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Posts posted by AL|EN

  1. On 1/21/2021 at 11:53 PM, argent77 said:

    This "feature" isn't related in any way to HANDLE_CHARSETS though. It rather appears to be a quirk of the WeiDU binary. The 64-bit Windows executable seems to display UTF-8-encoded setup.tra correctly in the console window, but the 32-bit executable does not. Since most mods ship with 32-bit executables it's still advisable to use only US-ASCII characters in the setup.tra.

    @argent77 I fond the root cause of this problem, WeiDU 32-bit was compiled using OCalm version without unicode support. More about this here: https://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php?topic=29984.new#new

  2. The G3 download is outdated because download links are just exe/zip packages re-uploaded from github instead of using lynxlynx.info direct links. And poking Mike every new release was tedious taks. Repository can't be transferred because of translation system integration but the location doesn't matter for packages/direct links.

  3. @Graion Dilach 

    I'm using (no surprise here) GitHub API to get all non-forks repos of an user or organisation. The 'buttons' are more an way to handle long API response than 'a filter' but I think that they serve both purpose. Externalizing is possible but it was just easier for me to handle this directly inside PI. I might revisit this but right now, adding an GitHub organization or repository from time to time is not a big deal.

    If you would like to add mods from your account and your account contains other, unrelated to IE modding repos then right now, I can add them by the one-by-one basic.

  4. @jastey The error comes from WeiDU , PI has no custom error messages except the final ExitCode status. I don't know the full picture until we get .debug file and all logs from this installation. There are similar bug reports, the issue has something to do with old ADD_KIT function, the suggestion was to use https://github.com/Argent77/A7-add_kit_ex but I'm not sure if this can help this case.

  5. This post is an attempt to have an up-to-date list of Project Infinity features that modders can use.

    This topic will be updated every time Project Infinity receives new features that can be added to the mods. The best way to receive updates is to use the "Following" forum feature.

  6. On 12/27/2020 at 6:24 PM, Nathan82 said:

    @AL|EN the mods were;

    Heart of the Wood http://www.shsforums.net/topic/60821-heart-of-the-wood-updated-to-v700-ee-compatible/

    The mod doesnt seem to copy over from \extracted mods to the \GGII - SOA folder. If i copy it manually it installs.

    Ruad Ro'fhessa http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/790-ruad-rofhessa-item-upgrade/

    Seems to have same issue, folder not coppying over fully but works if done manually.

    K'aeloree's facing the Shade Lord again http://www.blackwyrmlair.net/Contests/ShadeLord2006/submission-k'aeloree.zip

    I think i had to manually copy over and run it twice, it updated to newest weidu the first time and ran correctly the second. I think.


    Also a new version of one of Angel's mods, item pack or encounters and quests wasnt displaying properly in PI and didnt want to install so i used an older version which worked fine, i need to double check this though.

    I'll send you the installation logs.



    Hi. I was not able to reproduce the 'copy mod folder' errors using latest PI version. Also, I've remember that new version of one of Angel's mods didn't worked with weidu 247 at soeme point. But I fixed the bug for "BWL Contest" mod, thanks for report.

  7. 1 minute ago, Guest The Imp above. said:

    Sorry, but if you code is bad, it's not really a bug, but just bad coding.

    Using %MOD_FOLDER% variable IS good coding. It's just doesn't work when used for LANGUAGE statement and --list-components-json which is a weidu bug.

  8. @GroanHammer My advice is that you should look at the weidu commandline options since they will provide you supported way of installing selected mod components. If you are on windows, you should definitely try PowerShell + Windows Terminal combo. You might also take look at my mod manager along with the advice that you can copy, modiffy and paste any so-called "install sequence" in order to install as many mods as possible.

  9. 1 hour ago, Bartimaeus said:

    I've always wanted to just introduce more components, but because these aren't my mods and a lot of people use auto-installs, my hands are kind of tied - if I were to start separating stuff like SR's revised saving throws or its global petrification changes off into their own components, then anyone trying to install SRR via an auto-installer is never going to be able to install that component, since it wouldn't be known to the auto-installer (which will only know the official set of components). So...sadly can't do much about it.

    Nope, you repository contain your own version of tp2 file so you can do whatever you want. Trust me.

  10. This is much wider topic, these problems are the eminences of the disastrous weidu design that I have reported years ago. Nothing really can be done about it except either to wait for new weidu release.

    @Salk Please don't hunt modders about downgrading weidu version, they have no control over which weidu version will be used for mod installation. Putting weidu 246 will give you nothing as every other mod that includes weidu 247 will overwrite 246. The only way to stop this is to remove all .exe from game directory. But then, some mods that do require 247 will fail to install so you must account for them separately. And also account for re-installation when 247 mods are installed before 246 mods or vice-versa, that makes re-installation practically impossible.

    @jastey No, it's pointless. It would only matter if the mod was installed alone which almost never happens. There is theoretical way to ensure that the mod itself will use certain weidu version only for first installation but it doesn't work when other mod will reinstall itself and also 'bgqe' so it is probably pointless either. 

    BTW: There are plans for new "tp3" format that will allow modders to set desired weidu version. If you want a proper working solution, add you vote to it.

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