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Everything posted by temnix

  1. I'm going to have to thank the Imp... Yuh...
  2. Well, do they? Anything special there that priests don't get?
  3. At what level characters, priests in particular, usually come into the expansion? Assuming they have gone through all of the content in Shadows of Amn and will have only the expansion for more experience, for a party of six?
  4. Do all hold and paralysis effects set the spell state HELD? According to the G3 guide, they set the stat HELD to 1, but I'd rather limit myself to the spell state, if it's automatic. Also does being cursed set anything?
  5. It looks like @Necromanx2 was right, there was a problem with displaying the purse size for the head character. I reuploaded the file, or take just this file for override. TITCH1_#.SPL
  6. "Hoarders" is not related to the stuff for "The Space-Fun." Yes, I'm going around fixing the loose ends of some of the mods I've put out before, but doing anything for "Space-Fun" would take much more than fixing. Maybe it's some small mistake that prevents Taerom, but I'd have to remember how that whole mod operates, and it's on the bottom of my to-do list. Well, maybe before "Animate Dead Now," where there is a depressing amount of work still to be done. It will probably be the last.
  7. Can someone suggest a way forward - to somewhere, an inspirational idea for a module, or modification, or whatever "mod" means? Something new, bold, something right for the spring that's coming? I have lots of ideas, but they feel like left the properties of autumn - refinements, revamps, clever turns, shocks, but not anything that would look like a gate to a brighter place. Wasn't someone making a Big World? What was that about? A larger realm where we don't have to wander in circles around the glorious city of Baldur's Gate or Athkatla with the cooing Gaelan Bayle... Baelan Gayle? You can't even be bad here, not enough space. Nothing to be bad about. The lack of purpose has gotten so awful, I was once on the verge of making a coo-free mod, with snipped WAVs, imagine that kind of dead end. And it won't even help to give up on this engine and move on to, say, Skyrim or Fallout and look for adventures there. There are none to be had, only the same old grind and tweaks and textures with eight packs and high-res nipples, to be pinched to the outpouring news of Myanmar pavement-banging-striking-chanting (they all love to chant!) and vaxxxines. Just when did the world become such a pile of boring dung? So I ask, does anyone have any dreams worth looking at? Art, surprise, denial? Malice?
  8. HAH HAH HAH! BEAR! Oh, man... Okay, so which one of you can tell me why my replacement icon for Shaman Dance Disabled won't show up when the Disable Button effect is used, but the button disappears from the bar completely instead? I thought I had forgotten to add that frame to the cycle or stuck it in the wrong place, but no, and it's the same size as the others, too. The Shaman Free and Shaman Yellow Happy and Shaman Red Unhappy all stand to attention.
  9. There is a sheep button in there! What the heck?
  10. Which BAM or BMP file does it use?
  11. I looked at the mod, and it performs as it should, just as it did during my testing. Originally I tested for BGEE 1, and now for 2. What you perceive as a bug is probably no number showing on character pages after a reload. That's the way it has to be, unfortunately, as I mentioned in the description. The game keeps the score of personal money, but the tokens have to be refilled with the Review Budget ability. I did tune up the mod a little, though, to make space for some special script and conversation situations when an NPC takes party money. I also made an allowance for a hypothetical situation when a script rather than a conversation deducts party money (like in my mod "The 1000"). I don't know of any situations like that in the straight games, but if it happens, the party leader's purse will answer for those deductions. The download link has been updated. I can't make out everything Seden objected there, but there are natural limits on all of the improvements. The backstab multiplier can't go beyond x10, but here it's limited to x5, AC can never be better than -20 and so on. As for balance, consider that improving, say, AC by a point costs 3000 gold. Pushing it down to -20 will cost nearly as much as the whole value of treasure of a game like BG1, and that assumes the main character can even get that amount just for himself, which isn't realistic unless one plays solo and spends money on almost nothing else. But it's still possible for obssessed players to "beat the system" and WIN, I'm sure.
  12. There is no 3D modeling involved in the Infinity Engine. And animations are not very complicated, although dragons' are more so. Ask kjeron for advice on animations, I'm sure he'll want to help. What we need is someone who can DRAW. Make a dragon without wings, or a pig with them, or any new creature on the level with originals, and you'll be in the hall of fame faster than Kangaxx can blink.
  13. A 3D game's creatures can't be converted to 2D. Not without some complicated posing in front of a blue screen or something.
  14. First this is going to take someone who wants to put in the work to make the creature. After that someone appears, he won't mind shrinking the scorpion along the X axis. This is going to compensate for the angle. The files should probably be blurred by a couple of points as well, they are pixellated. The Imp doesn't know anything, as always, but the shadow is not a problem. They are all black in animations, set as the 2nd palette color, which the engine turns transparent. And there is no practical limit to the number of animation slots in EE. But, as I said, this is going to take a modder who wants to put in the labor to deliver an exciting new creature into the games. I'm too disappointed with modders and players to do anything but wish scorpions existed. "You get to travel, meet interesting new insects. Get to kill 'em." - "Ant Z."
  15. People who have played Fallout 1 or 2 will be familiar with this chelicerate: I remembered it when looking for new visual elements for a spell, and I researched ripping resources of those two games - the radscorpions appear already in Fallout 1. I followed links to programs and advice for extracting creature images, and I saved for myself the walking and attack animations of this one. That's all I need for the spell. It's a pity that such an attractive arthropod has to go unemployed, though, when it would easily fit the not-too-wide ranks of monsters in Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, unlike, say, molerats or super mutants. If a modder wants to make a proper creature of it, I can explain where to get the files and which ones to use.
  16. The question has been answered, but I will add this: it may be a pretty good mod idea to nerf the party. -2 to every stat above 8 for all of the NPC would be a good start. Possibly -1 to the main class stat, though the values would still be excessive. Take the wizards in the first Baldur's Gate: Xan has Intelligence 16, Xzar 17, Edwin 18. 18 is the physical maximum for the human species. Edwin is Einstein with an energy bar. Those two other characters are Bohr and Plank, and hey hoy, they all happened to meet on the same fifty miles of coast. Imoen's Intelligence is 17 also... "Heya!" Slash stats, and the painful labors to balance out the BG series with ingenious hacks will recede from necessity. The power of personages like Shandalar will also seem less outrageous.
  17. The difference to ask about is not between BG1 and BG2 but between the "classic" engine (Shadows of Amn and its reverse application to BG1 - Tutu) and the Enhanced Edition. The sounds will work in both, but the water only in EEs (and the files should not be put in override for a "classic" game, they may screw up the water). In the EEs the appearance of this variety of water will be changed wherever it is found, but I'm only aware of this water type being used on the Werewolf Island.
  18. Maybe he is fiddling with those things instead of looking at the Projectile flags.
  19. It will come out after "The Demon and the Dragon" and possibly some small stuff.
  20. You mean this checkered pattern? It's the same pattern water already uses, only made more visible because of the brightness and contrast increase. Water is always tiled, and it's either flat and grayish or vivid like this - a trade-off. Don't use the files if the pattern bothers you. Although you would miss out on the gradual brightening and dimming of the waves which, I think, adds to the ambience.
  21. The answer: if blending is enabled, black will always be transparent and dark colors to the degree they approach black. Don't use blending. If the animation has areas that are overly dark and not looking pretty, you have to edit the BAM by hand and eliminate those parts or extract the frames and redraw them. If this question were about a visual effect, it would be possible to use the "Transparent" option instead of blending, and there are a couple of boxes to increase the intensity of colors in a VVC, but for a PRO, no blending is the only way.
  22. I'll have a look at this some time later.
  23. I listened to them all when I was making this, and if after all the little handsome squeaks and grunts the imp suddenly bellows unpleasantly, that is to remind the player that this is, in fact, a devil.
  24. I meant that if you are not adding an actual new dragon, with new horns or without horns, or with a triceratops tail, or with four wings, or whatever, NEW, then there is no reason to care about these animations and their facing. If you only need to recolor one, it doesn't matter how they work.
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