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Unearthed Arcana presents Might & Guile: tweaks and kits for warriors and rogues

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Guest Noyiko


The Mage Hunter Ranger kit description says: ''+1 bonus to saving throws vs spells. This bonus increases by one for each four levels gained, up to 20th level.''

I don't get this bonus in my spell saving throws.

In the French translation, the special vocalization ability and the special breaching touch ability both have the same ability name and the same description name.

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Hi, @subtledoctor

In the last days I noticed a bug with mods that still used any fl#add_kit_ee version older than 1.1.2 on an EET install, since every version before that predates EET and miss "eet" tag.
That will end up in such kits not properly installed, missing descriptions, names (and more) and not showing in the list due to an "empty" "kitids" coloumn in kitlist.2da.

I noticed that the mods of yours (checked Might & Guile and Tome & Blood) using your function "fix_kitlist_missing_ids" address empty fields as follows (0x4000 + (kitlist row # - 12)) , but kitids progressive are hexadecimals not decimals, so it ends up giving previously missing kits the same kitids of other functional kits. An example from a real install follow.

2DA              V1.0
                 ROWNAME          LOWER            MIXED            HELP             ABILITIES        PROFICIENCY      UNUSABLE         CLASS            KITIDS
0                RESERVE          *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
1                BERSERKER        25179            25151            25201            CLABFI02         29               0x00000001       2                0x00004001
2                WIZARD_SLAYER    25180            25152            25203            CLABFI03         30               0x00000002       2                0x00004002
3                KENSAI           25181            25153            25204            CLABFI04         31               0x00000004       2                0x00004003
4                CAVALIER         25182            25154            25206            CLABPA02         32               0x00000008       6                0x00004004
5                INQUISITOR       25184            25155            25207            CLABPA03         33               0x00000010       6                0x00004005
6                UNDEAD_HUNTER    25185            25156            25208            CLABPA04         34               0x00000020       6                0x00004006
7                FERALAN          25186            25157            25209            CLABRN02         35               0x00008000       12               0x00004007
8                STALKER          25187            25158            25211            CLABRN03         36               0x00010000       12               0x00004008
9                BEASTMASTER      25188            25159            25212            CLABRN04         37               0x00020000       12               0x00004009
10               ASSASIN          25189            25160            25213            CLABTH02         38               0x00040000       4                0x0000400A
11               BOUNTY_HUNTER    25190            25161            25215            CLABTH03         39               0x00080000       4                0x0000400B
12               SWASHBUCKLER     25191            25162            25216            CLABTH04         40               0x00100000       4                0x0000400C
13               BLADE            25192            25164            25217            CLABBA02         41               0x00200000       5                0x0000400D
14               JESTER           25193            25165            25219            CLABBA03         42               0x00400000       5                0x0000400E
15               SKALD            25194            25166            25220            CLABBA04         43               0x00800000       5                0x0000400F
16               TOTEMIC_DRUID    25198            25171            25224            CLABDR02         44               0x08000000       11               0x00004010
17               SHAPESHIFTER     25199            25173            25225            CLABDR03         45               0x10000000       11               0x00004011
18               BEAST_FRIEND     25200            25174            25227            CLABDR04         46               0x20000000       11               0x00004012
19               TALOS            25195            25168            25221            CLABPR02         47               0x01000000       3                0x00004013
20               HELM             25196            25169            25222            CLABPR03         48               0x02000000       3                0x00004014
21               LATHANDER        25197            25170            25223            CLABPR04         49               0x04000000       3                0x00004015
22               ABJURER          597              502              9564             CLABMA02         21               0x00000040       1                0x00000040
23               CONJURER         2179             504              9565             CLABMA06         22               0x00000080       1                0x00000080
24               DIVINER          2846             2012             9566             CLABMA05         23               0x00000100       1                0x00000100
25               ENCHANTER        2861             2022             9567             CLABMA09         24               0x00000200       1                0x00000200
26               ILLUSIONIST      2862             12785            9568             CLABMA08         25               0x00000400       1                0x00000400
27               INVOKER          3015             12786            9569             CLABMA07         26               0x00000800       1                0x00000800
28               NECROMANCER      12744            12787            9570             CLABMA03         27               0x00001000       1                0x00001000
29               TRANSMUTER       12745            12788            9571             CLABMA04         28               0x00002000       1                0x00002000
30               WILDMAGE         54893            54894            54892            CLABMA01         52               0x80000000       1                0x80000000
31               BARBARIAN        45855            45859            45869            CLABFI05         51               0x40000000       2                0x40000000
32               Blackguard       77512            77513            77514            CLABPA06         53               0x00000021       6                0x00004020
33               SHADOWDANCER     74296            74297            74298            CLABTH05         54               0x00004000       4                0x00004021
34               DWARVEN_DEFENDER 74299            74300            74301            CLABFI06         55               0x00004000       2                0x00004022
35               DRAGON_DISCIPLE  74302            74303            74304            CLABSO01         56               0x00004000       19               0x00004023
36               DARK_MOON        74305            74306            74307            CLABMO02         57               0x00004000       20               0x00004024
37               SUN_SOUL         74308            74309            74310            CLABMO03         58               0x00004000       20               0x00004025
38               LATHANDER_X      25197            25170            25223            CLABPR04         49               0x04000000       3                0x00004015
39               GRIZZLY_BEAR     16119            16119            86479            CLABBEAR         60               0xFFFFFFFF       2                0x00004027
40               OHTYR            103137           93785            93786            OHTYR            61               0x00004000       3                0x00004028
41               OHTEMPUS         103221           103222           103223           OHTEMPUS         62               0x00004000       3                0x00004029
42               m#ambkit         7202             1082             9561             CLABTH01         63               0x00004000       4                0x0000402a
43               SkyeHL           103584           103584           103585           SKYEHL           64               0x00004000       6
44               SKJUDKN          103584           103584           103587           SKJUDKN          65               0x00040000       6
45               UBSCL            280006           280006           280007           CLABUBSC         66               0x00004000       21
46               C0SADEPT         109516           109503           271525           C0SADEPT         67               0x00004000       1                0x0000402e
47               C0SASORC         109520           109521           271526           C0SADEP3         68               0x00004000       19               0x0000402f
48               C0SABARD         109524           109525           271527           C0SABARD         69               0x00004000       5                0x00004030
49               C0SAMT           109530           109531           271528           BLANKCLAB        70               0x00004000       13               0x00004031
50               C0SACM           109534           109535           271529           BLANKCLAB        71               0x00004000       14               0x00004032
51               C0SAFM           109538           109539           271530           BLANKCLAB        72               0x00004000       7                0x00004033
52               C0SAFMT          109542           109543           271531           BLANKCLAB        73               0x00004000       10               0x00004034
53               C0SAFMC          109546           109547           271532           BLANKCLAB        74               0x00004000       17               0x00004035
54               C0SMONK          271785           271786           271787           C0SMONK          75               0x00004000       20               0x00004036
55               l0ws             280016           280016           280017           L0CLABWS         76               0x00004000       21
56               EU#TEMPEST       276902           276903           276904           EU#TST           77               0x00010000       2                0x00004038
57               dlost            279937           279937           279938           CLABLD           78               0x00004000       11
58               UB#SW            279973           279973           279974           CLABUB$W         79               0x00004000       21               0x0000403a
59               UB_SH            279971           279971           279972           CLABUBSH         80               0x00004000       21               0x0000403b
60               UB#DW            279920           279920           279921           CLABUB!D         81               0x00004000       21               0x0000403c
61               UBbear           279912           279913           279914           UBBEAR00         82               0x00010000       12               0x0000403d
62               C0ABETT          282214           282213           282215           C0ABETTO         83               0x00004000       5                0x0000403E
63               C0DANCE          282221           101648           282222           C0DANCE          84               0x10000000       5                0x0000403F
64               C0BDD            282229           282228           282230           C0BDD            85               0x00000000       5                0x00004040
65               C0SDRUM          282246           282245           282247           C0SDRUM          86               0x00020000       5                0x00004041
66               C0TRB            282254           282253           282255           C0TRB            87               0x00010000       5                0x00004042
67               C0_DEATHSINGER   282263           282262           282264           C0DEATHS         88               0x00000000       5                0x00004043
68               C0_STRATEGIST    282280           282279           282281           C0STRATE         89               0x00000000       5                0x00004044
69               C0_KAPELLMEISTER 282296           282295           282297           C0KAPEL          90               0x00000000       5                0x00004045
70               C#SoDrow         109453           109453           109454           C#SODROW         91               0x00004000       2                0x00004046

 As you can see in this table for testing purpose, SkyeHL, SKJUDKN, UBSCL, l0ws and dlost have an empty field in "kitids" coloumn, while per kit.ids they should have respectively 0x0000402b, 0x0000402c, 0x0000402a, 0x00004037 and 0x00004039.

After installing M&G, we have this situation, they got the same kitids of other kitmods installed later (0x00004031, 0x00004032,0x00004033, 0x00004043 and 0x00004045):

2DA              V1.0
                 ROWNAME          LOWER            MIXED            HELP             ABILITIES        PROFICIENCY      UNUSABLE         CLASS            KITIDS
0                RESERVE          *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
1                BERSERKER        25179            25151            25201            CLABFI02         29               0x00000001       2                0x00004001
2                WIZARD_SLAYER    25180            25152            25203            CLABFI03         30               0x00000002       2                0x00004002
3                KENSAI           25181            25153            25204            CLABFI04         31               0x00000004       2                0x00004003
4                CAVALIER         25182            25154            25206            CLABPA02         32               0x00000008       6                0x00004004
5                INQUISITOR       25184            25155            25207            CLABPA03         33               0x00000010       6                0x00004005
6                UNDEAD_HUNTER    25185            25156            25208            CLABPA04         34               0x00000020       6                0x00004006
7                FERALAN          25186            25157            25209            CLABRN02         35               0x00008000       12               0x00004007
8                STALKER          25187            25158            25211            CLABRN03         36               0x00010000       12               0x00004008
9                BEASTMASTER      25188            25159            25212            CLABRN04         37               0x00020000       12               0x00004009
10               ASSASIN          25189            25160            25213            CLABTH02         38               0x00040000       4                0x0000400A
11               BOUNTY_HUNTER    25190            25161            25215            CLABTH03         39               0x00080000       4                0x0000400B
12               SWASHBUCKLER     25191            25162            25216            CLABTH04         40               0x00100000       4                0x0000400C
13               BLADE            25192            25164            25217            CLABBA02         41               0x00200000       5                0x0000400D
14               JESTER           25193            25165            25219            CLABBA03         42               0x00400000       5                0x0000400E
15               SKALD            25194            25166            25220            CLABBA04         43               0x00800000       5                0x0000400F
16               TOTEMIC_DRUID    25198            25171            25224            CLABDR02         44               0x08000000       11               0x00004010
17               SHAPESHIFTER     25199            25173            25225            CLABDR03         45               0x10000000       11               0x00004011
18               BEAST_FRIEND     25200            25174            25227            CLABDR04         46               0x20000000       11               0x00004012
19               TALOS            25195            25168            25221            CLABPR02         47               0x01000000       3                0x00004013
20               HELM             25196            25169            25222            CLABPR03         48               0x02000000       3                0x00004014
21               LATHANDER        25197            25170            25223            CLABPR04         49               0x04000000       3                0x00004015
22               ABJURER          597              502              9564             CLABMA02         21               0x00000040       1                0x00000040
23               CONJURER         2179             504              9565             CLABMA06         22               0x00000080       1                0x00000080
24               DIVINER          2846             2012             9566             CLABMA05         23               0x00000100       1                0x00000100
25               ENCHANTER        2861             2022             9567             CLABMA09         24               0x00000200       1                0x00000200
26               ILLUSIONIST      2862             12785            9568             CLABMA08         25               0x00000400       1                0x00000400
27               INVOKER          3015             12786            9569             CLABMA07         26               0x00000800       1                0x00000800
28               NECROMANCER      12744            12787            9570             CLABMA03         27               0x00001000       1                0x00001000
29               TRANSMUTER       12745            12788            9571             CLABMA04         28               0x00002000       1                0x00002000
30               WILDMAGE         54893            54894            54892            CLABMA01         52               0x80000000       1                0x80000000
31               BARBARIAN        45855            45859            45869            CLABFI05         51               0x40000000       2                0x40000000
32               Blackguard       77512            77513            77514            CLABPA06         53               0x00000021       6                0x00004020
33               SHADOWDANCER     74296            74297            74298            CLABTH05         54               0x00004000       4                0x00004021
34               DWARVEN_DEFENDER 74299            74300            74301            CLABFI06         55               0x00004000       2                0x00004022
35               DRAGON_DISCIPLE  74302            74303            74304            CLABSO01         56               0x00004000       19               0x00004023
36               DARK_MOON        74305            74306            74307            CLABMO02         57               0x00004000       20               0x00004024
37               SUN_SOUL         74308            74309            74310            CLABMO03         58               0x00004000       20               0x00004025
38               LATHANDER_X      25197            25170            25223            CLABPR04         49               0x04000000       3                0x00004015
39               GRIZZLY_BEAR     16119            16119            86479            CLABBEAR         60               0xFFFFFFFF       2                0x00004027
40               OHTYR            103137           93785            93786            OHTYR            61               0x00004000       3                0x00004028
41               OHTEMPUS         103221           103222           103223           OHTEMPUS         62               0x00004000       3                0x00004029
42               m#ambkit         7202             1082             9561             CLABTH01         63               0x00004000       4                0x0000402a
43               SkyeHL           103584           103584           103585           SKYEHL           64               0x00004000       6                0x00004031
44               SKJUDKN          103584           103584           103587           SKJUDKN          65               0x00040000       6                0x00004032
45               UBSCL            280006           280006           280007           CLABUBSC         66               0x00004000       21               0x00004033
46               C0SADEPT         109516           109503           271525           C0SADEPT         67               0x00004000       1                0x0000402e
47               C0SASORC         109520           109521           271526           C0SADEP3         68               0x00004000       19               0x0000402f
48               C0SABARD         109524           109525           271527           C0SABARD         69               0x00004000       5                0x00004030
49               C0SAMT           109530           109531           271528           BLANKCLAB        70               0x00004000       13               0x00004031
50               C0SACM           109534           109535           271529           BLANKCLAB        71               0x00004000       14               0x00004032
51               C0SAFM           109538           109539           271530           BLANKCLAB        72               0x00004000       7                0x00004033
52               C0SAFMT          109542           109543           271531           BLANKCLAB        73               0x00004000       10               0x00004034
53               C0SAFMC          109546           109547           271532           BLANKCLAB        74               0x00004000       17               0x00004035
54               C0SMONK          271785           271786           271787           C0SMONK          75               0x00004000       20               0x00004036
55               l0ws             280016           280016           280017           L0CLABWS         76               0x00004000       21               0x00004043
56               EU#TEMPEST       276902           276903           276904           EU#TST           77               0x00010000       2                0x00004038
57               dlost            279937           279937           279938           CLABLD           78               0x00004000       11               0x00004045
58               UB#SW            279973           279973           279974           CLABUB$W         79               0x00004000       21               0x0000403a
59               UB_SH            279971           279971           279972           CLABUBSH         80               0x00004000       21               0x0000403b
60               UB#DW            279920           279920           279921           CLABUB!D         81               0x00004000       21               0x0000403c
61               UBbear           279912           279913           279914           UBBEAR00         82               0x00010000       12               0x0000403d
62               C0ABETT          282214           282213           282215           C0ABETTO         83               0x00004000       5                0x0000403E
63               C0DANCE          282221           101648           282222           C0DANCE          84               0x10000000       5                0x0000403F
64               C0BDD            282229           282228           282230           C0BDD            85               0x00000000       5                0x00004040
65               C0SDRUM          282246           282245           282247           C0SDRUM          86               0x00020000       5                0x00004041
66               C0TRB            282254           282253           282255           C0TRB            87               0x00010000       5                0x00004042
67               C0_DEATHSINGER   282263           282262           282264           C0DEATHS         88               0x00000000       5                0x00004043
68               C0_STRATEGIST    282280           282279           282281           C0STRATE         89               0x00000000       5                0x00004044
69               C0_KAPELLMEISTER 282296           282295           282297           C0KAPEL          90               0x00000000       5                0x00004045
70               C#SoDrow         109453           109453           109454           C#SODROW         91               0x00004000       2                0x00004046
71               D5CORSA          282099           282100           282101           D5_CORSA         92               0x00010000       2                0x00004047
72               D5SAMURAI        282107           282108           282109           D5SAMUR          93               0x00004000       2                0x00004048
73               D5_TOMBRUNNER    282133           282134           282135           D5_TOMBR         94               0x00004000       9                0x00004049
74               D5_THUG          282136           221976           282137           D5_THUG          95               0x00004000       9                0x0000404a
75               D5NINJA_T        282140           282141           282142           D5NINJA          96               0x00004000       4                0x0000404B
76               D5NINJA_F        282140           282141           282142           *                97               0x00004000       9                0x0000404C
77               D5FILCH          282143           282144           282145           D5_FILCH         98               0x00004000       13               0x0000404d
78               D5_LOREMASTER    282150           282151           282152           D5_LORMA         99               0x00004000       13               0x0000404e
79               D5_RA_FOREST     287712           287713           287714           D5RFOR           100              0x00004000       12               0x0000404f
80               D5_RA_MOUNTAIN   287716           287717           287718           D5RMOU           101              0x00004000       12               0x00004050
81               D5_RA_JUNGLE     287720           287721           287722           D5RJUN           102              0x00010000       12               0x00004051
82               D5_RA_DESERT     287724           287725           287726           D5RDES           103              0x00008000       12               0x00004052
83               D5_RA_ARCTIC     287728           287729           287730           D5RARC           104              0x00008000       12               0x00004053
84               D5MAGEH          282153           282154           282155           D5MAGEH          105              0x00004000       12               0x00004054
85               D5RBARB          283708           283709           283710           D5RBARB          106              0x40000000       12               0x00004055
86               D5EARCH          282159           3992             282160           D5EARCH          107              0x00008000       12               0x00004056
87               D5SLING          282161           282162           282163           D5SLING          108              0x00008000       9                0x00004057
88               D5MARKS          283705           283706           283707           D5MARKS          109              0x00080000       4                0x00004058
89               D5JONGL          282166           282167           282168           D5_JONGL         110              0x00004000       5                0x00004059
90               D5LOREM          282150           282151           282171           D5_LOREM         111              0x00004000       5                0x0000405a
91               D5GALLA          282173           282174           282175           D5_GALLA         112              0x00004000       5                0x0000405b
92               D5MEIST          282178           282179           282180           D5_MEIST         113              0x00004000       5                0x0000405c
93               D5CHORI          282186           282187           282188           D5_CHORI         114              0x00004000       5                0x0000405d

Honestly I have no idea of what kind of issues, if any, this could generate and I agree that the root cause is the empty field, something that should not happen in principle and should be fixed, nonetheless I thought it was better to report you this cascading issue.

Just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of your function to fix missing kit ids? Does it make your mods installing faster, prevents other bad stuff happening? Avoid wasting slots?

Anyway, sorry for bugging you, I hope theese are at least useful observations.

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9 hours ago, Frenzgyn said:

Just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of your function to fix missing kit ids? Does it make your mods installing faster, prevents other bad stuff happening? Avoid wasting slots?

The only point of it is to prevent the malformed .2da file from tripping up mods that need to read the file and use COUNT_2DA_COLS for column count (will return ten columns) and then iterate over rows in the file, leading to odd behavior or outright install failures because they try to read entries in rows where entries are missing. For an example, look at how some recent bets of SCS/ToF have been tripping over other misshapen 2da tables. Kitlist is in incredibly important 2da table - it contains and connects a LOT of data important to various kit and rule tweaks. So I figure it is particularly important to clean up this file.

I didn't realize my fix wasn't keeping up with the numbering. That's not ideal; I'll take a look at the code by my inclination is to set the missing entries to " * " (the table default) or, maybe, something like 0x00004000 (a meaningless "no kit" value). In either case it will not have any effect on the kits themselves - if they could function with no value there, then they can function with an arbitrary value there. (And TBH the way it is now may be completely harmless - I'm not sure. But I would like to avoid doubled entries, to stay on the safe side.)

Good catch, thanks for mentioning this! And good timing too, as I am currently prepping an update!

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And another kit idea:

MINSTREL: A travelling poet, entertainer and a musician. Minstrels travel through the realms, earning coin, prestige, knowledge and sometimes even the adoration of the masses. But both the stage and the roads are fraught with danger – a dagger from a ridiculed patron can end a Minstrel’s life just as quickly as a brigand’s sword on an unprocteted forest path. Therefore Minstrels usually are just as proficient in swordplay as they are in their chosen musical instrument.


·         May achieve Specialization (++) with longswords, short swords, bastard swords and daggers.

·         May place 3 slots into Single-Weapon Style.

·         +10 bonus to Lore each level.

·         May use a Song of Blazing Hearts, which grants all allies +1 damage to all their spells, which increased by +1 every 5 levels. (I don't know whether that's possible though).

·         May learn other Bard Songs.

·         May use the Warrior-Poet fighting style at will starting from 6th level.

WARRIOR-POET: This is a fighting style allows the Minstrel to merge the acts of singing and attacking; the Minstrel can combine effects of two songs, while 1 fewer attack can be made per two combat rounds.

·         May use Wandering Poet ability once per day per five levels.

WANDERING POET: When in an inn or a tavern, the Minstrel can attempt to earn money through his musical performance. The chance of earning money increases by 10% every 5 levels he gains (starts at 25% at level 1) and also takes into account the prestige of the place and his/her Charisma score. Performance takes between 2 to 6 hours (randomly decided). The Minstrel is fatigued after each performance.


·         May cast spells one level later than a wizard.

·         May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.

·         May not learn 9th-level spells.

·         May not use the Hide in Shadows or Move Silently thieving abilities.

·         No backstab damage multiplier.

Addtional comments:

The way Wandering Poet could work would like Tracking - it'd only work in certain areas, divided between upper-scale, unremarkable and a "dump" (decided upon the availability of resting options and maybe even the actual location).

On top of that the songs that they'd use would have actual titles and would focus less on melee support, more on augumenting the casters.

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2 hours ago, Shadow Ranger said:

May use the Warrior-Poet fighting style

Heh, that sounds like something from the Dashing Swordsman prestige class “Thrust! Parry! Quip!”

At any rate, I am not too interested in making more bard kits, as I have ripped that class out of my game and I give bardic abilities to other rogue classes. I have proposed to merge (some of) my bard kits with Song & Silence, to minimize overlap between mods. I’ll report on the status of that plan when I know more. Meantime, I have been focused on beefing up the availability of fighter kits — on which, more info soon.

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3 hours ago, GawainBS said:

Now I am worried about what's happening to the Bladesinger and Skald...

I only mean the pure-class bard kits. Right now Might & Guile adds:

— Jongleur, Meistersinger, Loresinger, Gallant

…while Song & Silence adds: 

— Acrobat, Luring Piper, Chorister

The overlap is kind of ridiculous. The only differences are minor matters of naming/implementation, and that S&S lacks the equivalent of a Gallant kit. But for the most part they all hew pretty close to the original Complete Bards source material. If the Gallant moved to S&S, you could still get effectively the same four kits, from one place and requiring less upkeep. 

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Okay, as promised, here is version 5.8.

This adds two new kits. First, the Ironsmith is a pure fighter kit, very similar to the 'Dwarven Fighter' in Ascalon's Breagar mod, but with a few extra bells and whistles for fun. There is also a component to optionally apply this kit to Breagar himself if you have that NPC mod installed.

Second, the Barbarian/Thief is pretty much with it says on the tin, a fighter/thief kit with the characteristics of a Barbarian. The thief side is a bit limited, with no access to Pick Pockets or Open Locks (rage out and bash 'em). And it is limited to armors no heavier than studded leather, same as Stalkers.

The French translation is updated, and the kitlist.2da table-fixing problem should be fixed now.

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Hey, Doc, it seems the table-fixing doesn't work in Might & Guile because the old function is still present in "semi_misc_functions.tpa" which is included in "semi_innate.tpa" and run before "LAF fix_kitlist_missing_ids END" in might_and_guile.tp2

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3 hours ago, Connelly said:

Looks like Revised Backstabbing won't install in IWD because it wants spin683.spl (Web Tangle) for the bounty hunter's backstab, but that file isn't in IWD.

Ah, thanks for letting me know. In the meantime you can grab that file from BG2 and drop it in your override folder before installing. 

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