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[bg2+tob]preallocated proficiency points at character creation


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I would like to have warriors and others being able to use more effectively many weapons since lvl 1, thus, basically, I would like to give them preallocated proficiency points at lvl 1 like the ranger actually does with 2 weapon fighting style (at char creation a ranger already has ** in this style).


Checking the IESDP i've seen that:


1. weaprof.2da sets the maximum number of * that each class can put in each weapon profiency and style.

2. profsmax.2da defines max number of * a char can put in each proficiency points at level 1 vs those he can put in the same at higher levels (with weaprof.2da seeming like a clone of this file ).

3. profs.2da to decise how many proficiency points each class gets at lvl 1 and how many levels they get at extra proficiency point.

4. clasweap.2da concerns old bg1 proficiencies (bows, large swords and so on) so i guess it's no longer used by bg2 (maybe for npcs?).


Yet I've failed to see any mention of tables with preallocated proficiency points.. also I didn't see any special ability for ranger at level 1 aside charm_animal (I checked this since i was beginning to start thinking that maybe it could have been given an innate permanent ability which, as an extended effect, could have had a permanent: stat:proficiency[233].. but it couldn't be the case since, this way, I think the * points would be given when the avatar spawns and not on the character creation window).


anyone can help me out to understand how to replicate this thing with other classes?


Thanks for the attention

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Thanks for the replys


Charbase editing sounds interesting for certain aspects (since some proficiencies will bec ommon to all in my mod), yet with both DLTCEP and nearinfinity I only find "old" bg1 proficiencies (large sords, missile weapons and so on).

Clab file editing could be usefull too.. but, in this way, i won't be able to let a char choose were to spend extra proficiency points at lvl 1..


Another way could be just providing many prioficnecy points at level 1.. asking the player to put them where my mod guide says except for those you are free to allocate where you want.

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Another way could be just providing many prioficnecy points at level 1.. asking the player to put them where my mod guide says except for those you are free to allocate where you want.
Well, if you do it right, you can make a pre-kit that has effects to the character you have.

Say you want to make a Fighter kit that has 4 points allocated, 2 to long sword and 2 to single handed style, and the usual +4 that are free to allocate where ever... now you make a paladin kit that has the ability to put points to the four( 3, 2 or even 1) spots and no where else ... so when the game starts and the character is made, the player takes this paladin kit, put the points he can to the places you want them to, and as allowed by the sub-kit ... and as the sub-kit then has a spell that summons an invisible creature that switches his base class to a fighter and gives him the fighter kit, and makes him level zero... as the new kit has independent weapon proficiency table, he can assign the new points anywhere he is allowed by the new kits table, he just has the benefits of the previous kit, including the weapons proffs on the .cre file already.

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Thanks for the replys


Charbase editing sounds interesting for certain aspects (since some proficiencies will bec ommon to all in my mod), yet with both DLTCEP and nearinfinity I only find "old" bg1 proficiencies (large sords, missile weapons and so on).

Clab file editing could be usefull too.. but, in this way, i won't be able to let a char choose were to spend extra proficiency points at lvl 1..


Another way could be just providing many prioficnecy points at level 1.. asking the player to put them where my mod guide says except for those you are free to allocate where you want.

New weapon proficiencies are effects. You may try to add effects to charbase, it would be an interesting experiment.

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New weapon proficiencies are effects. You may try to add effects to charbase, it would be an interesting experiment.


Interesting.. yet i'm having difficulties locating them.. are they named as "unknown" something?

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