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Everything posted by temnix

  1. Obviously? I don't think so. A few of these came out grainier than is usual, and I might still smooth them over, but the two on the left, for example, fit seamlessly on a bar with standard icons. If subtledoctor wants one done, though, he'd better hurry and say it. I'm almost through with these boards and modding.
  2. However, now this refuses to do anything: REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ActionOverride(\(.+\),LeaveParty())~ %Kill(/1)% This is for scripts, not dialogues. Dialogues are a lot easier to patch. I don't know why there is no match for the above. The regular expression is there. I'm checking this against Jaheira's script, one of whose lines reads: ActionOverride("Khalid",LeaveParty()).
  3. Perfect without the brackets! Thank you.
  4. I can draw an icon for you. I do it all the time. Here is the barcode full of them for an upcoming mod: But decide on a concept first. How about an eraser in flames?
  5. @qwerty1234567So you are saying there is no problem? I wish it were so, but Weidu doesn't agree. Or do you mean that . is a literal fullstop? Not in Weidu's code it isn't. See the documentation: . matches any character except newline
  6. This has come up again. I'm replacing PartyGold(...) and its LT and GT versions, in dialogues, with CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy,...,GOLD). The private purse instead of the party pool. This is the code I'm using, and nothing is getting changed after it, example: REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\bPartyGoldGT(\([.]+\))~ %CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy,\1,GOLD)% \b In the beginning, for start of the word, is to prevent replacement of the GivePartyGold action. Why does this fail? The first parenthesis in the matched expression is there, the final paranthesis is also real, between them is a regular expression: \([.]+\) Seems in order to me. With this code Weidu complains of "spurious \\ in regulation expression." Edited
  7. A year or two ago I noticed that the engine was looking for NPC speech in two different places: SNDSLOT.IDS and SOUNDOFF.IDS. The first one is used, in Weidu, for assigning creature sounds, so a character has to be written like this: SAY INITIAL_MEETING @X, with INITIAL_MEETING and the other allowed lines being from SNDSLOT. Scripts, on the other hand, look into SOUNDOFF for the VerbalConstant action. The two files are not completely the same, in particular, SOUNDOFF does not have separate lines for different selection and action lines. For selection it only lists SELECT_COMMON, which means the first selection response and corresponds to SELECT_COMMON1 in SNDSLOT. For this reason it is not possible to make a creature utter the second or third line from a script - it won't compile (actually, it does compile, but wrong lines are assigned). So, noticing that I mixed up a SOUNDOFF with lines from SNDSLOT so that scripts could draw on those more specific responses. I put up that file for download for anybody who wanted it. The IDS file just needs to be copied into override before compiling the scripts. Now, however, my Weidu for some reason doesn't recognize the existence of this file. The COPY command of my mod puts it in override before COMPILE starts, but Weidu still says that the VerbalConstant arguments are not found in SOUNDOFF. They are there, and I can rewrite the script by hand after installation, but by itself it ends up with wrong lines. What can I do about this?
  8. It looks like I was too hasty in offering a hand. This mod will never come out, truly. The worst thing a modder can do is take on too much challenge. We aren't companies.
  9. I ended up putting 318 for Backstab > 4 on top and writing the 326 for money and THIEF_ALL.
  10. Somebody ought to revise this regeneration completely. It is boring.
  11. Why would this mod not be completed? Anyway, it seems interesting. I would like to help. It's surprising that a keep should spring up between Beregost and Nashkel, there is no such fortification on any standard maps of the Realms, later ones. That Dragon article is a sort of apocrypha. But I'm ready to change my perceptions for an expanded world.
  12. Do you mean his scattered meteor bombardment? That's probably just a spread animation for the area projectile. We are talking about different possibilities here: a shell spell with included subspells that throw projectiles with off-center central explosions - actually, now that I remember how the comet works, with off-center Projectile BAM graphics which make the comets appear to land in different places; or several separate falling meteors, each actually doing its own damage - this would probably require invisible minions; or VVCs playing off-center comet BAMs for a single real hit; or one hit again but with the spread animation including several different cycles. I'm going to stop here, but if that last is what you want, it will take an AOE projectile with a Custom explosion effect, "Start scattered" enabled on the AOE page and "Start random cycle" on the main page. The Spread animation BAM will be a combined BAM, with several cycles within. The top of these cycles is always played first, even with the random option, so it needs to be made to go away quickly and clear the way for the rest. Import a blank BAM into the file, create a 1-frame cycle with it, make it the first cycle in the sequence. The cycles below will be the different imported off-centered, edited and so on versions of the comet, each version being one cycle. When the projectile hits, scattered comets will seem to rain. You can intersperse them with more blank cycles, longer this time, to spread out the visible explosions.
  13. I would like to have a complicated filter in SPLPROT.2DA for effect 321, applying a spell. The filter should only let the spell through to thieves with at least 5000 gold in their private purse (stat) and a backstab multiplier not exceeding 4 - not maximum. I'm using this code: COPY_EXISTING ~SPLPROT.2DA~ override COUNT_2DA_ROWS 4 backstab BUT_ONLY APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%backstab% 56 4 3~ OUTER_SET thief = backstab + 1 APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%thief% 0x10d 205 5~ OUTER_SET combined-thief = thief + 1 APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%combined-thief% 260 %backstab% %thief%~ OUTER_SET final = combined-thief + 1 APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%final% 260 %5K% %combined-thief%~ - Writing %final% into the spell's offset. %5K% here is from a line added earlier, I didn't want to duplicate it. After installation the filter selection shows: STAT GOLD < 5000 (146) - above STAT BACKSTABDAMAGEMULTIPLIER > 4 (151) CLASS != THIEF_ALL (152) Not match entries 151 or 152 (153) Not match entries 146 or 153 (154) The last line represents the final filter, and everything seems to be in order. But the filter doesn't work. It lets through the spell for all my party members and anyone outside, if they just have enough gold. Ideas? Could this be because the backstab check doesn't consider the existence of the backstabbing ability, only its strength, so characters without one still count as being under backstab 5? This would mean the condition in 151 would be true for anyone. But the THIEF_ALL requirement would still stop the spell, wouldn't it? The "or" here is really "nor," isn't it? Neither this nor that must be true, then go ahead. Isn't that the meaning of it?
  14. Some of those effects look cool. But I thought you were making your own spell?
  15. Oh, wait a minute. The comet... It uses a Comet-type projectile, doesn't it? So it isn't an Explosion animation in AOE properties, it is the missile animation for the Projectile properties. Well, that makes it easier in a way. You can set-unset a couple of flags there to control the look, almost like in a VVC. Then all you need to do is offset the center of your variant comet BAMs, and the comets will seem to plonk in different spots. Use Fireball as a template for these Cast at point spells. By the way. If you tick "Falling path" in combination with "Comet," you can make the comets come from the left. I would make this happen half of the time. Make two groups of spells, one with right hand projectiles and one with left hand, and cast them at 50-50 probabilities. Good luck.
  16. Don't use secondary projectiles. That's not what I'm suggesting. Those hit after the first one hits (and you can actually set up an infinite stream of projectiles on the same spot, if you like, by making the secondary projectile fire another seconary projectile - itself, only make sure Enable Saving is enabled on the main flags. But this is just an aside.) No, simply use ordinary projectiles inside spells that don't otherwise do anything. You need the projectiles only for the pageant of their BAMs. So you begin with your starting spell, the shell spell, and this one will be, I assume, an Any point within range. No projectiles here, and the effects will include Cast spell at point, Self, as usual, pointing to subspell A. Another effect like this will lead to subspell B, another to C and so on. The subspell A will be the one that applies the damage, and its projectile will be one of your edited comet BAMs. The other subspells will be empty, unless you want to stuff the turkey with some Play Sound there, Self-targeted, bangs and booms. You can use probabilities there as well, e.g. Play Sound, file 1, 100-50 and Play Sound, file 2, 49-0. Make these sound files a little different - change pitch, speed or put a small pause in the beginning of one but not the other. When this cocktail goes off randomly, it will be naturalistic and unpredictable. But that's just if you want to go full monty with your effects. All the subspells really need is some kind of area of effect projectile. Your subspell A needs one, anyway, to do the damage, the rest don't matter. Take INAREA.PRO as a template and edit it, you can rename it later. So Area of effect, keep size at 256, why not, Explosion effect - Custom, Explosion animation - enter one of your comet variants here. The complication is, though, that this field, Explosion animation, does not accept blending. Even though the menu lets you pick VVC files, they aren't used. So the center blast never looks very good. (Try the Explosion effect - Fireball and hit Pause just when the blast begins, you'll see what I mean.) The comet BAM, if you look at it closely, is trimmed carefully so that it has almost no dark pixels. It is nearly all fire and smoke, so it comes across okay even without blending. But probably better with. Anyhow, the simple way here is just make a bunch of these projectiles with center comets and launch the dud spells from inside the shell spell. Tada, everyone happy. What I would do, though, is first have a look at the comet as it would play in the form of a visual effect. It might look better with the blending which VVC makes possible. So, try this from somewhere: Play Visual Effect (215) - > target Self - > at target point - > VVC with blending on - > your comet. Try switching on 3D blending next, that usually makes the picture brighter. You can use the VVC to create a lighting halo for the comets, too: turn on Special lighting, then below enter Light Spot width and height, not exceeding 100, and some brightness, like 50 to begin with. With blending enabld the light spot will be much more stark than without, so even if you decide against blending the comet you can add a nice halo for where it's going to land. It's going to look something like this: Lighting begins brown and dim, but the higher the brightness value, the harsher and closer to white the halo becomes. Here I had to settle for white spots with yellow balls, because the missile BAM had lots of black pixels, there was just no way to use it unblended. Otherwise I would keep blending off and increase brightness to something very high, and it would still be a subtle yellowish aura, which is what, I think, would look better below your fiery comets as well. How do you use this? Well, instead of bothering with many projectiles which draw this fairly ugly no-frills BAM in the center (and it overlaps everything...) you can create one real projectile without any graphics for the damage and use several VVC files for your custom comets. Here we move into pure illusion territory, of course. The comets will be a complete pretense, but it may look better and give you more control. Anyway, tell me if you want that, and I'll explain how.
  17. A tip: for better style you should go back to the comet BAM and edit it to make some comets a little smaller, others a little larger, tone down color on one, shift the hue a little on another, and start them off at different frames in the cycle (since it loops). It is much more beautiful and convincing when the comets aren't clones. But there is no need to redraw one gigantic BAM frame by frame. You can just use pseudo spells with custom projectiles. In your starting spell put Cast spell on point A, casting the subspell that will hit the center, with one version of a comet BAM and doing the damage. But also include Cast spell at point B, C, D, all of them empty but using projectiles with different versions of the BAM, adjusted and skewed off center. This is easy, just select all of the frames in Near Infinity's tool and put -- or ++ in the center coordinates to move the center up, down, to the sides. Experiment with this, and you will have a convincing display when all these are launched soon enough. If you want to get fancy, you can even make a bunch of these pseudo spells and use probabilities in the shell spell, like this: subspell A1 at 100-50, subspell A2 at 49-0, employing projectiles with different off-keel BAMs. This way no two castings will be alike.
  18. Oh, hi, kjeron. Wait a minute, they alter the class name everywhere? Option 0, too? I thought, and was hoping, that the change would be restricted to the character screen and the inventory. It's the only way I know to display some other info about a character. Class isn't important to show, we all know what class everyone is. But if it gets replaced everywhere, in every reference... What I'm really after is displaying a token somewhere, to be filled in with a global. Like this, actually: SetTokenGlobal("MYGOLD","LOCALS","DISPLAY"). If I replace the class name with the token, I can show the amount of gold the character carries, after a couple of convulsions out of sight. The content doesn't get updated dynamically, though. Any alternatives?
  19. With option (parameter) 0 this opcode changes the class title on the character record screen and in the inventory. But I don't see any changes with option 1, no matter what I enter in the Special field, or nothing at all. Does it even work?
  20. What the fuck? Are you both nuts? Giving me a shitty solution that nearly ruined people's installations, thankfully I spotted the problem in time, and now trying to bullshit your way out some extra?
  21. The Disable Button effect includes an option for blocking the Inventory screen (new to the EEs, apparently), but it doesn't seem to do anything.
  22. @CamDawg Your method destroyed all attached sound files in the TLK. Great job! You didn't think of this?
  23. This mod should be downloaded a second time. I was given very wrong advice for implementing the text replacement, and the module ended up destroying all sounds attached to text strings, like character speech. I did not find out this until after uploading it. Uninstall it, then take the version now at the link.
  24. The grown-ups have arrived. Everywhere and all over the realms, in all exclamations and ejaculations, the olde worlde recedes. Install this, or your arse is grarse. Inlcudes rich customization options for the printed patootie. Download
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