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SR Revised V1.3.900 (2022 August 8th)

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Sorry, I would prefer to nerf Haste even more in some other way(s) than to make it single target again (reduced duration or reduced movement speed bonus seem to make the most sense). Mismatched movement speeds on party members is an annoyance I do not want to go back to (I hate using Boots of Speed for this exact reason, although I've been thinking of creating a new version of Boots of Speed just for myself that only activate during combat to help me get over this problem). Also, as I understand it, SR went back to AoE (as it had been single target for many years) because the AI/(SCS?) had trouble using it correctly when it was being forced to try to single target it instead of an area of effect as it expected, so double no to that.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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1 hour ago, Bartimaeus said:

Sorry, I would prefer to nerf Haste even more in some other way(s) than to make it single target again (reduced duration or reduced movement speed bonus seem to make the most sense). Mismatched movement speeds on party members is an annoyance I do not want to go back to (I hate using Boots of Speed for this exact reason, although I've been thinking of creating a new version of Boots of Speed just for myself that only activate during combat to help me get over this problem). Also, as I understand it, SR went back to AoE (as it had been single target for many years) because the AI/(SCS?) had trouble using it correctly when it was being forced to try to single target it instead of an area of effect as it expected, so double no to that.

 If you don't like mismatched movement speeds, I strongly advice you to try the following component from Argent777

~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3340 // Increase party movement speed outside combat -> By 50 percent: v9

With this component, all your party members will have the same speed whatever boots of rapidity or spell they have but only OUTSIDE  of fight. Once you are in a fight, all party members get they real movement rate.

This component from Argent really make the game very cool and convenient. It allow me to play with IRR armor movement speed penalities and the CTD tweak   component forcing BG1 movement speed without the need to micro continually.

And SCS enemies mages very rarely use  haste level 3  because this spell is quite situationnal. ( it is only worth if the ennemy mage is assisted by some powerfull  and decent warrior and IA cannot really take full benefit of a better movement rate)

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2 hours ago, Chitown Willie said:

I think the Lightning Bolt spell is broken.

My Level 1 Priest of Talos is doing way too much damage:

Good catch.  It looks like the SR version of spcl722.spl is cloned from the wizard version (spwi308.spl), and that version assumes you won't have access to it until you are 5th level.  It doesn't include variants for levels 1-4, which the Priest of Talos needs.

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Thanks Mike,

And perhaps I'm interpreting Near Infinity wrong, but it appears the spell strikes twice:



1st Effect (damage):

Type: Damage (12)
Target: Preset target (2)
Power: 3
Amount: 0
Mode: Normal (0)
Damage type: ELECTRICITY - 4
Timing mode: Instant/Permanent until death - 1
Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Not bypass resistance (1)
Duration: 0
Probability 1: 100
Probability 2: 0
Unused: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h
# dice thrown/maximum level: 3
Dice size/minimum level: 8
Save type: ( No save )
Save bonus: 0
Identifier: 0

2nd Effect (damage):

Type: Damage (12)
Target: Preset target (2)
Power: 3
Amount: 0
Mode: Normal (0)
Damage type: ELECTRICITY - 4
Timing mode: Instant/Permanent until death - 1
Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Not bypass resistance (1)
Duration: 0
Probability 1: 100
Probability 2: 0
Unused: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h
# dice thrown/maximum level: 2
Dice size/minimum level: 8
Save type: ( Breath weapon(1) )
Save bonus: -2
Identifier: 0

So in total, damage = 3D8 + 2D8 (save vs Breath -2)?



Edited by Chitown Willie
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20 hours ago, Mike1072 said:

Good catch.  It looks like the SR version of spcl722.spl is cloned from the wizard version (spwi308.spl), and that version assumes you won't have access to it until you are 5th level.  It doesn't include variants for levels 1-4, which the Priest of Talos needs.

Yep, never caught that myself. Odder still, SR's SPCL722 does 1D8 per level instead of the standard 1D6. (e): wrote SRR, meant SR (as SRR never touches this spell)

@Chitown Willie It doesn't "strike" twice, it's just that half of the damage is subject to a save vs. breath while the other half isn't. Regardless, thanks for the spot, will fix.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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Possible Bug: Are the weapons you conjure with Enchanted Weapon supposed to disappear when you rest? If so, it seems to work inconsistently and I've been able to, on numerous occasions, change my spellbook and rest after making the weapons & still keep them.

Feedback: I enjoy both implementations and am especially partial to the duration as I loathe spell-micro. However, I think it may be a bit too good at early levels; it's very easy to scoop up a scroll right after exiting Chateau Irenicus and pump out 2 - 4 +3 weapons before level chapter 1. It effectively neutered the early game content (non-SoD start). Additionally, if you are meant to be able to rest and change spells after creating the items then I think that should be changed.

Suggestion: I think it'd be nifty if Enchanted Weapon was a targeted spell that turned whatever mundane weapons the target has equipped into proper +1/6 lvl enchanted weapons (+5 @ level 30 cap) for either 24 hours until rest or something like 1 turn/lvl

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There are ways Enchanted Weapon can be exploited very easily, of course - as with some other things as well, these things are left up to the player as to decide what they find enjoyable. Just because you can do something does not always mean that you should, because that would necessarily place restrictions on a number of fun ideas that can be abused if taken too far - you have to make that decision for yourself, :). I am not the type of player that will memorize a spell like Enchanted Weapon 5 times, rest, fully deck out my party and then immediately rest again with different spells - that would feel cheap to me, but I'm also not going to prevent anyone from doing so, especially when these games have a staggering amount of other easily-used and very powerful exploits that make the game trivial if people really want to use them.

The idea of a more scalable version of the EE Enchanted Weapon is neat idea (though I'd be more partial to something like +1 per 5 levels, to make it so that a +3 or +4 weapon could actually be boosted at some point, since 30 is too high of a bar to clear...and even 25 is a bit high - at 10th level, everyone is going to have +2 weapons already...and at 15th level, everyone is going to have +3 if not +4 weapons...and at level 20, everyone is going to have +4 or +5 weapons, so when the heck are actually going to use this?).

Edited by Bartimaeus
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Guest morpheus562

I am trying to write a script so my characters will cast Dispelling Screen when certain conditions are met. Is there a Spell State or State I can check to determine if the spell is currently active on my character? I'm having trouble locating it, if it exists, and my character is continuously casting the spell over and over again. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

I am trying to write a script so my characters will cast Dispelling Screen when certain conditions are met. Is there a Spell State or State I can check to determine if the spell is currently active on my character? I'm having trouble locating it, if it exists, and my character is continuously casting the spell over and over again. Thank you!

It does not appear to have one, unfortunately. I do not know enough about spell states (and what slots are already taken up and such) to be able to just assign it one by myself, either.

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Guest morpheus562
20 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

It does not appear to have one, unfortunately. I do not know enough about spell states (and what slots are already taken up and such) to be able to just assign it one by myself, either.

Looking into Spell States, it appears that Spell Immunity before SRR would update the SpellState value of WIZARD_SPELL_IMMUNITY to a value of 1-8 depending on the specific sub-spell (Abjuration would assign 1, Conjuration would assign 2, etc.). Since Dispelling Screen is replacing Spell Immunity, I am wondering as part of the casting if it can be set to update the value of WIZARD_SPELL_IMMUNITY. 

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Guest morpheus562
1 hour ago, Bartimaeus said:

I don't know how that would interface with SCS, but you can certainly do it on your own end.

I'd be interested to hear from the creator of SCS on this. Looking at some SCS scripts, they do appear to reference the WIZARD_SPELL_IMMUNITY and make decisions off of it. With the change from Spell Immunity to Dispelling Screen, WIZARD_SPELL_IMMUNITY is no longer updating like SCS expects it to.

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Flat +5 Charisma bonus is pretty strong when weighed against it's economical impact, I think this would also benefit from scaling (and consequently synergize nicely with Scales of Balance lol)

Enchanted Weapon
We have wildly different experiences playing the trilogy because even with BG1's xp cap I still hit close to the 8 mil xp most playthroughs. So it's crazy to me see that some people don't make it past level 25 as a wizard. But regardless of all that, I think it'd be overpowered to allow Enchanted Weapon to work on weapons that already have effects on them (I have no idea if that's even possible to code it to discriminate...). Those items will not be balanced around the ability to potentially turn all weapons into +5 or even +6 or +7 weapons so their extraneous abilities could easily tip the balance as well as make clear 'winners/losers' in the weapons department...

Magic Missile
Think it'd be nifty if an extra missile was added at levels 20 and 25

Magic Fang
Though I don't see any obvious bugs with it when I view the .spl, both your version and SR Beta have no visual effect for animals that have successfully had their fangs enchanted. Since it's a mod, it might cause people to think it's a bug as they're likely expecting an effect like Resist Fear where all affected creatures get a glowy effect or something, and they will probably overlook the spell as I did for a while.

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