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[How to] Make AoE Damage Spell Party Friendly

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That flag is the one to be flipped to make 'normal' spells party-safe. However, it's a known fact that some projectiles are actually coded in the .exe and the .pro is ignored - in fact, I suspect it is so for Ice Storm, since the 'lasts four rounds' portion of the spell is not defined in any file I can find.


PS: If I were easily offended by insults, I wouldn't insult people myself :)

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You need to flag the 7th byte, it is 'not affecting self' in NI and 'target only enemies' in DLTCEP.

The 5th byte is responsible for secondary projectiles.


However, it's a known fact that some projectiles are actually coded in the .exe and the .pro is ignored - in fact, I suspect it is so for Ice Storm, since the 'lasts four rounds' portion of the spell is not defined in any file I can find.
Ice Storm doesn't look in any way special, unlike MMs of Lightning Bolt.

The duration is set in 0x216, as Wisp says.

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You need to flag the 7th byte, it is 'not affecting self' in NI and 'target only enemies' in DLTCEP.

The 5th byte is responsible for secondary projectiles.




However, it's a known fact that some projectiles are actually coded in the .exe and the .pro is ignored - in fact, I suspect it is so for Ice Storm, since the 'lasts four rounds' portion of the spell is not defined in any file I can find.
Ice Storm doesn't look in any way special, unlike MMs of Lightning Bolt.

The duration is set in 0x216, as Wisp says.


So this should make Ice Storm party friendly?


Some enemies use Ice Storm also, what happens when they cast it? :)

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I like it when you have the confidence to be all assy, and then you turn out to be completely wrong. Karmic justice. :D


The checking for target is relative to source, so an enemy caster won't affect other enemies when they cast a "not-party" AoE spell, but it will affect you.

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