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Opinions and ideas for v2


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First off, no, the release of v2 is not imminent. I am working on it, but I wouldn't want to rush it out and upset all the good people who've started a game with v1 and would be unable to upgrade without starting over. However, I thought I'd try to wheedle some input out of you.


Secondly, if you start a game using Mode 2 and you are not using Dungeon-Be-Gone, you will find two Helms of Balduran. Sorry about that. It will be fixed in v2.


The compatibility issues with Kivan NPC, Beyond the Law and Spellhold Gauntlet will have been resolved in v2. If anyone has any concern about some other mod, I'll test it for incompatibilities. Otherwise I'll get back to this fun task once more before I release v2.


Version 2 will have Mode 2 made available to regular Baldur's Gate. I have not been successful in getting Mode 1 to work.


I also thought I'd make the following changes, adding some more items among other things:



Mode 1:

Move Frostreaver from the Mode 2-exclusive list

Move the Stiletto of Demarchess from the Mode 2-exclusive list

Add the Bladesinger Chain

Add the Bone Club (it's not very useful where it is, but it might be if you obtained it earlier)

Possibly add the Staff of the Magi (I'll need to check for mods that make use of it. Like Tactics, I think.)


Mode 2:

(for technical reasons these items would be difficult to randomise with Mode 1)


Add Ring of Protection +2 (in which case compatibility with Xan BG2 NPC will also be taken care of)

Add Amulet of Power

Add Thieves' Hood

Add Montolio's Cloak (the component)

Add Oaken Ring




Mode 1

Add Ring of Protection +2

Add Full Plate +1

Add Arrows of Dispelling from Sorcerous Sundries and Black Lily's store



Any opinions? Suggestions for additional items?

General comments and feedback are welcome too, of course.


(I hope I understand the tiering system right, otherwise this probably isn't going to make much sense...)


One little option I'd love to see is to not randomize the tomes. Since I tend to plan on getting all the tomes (to optimize the character attributes) and also tend to solo, Durlag's tower is basically off-limits for many character classes when soloing. In such cases it would be insanely annoying if one of the tomes were transported to the lower levels. The current placement of the WIS tome is reachable for anyone with potion use.


Maybe just changing the tier of the tomes would be sufficient for this?


I realize that this is a bit of a specialized request, but it's actually only what's keeping me from using the randomizer in my current games.


In this case it is only the WIS tome normally found in Durlag's Tower which has a chance of being relocated to another part of the tower. None of the other tomes will show up in TotSC areas.


I'll try to think of another way to accommodate, but if you were just concerned about the TotSC areas, the best solution may simply be to keep the WIS tome from being randomised.

Add Ring of Protection +2 (in which case compatibility with Xan BG2 NPC will also be taken care of)

Add Amulet of Power


If possible, I'd prefer if these two were not removed from Aran Linvail if RR's Shadow Thief Improvements component is detected (check for it with FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~RR#STF01.BCS~).


I do use a custom creature for my version of Aran, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Add Ring of Protection +2 (in which case compatibility with Xan BG2 NPC will also be taken care of)

Add Amulet of Power


If possible, I'd prefer if these two were not removed from Aran Linvail if RR's Shadow Thief Improvements component is detected (check for it with FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~RR#STF01.BCS~).


I do use a custom creature for my version of Aran, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.


Sure thing.

Would it be acceptable if I left it optional to the player or could things break or otherwise go badly if the items were removed?

Sure thing.

Would it be acceptable if I left it optional to the player or could things break or otherwise go badly if the items were removed?


Well, RR's AI assumes that Aran has those items equipped (especially the Amulet of Power) so it'll behave sub-optimally if he doesn't.


But no, removing them won't break the game or anything.

Guest temujin_

minor typo in the inventory (belt slot) of randomiser/copy/flrandom.cre which, as a result, also affects the 20 or so creatures that fall under fl%Tier%t%Value%.cre and fltier%ta_entry_0%.cre:



Sure thing.

Would it be acceptable if I left it optional to the player or could things break or otherwise go badly if the items were removed?


Well, RR's AI assumes that Aran has those items equipped (especially the Amulet of Power) so it'll behave sub-optimally if he doesn't.


But no, removing them won't break the game or anything.

Then I'll make it optional and put a recommendation against randomising those items (if STI is installed) in the readme. I hope that'll be satisfactory.



minor typo in the inventory (belt slot) of randomiser/copy/flrandom.cre which, as a result, also affects the 20 or so creatures that fall under fl%Tier%t%Value%.cre and fltier%ta_entry_0%.cre:



Whoops. Thanks.




I start this list in hope of forthcoming ideas from within :)


Baldurs Gate

Bastard Sword +1 found in one of Taerum's chests

Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity at the Ogre at the Coast Way

Girdle of Piercing at the same Ogre

Golden Girdle from Kirian Gang at Mutamin's Area



Baldurs Gate 2

Ring of human Influence in tier 1


Bear in mind that the Girdle of Piercing on the ogre south of the Friendly Arm Inn in BG1 is tied to a quest. :) It must be returned to Unsher in the FAI.


"must" is so harsh :grin: RoHI is also tied to a quest in QP, but both items are still in the game and can be returned :)

Bastard Sword +1 found in one of Taerum's chests
Can do.


Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity at the Ogre at the Coast Way

Girdle of Piercing at the same Ogre

As noted, the girdle of piecing is tied to a quest. specifically, Unshey tells the player where the girdle can be found and why it can be found there. As much as I'd like to randomise a useful item like this, I'm not sure it would be appropriate.

The girdle of masculinity/femininity does not have an equally strong reason for remaining where it is, but it does make sense for a girdle collecting ogre to have more than a single girdle, doesn't it?


Golden Girdle from Kirian Gang at Mutamin's Area
The girdle is worn by Kirian. Seeing as how her only other AC improving item is a pair of Bracers AC 7, randomising the girdle would make the fight slightly easier.

Personally, I don't really have a problem with this (e.g. Meilum already has his fabulous gauntlets randomised), but is this something that all of you (the audience of Item Randomiser) are okay with as well?


Ring of human Influence in tier 1
The ring can be randomised, but Mode 1 can not give a random item to Kalah as replacement. So if the ring is randomised, Kalah would either drop one item less worth of loot, or the ring would need to be randomised by Mode 2.

Preferences, anyone?


@Shaitan: yep, "must" may be a bit too strong, since the player can just decide to keep the belt. Anyway, Unsher tells the player where the ogre is, so moving it would make Unsher's indications erroneous. A solution would be to change Unsher's requested item, giving the ogre a custom belt, but it would make little sense to me both the ogre stealing a common belt, and Unsher putting the party's lives at risk to retrieve a belt of no value. Making the new custom belt an enchanted one would renew the randomize or not dilemma we have now. I'd leave it where it is.


@Irrbloss: I agree on leaving the cursed girdle on the ogre too, even if in some of my installs that girdle was gone so I think another mode (IR? I'm not sure, I'd have to check) moves/removes it.

About the Golden Girdle: if it's possible to give Kirian another defensive item in return (randomizing that) I have no problem on randomizing her belt. Anyway I think it wouldn't be worth the trouble.. I'd like to see her group with randomized items that are helpful in their fight, but if you have to work too much to ensure this, leave her the belt.

I wouldn't mind instead moving the Ring of Human Influence, since the circus quest is so brief - it usually takes no more than 10 minutes to be done, just after exiting Irenicus' dungeon. I think a lot of hardcore players will be upset not to find the ring there, as from what I've seen putting charisma to 3 is a common way to go. It's your call here.


Ok I think we'll have to let the girdles on the Ogre stay where they are.


IMO the Golden Girdle can be randomized without too much hassle.

I'm aware of the misuse of RoHI, but that doesn't really bother me. You could put it into mode 2 or just remove it from Kalah as one less loot from him (he got plenty allready). As kthxbye says: it's your call.

Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity at the Ogre at the Coast Way

Girdle of Piercing at the same Ogre

As noted, the girdle of piecing is tied to a quest.


Leave the Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity on the Ogre because its useless. Randomize the girdle of piercing because its powerful.


Change the quest so Unsher wants his magic girdle back ie the girdle of masculinity/feminity.


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