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O followers of folly


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Actually, that is all bloody well plausible. And he does it on a Mac, which makes him really, really good. But ignoring years and years of behind the scenes work and help on project after project across most communities, a zillion threads of helping hands, direct contributions to editors (like NI), critical analysis and tweaking of weidu for compilation (and compilation of) Mac distributions of weidu (being one of the few folks who can follow the ocaml work the bigg does), passing of knowledge about the engine to other serious moddarz, etc., etc.,


direct contribution (proof of faith) most new modders would say "OH! Important Modder - I Should Listen To Him" about is that he and Nythrun make a Yin and Yang of Fixpackhood. Two serious code-folks with different styles and points of view who provide the intelligent and pointed debate about the how and why of a repair, and make things happen.


But I had better stop blabbering on, because while both of them are willing to help anyone who poses good questions, both also don't bother with ego stuff. They are kind of the equivalent of intelligence experts, who are more interested in stuff working than people knowing who they are. Plus, they are old-skool, and johnny-come-latelys like me should shut up in the presence of Elder Gods.

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This is a man who's mastered the fine art of laying it on thick.


Anyway, thank devSin every time you do anything with WeiDU that's not an override dump or compile. WRITE offset var + 1 READ offset var not being use-before-def was once a "feature".

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