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Posts posted by AL|EN

  1. Hi,

    I've added beta feature to PI: WeiDU-PI-Global.log will record the status of all mod installations that was preformed for particular game folder.

    So far, those are features:

    • log contains every attempt of mod installation, successful, failed, warring's
    • time and date is recorded
    • exitcode from weidu process is recorded

    Next additions might be component language, the list of files after the installation etc



    It might be useful when someone has been installing/uninstalling mods over and over again.

    If this is something that you find useful, or if you have an idea what info cold be useful please let me know.

  2. Project Infinity 0.10.0

    • breaking change: Install Order Rules are checked only once when Set-InstallSequence/Start-Installation buttons are pressed
    • beta feature: WeiDU-PI-Global.log will record the status of all mod installations
    • elimination of UI lag when scanning mods
    • elimination of UI lag when there are multiple components selected
    • install sequence will use globally unique labels if the mod supports them
    • application updates will be checked once per day
    • duplicated mods will be reported and excluded instead of blocking application usage
    • importing WeiDU.log will now give feedback to users about missing mods and components
    • fixed missing "BG1 Unfinished Business" mod from Pocket-Plane-Group list

    Project Page

    Additional info: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1187733/#Comment_1187733

  3. 15 hours ago, CamDawg said:

    AL|EN's proposed alternative method--which I'm slowly adopting as I update stuff--places the converted tra files outside of the mod folder, avoiding this issue as well.

    Tweaks does this, but a simpler example is the recently-shipped SP Collection. I don't want to hijack David's thread with a semi-tutorial but the process is basically:

    1. Ship all tra files as utf-8
    2. On the originals, run the converter to turn them into ANSI/other charset as needed, setting the output somewhere in weidu_external
    3. Set a variable with the path to the tra files--the original files (EE) or the output path from the converter (weidu_external/whatever) on the originals
    4. Change your AUTO_TRA or any other place you're pointing to a tra file to use the path variable



    14 hours ago, DavidW said:

    It's my method originally (since 2013) - see this thread. 

    Originally it required a bit of hackery, because HANDLE_CHARSETS didn't support choosing a directory. Wisp added it in v247 to accommodate my encapsulation goal, and Alien did a very nice tutorial.

    For the 'course in WEIDU' I was inclined to leave multiplatform installation out just on scope-management grounds, but that may have been a mistake.

    It's not quite the same method when it comes to the origin and outcome. My originated from the troubles of dealing with different encoding of the localized files and extra work required during translation updates. The outcome is not only immutability but also the ability to translate files directly using GitHub web editor. IMHO, the UTF8 variant should be default approach when it comes for multi-edition mods (classic+ee) but I agree that it's out of the scope of this guide.

  4. @jastey I'm not sure what's the question. Mordekaie is simply pasting installation installation log for bg1npc, component 22. There is nothing for PI to 'handle' here.

    @Mordekaie Please post full setup-bg1npc.debug file from the game directory. This will provide more info as of what mods were installed before bg1npc.

  5. @LichDiet

    Apparently, there was some more edits by roxanne: Mod Managers It didn't stop there, the Mods page was also altered with paragraph. The EET wiki page got it's additions too. Lastly, look at those 'helpful' comments here. Ofc, there is a chance that some 'random person' had such misguided views on Project Infinity and omit inconvenient details about roxanne's tool but it's highly unlikely. You can clearly see the agenda behind those actions.

    I could edit those pages myself but I fear that such actions would be seen as ''cockfight" between one mod manager and another. And I really don't want to be forced to constantly monitor this site for changes that will be done afterwards. I'm not aware about hierarchy of the site or it's policy but I may suggest you to restore pages to the versions before edits/additions and make them editable only by logged users/wiki moderators so there are no more malicious edits. If this can't be done, IMHO, it's better to not have a place where malicious actor can misguide newcomers at all.

  6. 3 hours ago, Guest Sarge said:

    Thanks for a quick answer. 

    One more question. I can't seem to run Project Infinity. I run the .exe file and literally nothing happens. I manually created a Tools folder to see whether it would help; nothing. Any idea what's the problem? 

    Add ProjectInfinity.exe as process and file exclusion for Windows Defender.

  7. It does under the condition that both mods uses the same "language folder name". During your mod installation, the themed_tweaks/languages/%s is evaluated to 'themed_tweaks/languages/English' because your mod uses 'English' folder name but themed_tweaks uses 'american' and so the path doesn't exist.

  8. 13 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    I have uploaded a beta version of v5.0. This completely changes the mod:

    FYI @AL|EN - although I have marked it as a pre-release so PI should still be downloading the last v4 commit)


    Yes, this is how it works. Thanks for poking me. I take look at the whole update process again and decided to add separate PI settings to enable Pre-Release updates for mods and some minor improvements.

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