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River plug missing

Guest GW

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I installed the BG2 tweak pack mod on BG1/BG2 and I'm having problems with the river plug at cloakwood mine being replaced by a ioun stone.

After hours of searching , I discovered that this was due to the exotic items component and was a problem with tutu tweaks versions before v6.

Since I understand BG2 tweaks is meant to replace tutu tweaks I would have thought this bug would have been catered for - obviously not.

Anyhow, I am stuck with the problem (no I don't have any game saves before killing the mage).

I've tried using cluaconsole after I removed the exotic items component, but I can't get it to work - the closest I got was an error message saying there was an unexpected type at operation.


Any suggestions


Thanks in advance



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I installed the following mods/fixes in the order recommended by G3.


Easytutu TOB; degreenifier and NPC kit.

Tutufix v17; unfinished business; herbs & potions and lost items.

Slime quest; grey clan; sirines call & stone of askovar.

NPC project & music.

Improved bams, one pixel production & gminion

DOTweak; iitem;iitweak; bg tweaks; scs.

easy spawn randomizer & tutugui.


I thought that I wouldn't be able to get into baldur's gate city if I didn't complete the flooding of the mine but I was wrong.

So since it's only a matter of a bit of extra exp it doesn't matter if you can't resolve it.



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Oh... you mean the river plug key. I was wondering how the entire river plug could be replaced with an ioun stone :).


That was in fact reported and supposedly fixed in Tweaks a while ago.


To spawn the key, use CLUAConsole:CreateItem("_misc87").


@Cam - would recommend replacing lines 2211-2219 with a simple ADD_CRE_ITEM ~cdioun2~ #0 #0 #0 ~NONE~ ~HELMET~ (yeah I know, this command wasn't around when you first wrote this :)). Also, why are you regexp and globbing a single known CRE name? Just wondering.

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@Cam - would recommend replacing lines 2211-2219 with a simple ADD_CRE_ITEM ~cdioun2~ #0 #0 #0 ~NONE~ ~HELMET~ (yeah I know, this command wasn't around when you first wrote this :)).

If someone else has given him a helmet, A_C_I would move his helmet to the inventory--which is silly.


Also, why are you regexp and globbing a single known CRE name? Just wondering.

So it'll catch both Tutu and BGT versions.


Unless something else has moved the river key into the helmet slot, this shouldn't be removing the item. If you're playing BGT, the item is bgmisc83 and _misc83 in Tutu.

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If someone else has given him a helmet, A_C_I would move his helmet to the inventory--which is silly.
If someone had given him a helmet, that would be silly :). But if someone had taken the trouble to assign something to his helmet slot (like an ioun stone for example), it might be an important item, and there's no reason it couldn't be moved to inventory, hence why I chose ADD_CRE_ITEM. REPLACE_CRE_ITEM would also work, if you wanted to destroy whatever was in his helm slot, if there was anything there.
Also, why are you regexp and globbing a single known CRE name? Just wondering.
So it'll catch both Tutu and BGT versions.
If you stick this somewhere in the component:

OUTER_SPRINT ~tsu~ ~_~ //initial underscore if Tutu
OUTER_SPRINT ~tsu~ ~~ //no underscore otherwise

You can do all (well, the vast majority of) your CRE copying as:

COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%davaeo.cre~ ~override~

Just a suggestion though (that has nothing to do with this glitch).

Unless something else has moved the river key into the helmet slot, this shouldn't be removing the item.
So what is removing it? What was removing it in previous versions of Tutu Tweaks?
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If someone else has given him a helmet, A_C_I would move his helmet to the inventory--which is silly.
If someone had given him a helmet, that would be silly :). But if someone had taken the trouble to assign something to his helmet slot (like an ioun stone for example), it might be an important item, and there's no reason it couldn't be moved to inventory, hence why I chose ADD_CRE_ITEM. REPLACE_CRE_ITEM would also work, if you wanted to destroy whatever was in his helm slot, if there was anything there.
Also, why are you regexp and globbing a single known CRE name? Just wondering.
So it'll catch both Tutu and BGT versions.
If you stick this somewhere in the component:

OUTER_SPRINT ~tsu~ ~_~ //initial underscore if Tutu
OUTER_SPRINT ~tsu~ ~~ //no underscore otherwise

You can do all (well, the vast majority of) your CRE copying as:

COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%davaeo.cre~ ~override~

Just a suggestion though (that has nothing to do with this glitch).

It's always a good idea to completely rebuild working code to do, uh, exactly what it was doing before. :)


So what is removing it? What was removing it in previous versions of Tutu Tweaks?

Math error--Tweaks was writing the new item code to the wrong place. As a result it was partially overwriting the key reference and turning it into a non-existent resref. With the current code, it shouldn't be messing with anything except what's in the helmet slot (and if someone put the key there, well, that's also silly).

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First of all apologies I of course meant the key and not the plug.


I finally got cluaconsole to work - the problem was when I typed ", it came up as some character I have never seen before - something like @.


Never having used cluaconsole before I didn't catch on to the problem - I naively thought this was part of the way the thing worked.


I went through most of the keyboard keys before I the found the key to give me an " which was ~.


The other keys seemed to give their normal result.


Thanks for your time



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It's always a good idea to completely rebuild working code to do, uh, exactly what it was doing before. :)
Right. It's called optimization. And why *isn't* it a good idea if you can reduce lines of code, margin of error, mod file size, download speeds and install times *while at the same time* keeping exactly the same functionality? Unless you're somehow concerned about "stability" issues, which would be negligible here, or even improved. I'm no WeiFu expert like you, but I'd think regexping and globbing takes longer than not doing it. But it's your mod - wasn't trying to tell you what to do with it, just making a suggestion :).


Anyway... so I guess we assume that either GW got a hold of some ancient copy of Tutu Tweaks or some other mod is messing with Davaeorn's inventory in extremely strange ways? I just installed the latest 'Exotic Items' component on Tutu and he has the ioun stone in his helm slot and the key in inv1. Though I did notice it took ages to install... :(:) :)

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And why *isn't* it a good idea if you can reduce lines of code, margin of error, mod file size, download speeds and install times *while at the same time* keeping exactly the same functionality?

Recoding something carries a non-trivial chance of introducing bugs. This is why you usually keep working code even if there's a new way to do it. In this case, this recode would be (in order): worse, worse, worse, worse, and infinitesimally better. To be fair, though, three of those points are identical. Don't get me wrong--for new mods, I think the prefixing is probably a better idea, but it's not worth the bug risk to recode something that's already working.


I'm all for improving my bad code, but this ain't it. :)

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