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Kivan's Portrait


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YAY! The face edit is pretty much perfect, but the hair look a bit artificial... What if you try to keep just a short on-the-brow strand on the right side and eliminate the rest of it and maybe play with the colour a bit to get rid of greyness? :) Er... please, disregard if it sounds nutters to you :)

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So is it fine now? If it is, want me to move on and take a shot at Deheriana while I'm at it or is the existing one already perfect? You are making a Kivan mod for BG2 correct? Do you have a rough estimate for the release date yet and is it SOA only or will it carry on into TOB? Love all your mods Domi :)

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I won't say no to seeing your take on Deheriana :)

We are sort of half-way done with proof-reading, some new texts need to be coded, still testing and I think I got a volounteer to voice Deheriana's soundset... so, eh... I do not know. It is SoA only, and Kivan have a tendency to die in the end of SoA anyway... Depends if we discover mind-boggling bugs :)

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