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.2DA to modify Thieving Values by Kit

Bill Bisco

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Jarno, how would you modify the usability flag for normal BG2 to modify skill points for a thief kit? I want it to duplicate the 15 points per level of the Assassin. Ideally it would start with 30 points instead of the Assassin's 40 points.


Assistance would be most appreciated.

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In the part of the ADD_KIT routine where you put something like

0x00004000 4
...put the Assassin's usability code as the first part. It will give you the same progression as assassins. (30 to start, 15/level.)


There's no way to get more fine-grained control in the original engine AFAIK.

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You can also add up usability flags (it should work with the assassin bit)

True... but, on the old engine, what would that do? Assassins get 15 points per level, which is 10 less than normal. Bounty Hunters get 20 per level, which is 5 less than normal.


So if you combine those flags, would you get 35 points per level? Or only 10 (i.e. 15 less than normal)?

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So if you combine those flags, would you get 35 points per level? Or only 10 (i.e. 15 less than normal)?

Make a thief kit that has this as the usability flag:

~0x000c0000 4~
And find out. PS, the flag in the above post is terribly wrong as the 0x00004000 is the normal non kitted character usability flag, not the assassin, as it's the 4th byte from the left, not from the right.
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