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I met great heroes today


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I had no idea how awesome are the people who live on streets of Athkatla. One would think that local thugs may be tough...

For guards or commoners.

But now I discovered that they are really awesome people. They are heroes. They are real heroes of the streets.


Look as these guys:





They are true heroes. They are capable of greatest deeds. They did greatest deeds.

The first one is a common thug. But he's not a common thug. He's a real hero.

He has 7th level in both classes.

That's awesome, absolutely awesome.

7th level for a warrior requires gathering 64000 XP and 7th level for a thief requires 40000 XP.

It's incredible, it's heroic. He killed many monsters, many powerful opponents. Actually he's stronger than <CHARNAME> after ending BG1. He's a true hero, he killed monsters and wizards and hundreds of 15xp city guards.


I can't believe so awesome person would become a common thug, but it's true.


Then there's that great captain. He's level 10/10. He's so powerful, so experienced, I just can't believe it.

He needed 500 000 XP to get level 10 as a fighter and 160 000 XP to get level 10 as a thief. He's so mighty, so heroic. I bet he killed a dragon. It's unbelievable that

such a great hero is living on the streets, being a ruffian captain.


And here's the most incredible thing:


Their equipment, their modest equipment. They are such powerful heroes and they don't need any magical weapons, any magical weapons. They just use their incredible heroic skills to get what they want.

They are like paladins or like monks. So powerful and equipped with only modest weapons. They are great, they are true heroes, I really admire them.

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well, you could easily make a mod that would halved their levels and see if game become more interesting
That's only for cheatersVampire NPC mods, as the levels have nothing to do with the actual NPC levels or their skills, as they can be altered how ever you wish... and by the way their experience is actually 0 on the screen shots! They could have been trained to be capable guards, thugs etc., but they don't have actual experience of fighting in the streets... or believe what ever you wish. :)
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well, you could easily make a mod that would halved their levels and see if game become more interesting
That's only for cheatersVampire NPC mods, as the levels have nothing to do with the actual NPC levels or their skills


That's largely but not entirely true: their levels affect their spell effects, backstab multipliers, attacks per round, vulnerability to cloudkill, etc

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But when you will reduce their power (make them 1st or 2nd level warriors/thieves) they will give you less XP. Once I was trying to make experience points amount gained after slaying beasts and villians similiar to PnP AD&D. And it was cool!

Firkraag as most powerfull dragon gives us only 26.000 points. Liches for 8.000/9.000. Beholders similiar. I didn't completed it mainly becouse of Trone of Bhaal, where you're gaining idiotic amount of XP for generic city guards! And without these abnormal rewards, ToB becomes unplayable. But in Shadows of Amn this modification could be possible. (still, some previews are at PnP Baldur Demo mod)


About killin' them by one cloudkill or laying them down by useless in vanilla game Sleep spell... hey, you're hero! Not them: thugs and beggars with 10th level. :)

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well, you could easily make a mod that would halved their levels and see if game become more interesting

I have a mod that brings them down to level 1-3 :party: . For my private use :D . I prefer when the environment doesn't level up with me - after all, what's the point of becoming powerful, when everything else becomes powerful too? Not to mention the problem of monstrous amounts of XP from quests and enemies...


That's only for cheatersVampire NPC mods, as the levels have nothing to do with the actual NPC levels or their skills, as they can be altered how ever you wish...

Well, they have proper HP, proper saving throws and Thac0 that allows them to easily penetrate armour.


as they can be altered how ever you wish... and by the way their experience is actually 0 on the screen shots!

That's because no one bothered to set the correct XP :laugh: . Not to mention that those NPCs are illegal - they are multiclassed, not dualclassed.


They could have been trained to be capable guards, thugs etc., but they don't have actual experience of fighting in the streets... or believe what ever you wish. :)


Capable guards with very good training are level 1 fighters. Ordinary soldiers are level 0 fighters. Heavily armoured knights are level 1 fighters. Level 2+ fighters are supposed to be elite soldiers.

For comparison, Catti-Brie, an experienced adventurer trained by Drizzt himself and armed with a sentient magical sword is a level 7 fighter.

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Capable guards with very good training are level 1 fighters. Ordinary soldiers are level 0 fighters. Heavily armoured knights are level 1 fighters. Level 2+ fighters are supposed to be elite soldiers.


That sounds accurate for PnP, but I don't think there's any evidence at all that it's true in BG. The Black Talon Elites, for instance, are 4th level.

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Level 4 is tolerable - it requires "only" 8000 xp. It would be possible for a limited amount veteran mercenaries. On the other hand they are pretty under-equipped - I don't really see them surviving to level 4 if they didn't get some really good armour as soon as they could. Also, taking in account that they are level 4, they should be backed up by a wizard and a cleric or two.



Actually, in PnP game, Black Talon mercenaries are composed of 120 men - 80 level 3 fighters, 20 level 1 fighters and 20 level 3-6 thieves.

Thy are equipped with various arms depending on their mission. Level 3 fighters are much more probable, because they both represent a small elite force and require 2 times less XP than level 4.

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rofl - OK two explanations :)


1. Maybe they had zillions of potions and other consumables that they consumed...


2. Maybe they've played the game through several times, gaining the same experience time after time. My PC (a bard) has and can now survive pretty well...


OK this forum doesn't have the sarky whistling smilie so just imagine it there please... :D


PS I'd like to know the stats of the chicken or duck or rabbit or whatever it is...

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