree's install order. Also, it bypasses the mod tree entirely in terms of install order and 'checked' state. So it's like 'batch mode installation'.

    2. While it's possible to manually install DLCMerger into SoD and use it as a base for EET, PI requires a clean SoD game. The easiest way would be to select BG2EE game (or EET which is just BG2EE-For-EET) and "put those mods into Enhanced Edition Trilogy - BG:SoD mods installation category". When it comes to EET, PI has a rule: everything before EET is installed into the SoD game. You can test this setup like this:

    DlcMerger:1;"Siege of Dragonspear" DLC
    bgqe:0;Slime Quest
    EET:0;EET core (import zasobow);
    A7#ImprovedArcher:0;Ulepszona podklasa Lucznika
    EET_end:0;Standardowa instalacja

    3. See 2, but PI won't sort any mods.

    4. Yes, the install order does matter, PI doesn't have any built-in install order. But it has many ways of using community-created ones. If it's a simple EET install, you could just move mods at the mod tree and you should be fine.

    5. Like this:


  2. Fishing for Trouble v3.2.10

     - add missing embedded scripts in the creature structure
     - add a hostile trigger in the script when needed
     - minor NPC corrections
     - remove not used scripts
     - tanarri: it now respawns as it is trapped
     - tanarri: fix the script, the creature will now become hostile when attacked and will fight back
     - tanarri: add missing weapon and immunity ring
     - lib: rename face.ids in dir.ids to match EE and other minor corrections to patches.tpa and dialog.tpa
     - replace InParty("xxxx") by IfValidForPartyDialog("xxxx") InMyArea("xxxx") !StateCheck("xxxx",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
     - fix some minor issues with variable and logic
     - clean-up files by removing useless triggers
     - fix the door region for the house of the keeper
     - fix the embedded script in ys0040
     - add 2 lines that were missing from the tra file
     - change Duke Elthan for Council of Six
     - trad in Russian done with Deepl for 493, 494 and 1933 - some refinement may be needed
     - fix bug with racetext.2da for EE
     - fix Gadil's dialogue tree
     - fix yschdg.cre causing CTD
     - fixes for minor issues and EE version
     - fix for Nalia Dialog and Trap of the Dead
     - update ghoul transformation and script, ghoul portrait change is disabled for now

    Forum:Fishing for Trouble - Spellhold Studios (shsforums.net)
    Download: https://github.com/InfinityMods/FishingForTrouble/releases/latest

  3. 9 hours ago, DavidW said:

    I’m afraid I only treat the actual release as canonical. I don’t make any promises about its synchrony with GitHub uploads.

    Well, if you want players to have one-click, bulletproof updates, it's required to make it work. It also protects you: you will never get a false bug report because of corrupted archive extraction/malformed files/leftover files from previous releases. 

    9 hours ago, DavidW said:

    I hate GitHub with a venemous loathing, why did I ever let you all persuade me to start using it? :)

    Homer Simpson Hiding GIF - Homer Simpson Hiding Straight Face GIFs


  4. @Incrementis

    I remember that there was some trouble with the slashes at the beginning of the BACKUP, remove "./" just to be safe.

    Avoid ACTION_READLN unless you want to force players to babysit the whole installation for many hours.

    As for the issue: the ALWAYS block will be re-executed a second time when component 2 is installed.


  5. @DavidW You have released v35.8 and day later, you have pushed this commit, which is newer than v35.8 tag and it's not part of the release. Then the release packages were manually created with different content and added into the release. So now when PI is downloading the mod, it uses v35.8 tag that doesn't contain the actual v35.8 code. Same if people are updating the mod. While git allows for certain things to fix this in a hackish way, the proper way to fix it now is to increment the version and create new release.

    In the rush of new changes, bug reports, and fixes, things like this can easily get missed. Both IAP and Mod Release tools allow either for avoiding this problem or quickly spotting it.

    @Kriznick Either wait until it get's fixed or manually download the latest package and do not update the mod untill the fix.

  6. 9 hours ago, icecool said:

    ERROR: Failure("ERROR: charsets were not converted because iconv could not be found in lang/iconv")

    It's because SCS has an old version of charset_wrapper.tph. Replacing stratagems\sfo2e\charset_wrapper.tph if via the one from this topic: [tutorial] Slightly streamlined handling of tra files via HANDLE_CHARSETS - Modding How-Tos and Tutorials - The Gibberlings Three (gibberlings3.net) will fix the above issue. 

    But then there is a new issue:


    Install Component [Install all spell tweaks (if you don't select this, you will be given a chance to choose by category)]?
    nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? i

    Installing [Install all spell tweaks (if you don't select this, you will be given a chance to choose by category)] [35.7]

    Loading SFO 2e...

    ERROR Installing [Install all spell tweaks (if you don't select this, you will be given a chance to choose by category)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall  56 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 2000.
    Uninstalled     56 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 2000.
    ERROR: Failure("resource [ui.menu] not found for 'COPY'")
    Please make a backup of the file: debugs/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.DEBUG and look for support at: For help troubleshooting installation problems, go to the Sword Coast Stratagems forum at gibberlings3.net.
    Using Language [English]


  7. The new version of the Ascension mod was released with an updated Chinise translation by Lzw104522773

    Ascension 2.0.28

    • Update Infinity Auto Packager
    • Update Simplified Chinese translation
    • Fixed swapped encodings for Chinese and Traditional Chinese

    Note to translators: This is the last version that require ANSI tra files, next version will switch to UTF8 tra files.

  8. Understandably, you write code to suit your preferences. I'm dealing with many mods from many different authors, I have to constantly be aware if I'm checking the right folder. This is also for convenience: it's easier to check everything inside one folder for every mod instead of constantly getting back to two levels. Now, let's say a modded who uses"BACKUP ~weidu_external/tod/backup~ adopted the function. Now the mod-related files are placed in two different folder schemas. The 'standard' matters to make things easier for debugging.

    I'm nitpicking here, I will gladly make some tiny modifications to this lib to cover my use case. Can I?

  9. @DavidW I wonder if you could add an option that places converted translation into "weidu_external/%MOD_FOLDER%/lang" instead of "weidu_external/lang/%MOD_FOLDER%" ? While my wish would be to have one standard for the weidu_external directory, it appears that people already prefer the former for their mods, so it could make function adoption easier.

    EDIT: typo

  10. But if I add it to the classic BG2 ToB file, does the engine will know how to translate STRING TWO_TURNS into INT 120, for such baf code:



  11. Fishing for Trouble v3.2.9
     - added HANDLE_CHARSETS and iconv
     - move changelog from FishingForTrouble-Readme.html into FishingForTrouble-Changelog.md
     - move 3.0HF1.pdf file to docs folder
     - fix Basimah dialog with CHARNAME instead of token
     - fixed ysAssassinCave variable in yslevon.d file
     - fixed uninstallation errors
     - EXTEND_TOP instead of overwrite
     - update InfinityAutoPackager.yaml

     - the mod will now install the new map icon with bg2
     - bgt map icon's position should now work
     - compatibility with Worldmap v11: map icon for YS0390.are is 182, map icon for YS0370.are is 98, moove YS0390 up, as it is with Bg2
     - remove useless script (ys0407.bcs) to ys0407.are. This was not required as the script is already triggered by a trigger...
     - YS1001.baf: use existing movies, as Resources don't exist
     - Add missing sound
     - update patches.tpa
     - ys0040.are: is missing the ys0040.bcs
     - ys0160.are: drawers x: 737;Y: 379 does not exists
     - ys0161.are: Container 1 is anormaly empty. Add MISC07.ITM like others
     - ys0401.are: Chest contains not existing itm
     - ys0407.are: is missing the ys0407.bcs
     - yshldgrd.cre: remove the shield as in oBG2 he can't use his bow

    Forum:Fishing for Trouble - Spellhold Studios (shsforums.net)
    Download: https://github.com/InfinityMods/FishingForTrouble/releases/latest

  12. First-time launch is confusing:

    - application is launched
    - instead of the main window, the user is present to select a file, at macOS default settings the required file extension (tp2) is hidden from the user interface until the 'kind' option
    - no main application window is displayed and the 'file selection dialog' is not always topmost

    My suggestion would be first to show the main window to match standard GUI application behavior and then either show the 'file selection dialog' or leave it to the user to click the button.

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