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Mods which contain fixes


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Let's cut down our work, shall we? The following mods have fixes which we shoudl seek permission to use:

  • G3 Tweaks (world map, consistent +x/+y weapons, magically created weapons have 0 weight)
  • Unfinished Business (various fixes for broken triggers/actions)
  • aVENGER's Rogue Rebalancing (half-elven/elven sleep and charm resistances)
  • Unimplemented Baldurdash fixes
  • Oversight (alignment, classes, continuity)
  • Ding0 Tweaks (demon animations, demon behavior, holy symbol fixes)

I sent an email to Dorner this morning seeking permission to get and use the Baldurdash stuff. Andy, since you recently got in touch with aVENGER, could you ask about the sleep/charm fixes?


I don't think we'll need to worry about permission for the other four. :)

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Don't forget the EoU romance fixes.


EDIT: also, what about Sim's Corrected Demon Animations? And Ghrey's Holy Symbol Fix?


EDIT 2: there are also some minor bug fixes in Battles:


* Mace of Disruption +2 -> Reverted to the +1 version's icon

* Blade of Roses -> Incorrect damage (1D8 instead of 2D4)

* Aegis Fang -> Incorrect unidentified name

* Cloak of Balduran -> Missing portrait icon (Magic Resistance)

* Short Bow +1 (all) -> Incorrect range (100 instead of 75)

* Catti Brie -> Wrong magic res, damage res, and gender

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My illusionary image AI should be considered a fix. Bioware had stuff coded for misleads and simulacrums, but it didn't work.


Cirerrek's Detectable Spells and Scriptable spells should also be included, although somebody needs to test Detectable Spells, since I've heard rumours that the "harmless" stats it uses actually do something ingame.

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Which of these are included so far, out of interest?


And the Holy Symbol fix needed some changes. Kish e-mailed me a few, but I don't think I implemented all of them before the spam filter deleted the message (gggrrrrargh!). So, I can send you the updated version, but Kish might have more thoughts on what needs doing to it.

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Which of these are included so far, out of interest?




G3 Tweaks (world map, consistent +x/+y weapons, magically created weapons have 0 weight)

Oversight (alignment, classes, continuity)

Ding0 Tweaks (demon animations, demon behavior, holy symbol fixes)

Ease of use (romance fixes, Imoen ToB dialogue fixes)


Not in:


Unfinished Business (various fixes for broken triggers/actions)

aVENGER's Rogue Rebalancing (half-elven/elven sleep and charm resistances)

Unimplemented Baldurdash fixes


For UB, I need someone (ice, Andy?) more familiar with the project to identify what's a fix and what's business that was finished. Dorner has not responded to anything, and most of the thief fixes from RRB are in already with the 2da fixes. I think I did not include the elf/half-elf fixes for sleep and charm because they needed a recode, IIRC.


I need to update the world map fixes and Holy Symbol fixes with the newer versions.

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I think I did not include the elf/half-elf fixes for sleep and charm because they needed a recode, IIRC.

Did this ever get recoded. IIRC, aside from making it patcheriffic (which I did once so I probably have an outdated version laying around somewhere), it needs portrait removal and string supression. But that's it.

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I think I did not include the elf/half-elf fixes for sleep and charm because they needed a recode, IIRC.

Did this ever get recoded. IIRC, aside from making it patcheriffic (which I did once so I probably have an outdated version laying around somewhere), it needs portrait removal and string supression. But that's it.

I think I eventually dropped this as a fix--IIRC it's mentioned in the manual, but so is Wall Climb and Fly. Since I couldn't find anywhere in game that supported this I think I dismissed it.

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