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Some questions from a noobie


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 BEGIN saradas

Should probably be:

 BEGIN ~saradas~

Erhm and why have you not added the "setup-" in front of the .tp2 name ? And I would put that file into the mod folder... ouh, and you are using the v232 of weidu.exe ?


Followed your advice, still no success. and btw, isn't v232 the latest version released? it's not a good idea to use that one?



Ouh, and you didn't actually show the content of the .tra file...



my tra looks like this, just like many other .tra files I saw in different mods


@3=~Pergamena misteriosa~
@2=~Combustione spettacolare~
@4=~Combustione spettacolare (Invocazione)

Livello: 7
Raggio: 30m
Bersaglio: singolo
Tempo di cast: 7
Salvezza: incantesimi dimezza danno


and in case you're wondering, I just checked for the millionth time, no tilde missing.... what might the problem be? :(

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what might the problem be? :(
Don't honestly know, thy this one instead:

@1 = ~Pergamena~
@3 = ~Pergamena misteriosa~
@2 = ~Combustione spettacolare~
@4 = ~Combustione spettacolare (Invocazione)

Livello: 7
Raggio: 30m
Bersaglio: singolo
Tempo di cast: 7
Salvezza: incantesimi dimezza danno

Actually it is best to use the latest weidu.exe... so it was just to check.

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lol not really, it's just because im a chaotic neutral. btw i tried to change orders and weidu told me "no translation provided for @4" ....


it cannot see the translation file... *sight* I don't know what to do :'(

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LANGUAGE ~italiano~ ~saradas/italiano/italiano.tra~

That's not the right syntax for LANGUAGE. The first thing after LANGUAGE should be the name of the language (that looks good), then after that comes the language directory, which is used for AUTO_TRA (looks like you're missing this!), and finally, there should be a list containing all of the .tra files you want to load automatically. WeiDU must think ~saradas/italiano/italiano.tra~ is your language directory and that you don't want to load any .tra files by default.


Try this instead.

LANGUAGE ~Italiano~ ~italiano~ ~saradas/italiano/italiano.tra~

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thank you Mike, but the problem was the missing of LOAD_TRA command. Now it worked and moved all contents. Sadly I'm experiencing some crashes, mostly opening scrolls descriptions. I don't understand why, some of them works, some others not... and the .d files have not been compiled well :\


I used this syntax


COMPILE ~saradas\saradas.d~ USING ~saradas\Italiano\saradas.tra~


when i talk to the npc the game freezes

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Sadly I'm experiencing some crashes, mostly opening scrolls descriptions. I don't understand why, some of them works, some others not...
Hmm, what resolution are you using ? Cause if you use the unmoded game as your base and don't use the Widescreen mod to modify the resolution, anything larger than 1024x768 will cause crashed by default as they are not supported and thus not very rigged at all. This is only true to BG2...


Had you just one .tra file, the LOAD_TRA command is unneeded... which is why I suggest to use just one .tra file, as then the translator can use just one too...

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I fixed everything! Works wonderfully :D :D :D

Actually you were right Jarno, if the description is too long (thus not fitting in the scroll space), the game will crash. And for all the other Weidu freshmen out there, some tips:


- always use a good text editor (conText)

- don't write long descriptions

- DON'T friggin' use letters with accent such as "à è ù ò"!!! makes Weidu go crazy


so happy now :D thanks for the help everybody

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- DON'T friggin' use letters with accent such as "à è ù ò"!!! makes Weidu go crazy

No, it doesn't. But you need to keep track of the character encoding yourself. If the game uses CP1252 (BG2) or UTF-8 (BGEE), that's what you need to you for your tra files. WeiDU is completely oblivious of what characters you use and how they are encoded.


If you ever plan on distributing your work, you really want to reserve a prefix and use it for ALL your new files.


LOAD_TRA is another way of doing what Mike1072 suggested you try. However, it's arguably less convenient than Mike's solution.

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Sorry for being to late for answering.


But it seems all your troubles have been solved.


Go on !


Thank you anyway!


If you ever plan on distributing your work, you really want to reserve a prefix and use it for ALL your new files.


I will certainly do that before the mod is released.




I have another problem. I want my character to learn a spell at the end of a dialogue. The funny thing is that the npc i'm talking to is learning the spell, not my character...



IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 5 // from: 4
 SAY @118 /* ~Suvvia, lo sai che non c'e' bisogno di essere modesti con me. Sei piuttosto abile ora, credo che i tempi siano maturi per insegnarti qualcosa che ti tornera' molto utile.~ */
IF ~~ THEN REPLY @119 /* ~Grazie Saradas, faro' tesoro dei tuoi insegnamenti. Alla prossima.~*/ DO ~AddSpecialAbility("spclinv") setglobal("SaradasTalkAfterDavaeorn","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT



what's wrong in the code?

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new problem on a dialog script. the npc theaces a new ability and gives a letter to player1. The GiveItemCreate part is not working at the moment



 SAY @129
IF ~~ THEN REPLY @123 DO ~GiveItemCreate("$invscrl","Player1",1,0,0) ActionOverride(Protagonist,AddSpecialAbility("spclinv")) setglobal("SaradasTalkAfterDavaeorn","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT

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