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Everything posted by subtledoctor

  1. I have updated the mod to version 2.8, with two changes: First, a small compatibility fix for the Magic Bolt cantrip. Second and more substantially, I have added an experimental capability to the Revised Invisibility component. Now, when invisible, you will be able to perform a backstab on your next attack without needing to position yourself behind the target - you can "backstab" from in front of your target. It is magical invisibility, after all! (Note, when merely hiding using the nonmagical thief skill, you will still only be able to backstab from behind your target. You need to, in fact, be hidden from their awareness.) Anyone with magical invisibility detection (e.g. op193 from the Detect Invisible and True Seeing spells) will be immune to backstabs. Cheers!
  2. Maybe... "Sohei Warrior?" That was an actual term for Buddhist warrior-monks of the Kamakura era in Japan. Realistically, the vanilla Kensai should have been called "Sohei" and a kit like this should be called "Kensei." (Or, quite possibly, I should have had this kit replace the vanilla Kensai instead of being an alternative to it. Believe me, I wanted to do that. I think this is a better Kensai. But, oh my lord, could you imagine the howling if I took away the unarmored "just-getting-ready-to-dual-to-mage" kit with its cheesy AC and attack bonuses? My ears hurt just thinking about it.) Thank you, I see what this issue is (they changed the way deflection spells work in patch 2.5 or so) and it will be fixed in the next release. Speaking of the Weaponmaster/Samurai/Sohei, maybe instead of the Mage Hunter getting Breaching Touch and Minor Deflection as individual per-day innates, maybe I should set up a suite of anti-mage abilities and let them use a ki point pool as well. I'm sure I can come up with a couple other cool anti-caster abilities that would be useful. Something causing temporary silence or deafness, probably. (Make it a touch-range spell, like you box their ears or attack their throat, or something.) Maybe something to see through invisibility?
  3. Yeah, totally. I think what I am going to do is: I already have a mod that changes the mechanics of invisibility, to make it a bit more straightforward. I will set it such that when hiding a thief or ranger will have to position behind someone to backstab (as usual). But when invisible you can facestab i.e. backstab from any angle. Because invisibility should be better than just hiding!
  4. Yes, use SpellRES() and ForceSpellRES() for nonjoinable creatures. You really only should use ADD_SPELL for spells that you want player-character sorcerers to have access to.
  5. Thanks for the heads-up! I’ll look into these. Thanks. I also don’t love the “Samurai” name, it is too culturally specific to me. OTOH it is clearly the inspiration for this kit, which is meant to show off my ‘ki pool’ function. The “Weaponmaster” name addresses the kit’s focus on a single weapon, but is extremely generic and doesn’t imply anything about ki powers. I am really struggling to come up with a name that is descriptive but not cringy.
  6. Conversations about kitting NPCs seem so weird to me… there is obviously no right answer. Why lock something in ahead of time when SCS/NPC_EE allow you to choose according to your whim in each game? EDIT - since when did Artemius vic my kit name?? Not cool…
  7. Interesting. Never used it. But, if it only needs to be detected by scripts, why not just use a local variable?
  8. Oh, I didn’t think above Vocalize failing. Was really thinking about a round of deafness after Vocalize. Welp, that rules this idea out.
  9. Good points about that extra Brandock component, I will install it later in my next game. In the meantime, there does not (yet?) seem to be any harm done. Brandock can properly create scrolls at Firehose Elvenknuckles' house, everything seems to be working fine. Update: I think the issue here is, you will only run into the bad guys at night. I went to the Drakon Tavern during the day and there was no sign of anyone, making me think there was a bug. I happened to go later and it all progressed properly. So no bugs there, just maybe wants a better journal entry. I flew through Candlekeep, didn't bother fighting Rieltar, then veered to Durlag's Tower on the way out. Seems like a good time. As usual, while passing through Ulgoth's Beard I thought about going to Balduran's Dog Run Island, but then I was like heck no, not doing that. I was pleased to see Brandock still has some content happening at this late stage. Breagar left some things in a dramatic state - his rival was moving to complete the task he had failed at, and steal his beloved! But I have not see anything progress. Dunno if that is something that gets resolved in BG1, or is setting up the SoD/BG2 content. I have half a mind to bring Jaheira and Khalid back on board for the end of BG1 and the final confrontation with Sarevok, just for story reasons. But I'm not sure who they would replace. Sirene and... Breagar? Neera? I kind of want to see all of Breagar and Neera's content. So maybe not - figure, J&K are off doing their own investigating, and I will see them later on in SoD. So, on to confront the many, many figurative and literal ghosts of Durlag Trollkiller. Then I'll wrap up BG1 pretty quick (barring intervention by Illasera - I expect there are one or two more things to be done for Black Hearts)
  10. How crazy would it be to let 'Remove Paralysis' counter Slow, as well as actual paralysis? Slow is super strong: saving throw penalty unusual for this level combat penalties plus slower attacks slower casting speed plus reduced mobility is crippling for casters The only counters for it, if I'm not mistaken, are: Haste (only available to mages) Dispel Magic (not certainly to be successful) Free Action (higher level, single-target) EDIT - actually Break Enchantment does as well (also higher level, single-target) Admittedly in my game I have replaced Dispel Magic so I have fewer counters for Slow. So that may be coloring my thinking. Still, this doesn't seem unreasonable to me? Remove Paralysis brings some utility that Haste doesn't (counters Hold) but also lacks some major utility that Haste brings (pound for pound maybe the best buff in the game).
  11. I have made a pull request for version 4b19, with three fixes: changed the op232 terms in Sleep so the wake-on-hit works reliably changed the op232 terms in the AS1 bat weapons when enhanced by Magic Fang, so it doe not crash the game added an IF_EXISTS condition to the Mirror Image Fix component, so that it will install even if it does not find SPPR951D.itm I think those are the only three outstanding issues I can find mention of around here. I am technically a maintainer of the Github repo, but it seems kind of crass to accept ones' own pull request? Maybe. @Mike1072 @Bartimaeus @grodrigues if you want to take a look at it feel free. The changes are really extremely small. If everything looks good, and if there are not any other major issues to sort out, my inclination is to put this out as 4b19 RC5, and maybe even as the official 4b19. And maaaybe even as a proper v4.0? I see so many people using 4b18 (or even 3.1, the "official" version) and there have been sooo many fixes. Player should get the benefit of those fixes.
  12. I know this is a year old but I happened upon it and it struck me: PW:Silence really is a bit underpowered against mages - specifically against SCS mages who almost always have Vocalize at the ready. Would it be crazy to attach something like a 2- or 3-round Deafness effect in addition to the 1-turn Silence effect? The idea being, PW:Silence assaults your senses with magical silence, and even if you counter it immediately it still leaves you a bit unbalanced for another 1-2 rounds. (If you don't counter it immediately, then this is irrelevant because the effects of Deafness are completely subsumed by the effects of Silence.) Would that be wildly unbalancing? Yes, I believe so. All missiles. I have played through the game with SR 4b19 installed and did not get such a crash. SR doesn't really do enough, to my knowledge, to cause a crash upon loading an area. That sounds like on of the creatures present in the area has something illegal going on. Or else something about the area script. Hard to troubleshoot... though uninstalling/reinstalling the mod mid-game to test the area is not ideal. EDIT - I just CLUA jumped to those two areas in my current game with SR 4b19 installed, and no crashes. I see it, an off-by-one error with the Animal Summoning 1 bats when affected by Magic Fang.
  13. Does anyone know whether these opcodes can be stacked or applied multiple times? If I have a melee hit effect from a spell with opcode 248 that applies Panic with each hit, and then I put on a helm that applies opcode 248 with extra fire damage against trolls, or something... does the latter one invalidate the earlier one? When I attack a troll, will the troll be subject to both panic and fire damage? Or just fire damage? Ditto for op340 backstab effects and op183 item-dependent effects, if anyone has any clue about the answer...
  14. Cripes, I never thought of this, it's genius!. I never really put much thought at all into backstabs, because I barely ever bother to backstab, because... well you get it. I put a small amount of effort into this in one mod, adding custom op340 backstab effects for select kits. But a larger overhaul of the whole system may be worth doing. In fact, my current 'Revised Invisibility' mod has a slight problem with backstabbing, due to a bit of swapping between proper invisibility and the Sanctuary state (and IIRC Sanctuary does not allow backstabs). This facestab mechanism is just the thing to fix it! I miiight have to borrow this concept...
  15. UI first. Ascension early. I know nothing about EEex, it doesn't work on my platforms. In other news: I just did a quick install of EET, IWD1_EET, IWD2_EET, and NWNforBG. And it turns out that, while the NWN mod is like 3 or 4 GB large, it only adds a about 12,000 files to /override. That would take my install from ~120,000 files to ~132,000 files. And the override folder from ~6.5 GB to 9.5 GB. On the mobile platform, I'm not sure which of those things hit performance hardest. If file count matters more, then adding the NWN campaign should be pretty much fine on my platfom. If total size of the override folder matters more, then a 40% increase will probably make the game unplayable. Hmmm,,, Well, it's worth a try at least. I was thinking about making this install my "final BG2 install" and just leaving it on the iPad. But it looks like I've got one more try ahead of me in 2024... Not til after this game is over though. Then maybe I'll make that connective mod bridging the IWD and NWN campaigns, and make that the next one I play.
  16. Admittedly I play the game with the sound off... are inventory sounds tied to item type?? Non-joinable NPCS and other creatures are modified to make sure their proficiencies account for these changes. So that is not an issue. There is an option to not change any weapon item types... near the top of d5_fnp_settings.ini. Change it to 1, and all clerics will be able to equip and use all weapons, and only their proficiency options will be determined by kit. (This is like the old "Ashes of Embers" change, if you remember that... it simplifies things on a technical level, though of course it can have balance repercussions unless you exercise self-control...) You can modify that document and put it in your override folder before installing anything, and your settings will work even with mod managers that may re-download or overwrite mod folders.
  17. I don't quite understand what you are seeing. The mod does not remove anything from /override. I just installed IWDification arcane/divine spells + SDST Revised Invisibility: the former creates Smashing Wave as SPPR425, and that spell is still in /override after installing Revised Invisibility. (As are SPPR422, SPPR423, SPPR424, SPPR426, SPPR427, and everything else created by IWDification.) It sounds like maybe you have some app accessing the file(s) or override folder while installing the mods, and the files are not successfully created? Or something like that.
  18. It's Ray of Enfeeblement. I don't think T&B changes that spell differently than it changes any other... And I don't know how ToF works. Clearly it is counting headers and putting the number into a variable, but I have no idea why the variable would fail for this spell. Honestly... I don't even like Revised Specialists anymore. The in-school spontaneous casting was a nice concept and it got me toward better spontaneous-casting systems (FnP's spontaneous divine casting, TnB's multiclass sorcerers, and the Arcanist/5E system). But compared to those, the Revised Specialists system is crude and hacky. In a case like this where it is giving you trouble... I would just not use it. Given unlimited time and energy I would probably code something much newer, like a modified 5E system where specialists cast spells normally but can get free use of the 5E versions of the spells in their school under the 'Cast Spell' button. Alas, I don't have time time for such a thing. I still like some of the simpler aspects of this component - better monster summoning for Conjurers, better Contingencies for Diviners, better spell protections for Abjurers, etc. Maybe I will leave this in place and put the janky old spontaneous casting behing an .ini setting...
  19. LABEL is better than DESIGNATED for the specific purpose mentioned in this thread relating to inter-mod dependency interactions. DESIGNATED is still useful for other things. As a very simple example, if you don't use DESIGNATED numbers, Weidu will apply its own component numbers as it installs them. This is important: not using DESIGNATED component numbers does not mean components don't have numbers. So if your mod has three components and someone installs the first and third, their Weidu.log will show something like: yourmod.tp2 #0 yourmod.tp2 #2 If you add another component later, and due to install order issues it has to go before the last one, then the same two components would thereafter show up in logs as: yourmod.tp2 #0 yourmod.tp2 #3 Again a very simplistic example, but someone looking at a troubleshooting thread years later and seeing that weidu.log might think the thread is talking about different components than it really is. Using DESIGNATED gives you control over component numbers. The numbering is completely arbitrary so you can go 1000, 2000, etc. and add new ones in between later if it comes to that. Control over such things is never bad, and there is really no reason not use both DESIGNATED and LABEL, apart from the trivial increase in effort of writing one simple line in the .tp2 file. (Setting aside performance issues mentioned by DavidW, which I guess can be a reason to avoid LABEL, but only in pretty rare cases.)
  20. Okay, I have updated this mod to v0.12, which includes two improvements: It includes a Chinese traification, as well as being coded to better support other languages in the campaign selection parts. The campaign selection code has been thoroughly revamped thanks to cribbing some functions from NWNforBG (thanks @paladin84). Now the IWD campaigns get added with a bit higher priority, above the Black Pits campaigns. More importantly, they get added right next to the NWNforBG campaign, and this mod can be installed either before or after NWNforBG. Which means the NWNforBG installation process is a bit simplified. Now the install order can look like this: EET IWD1_EET IWD2_EET NWNforBG (all components) Icewind_EET IWD_EET_integration EET_end Or maybe: EET NWNforBG (all components) IWD1_EET IWD2_EET Icewind_EET IWD_EET_integration EET Either of those should work, and will give you the IWD, IWD2, and NWN campaigns in your campaign menu between TOB and BP. Cheers.
  21. No, if you are using op146 to cast the actual sequencer spell it should not matter if they are coded as arcane or innate. (Apart from the fact that, when using the vanilla arcane versions, using the item will alert the Cowled Wizards to the use of arcane magic in Athkatla. But I think that's fine, because even if it is from an item, you are casting an arcane spell.) I have made items that cast the Sequencer spell, and there are other mods out there that do it (I think the SoD2BG2 mod has a robe for that). So it can definitely work.
  22. I've done it, but a rather long time ago. I recall that it requires UI modification to make it work. There is a reason that, instead of making new/separate innate versions, in my mod that makes them innate abilities I just changed the existing SPWI420 to an innate ability.
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