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A Present for Aklon


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A small animal as a pet could be good for rangers/druids and similar type characters. And Lehtinan's head is a bit of a gruesome gift, but it would suit certain kinds of characters very well to give a gift like that. In the view of those characters it would be a touching and thoughtful gift, so I think I'll look at putting that in. Gotta cater a little to the bloodthirsty lass on the go, right?

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I don't know if this is practical, but the paper mache got me thinking. How about origami? It may not be very expensive, but it could be a cute gift if presented right.


Of course, on the other hand, I'm not sure how poor Aklon could keep it intact in his pack unless it was enchanted.

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I don't know if this is practical, but the paper mache got me thinking. How about origami? It may not be very expensive, but it could be a cute gift if presented right.


Of course, on the other hand, I'm not sure how poor Aklon could keep it intact in his pack unless it was enchanted.

That's quite a good idea, actually, something quick and simple that could be made easily on the trail. Plus, some origami forms could be stored if kept flat and protected, inside a book, for example. I'll stick it on the list, thank you.



How about a random sweet kiss for gift.


Or just bringing him his favorite fruit. Or maybe the Bhaalspwan got her hands on some kind of sweets that may be a little uncommon in this world. (like Chocolate or rock candy)

The kiss closely links with the flirts, but I like the idea of using one as a gift. I think it would work either early or late in the romance track. :)


A favourite fruit/sweets is something I'd actually thought of for Aklon, but there's no reason we can't have a little payback, is there?

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Guest Eriberri

Just a little question (sorry if you've already made a note of this somewhere):

Is this 'giving of a gift' going to be a one-off event, or will we be able to give several gifts to aklon over the course of the game?


I just love so many of the ideas people have suggested for gifts that it would be a shame to have to limit it to one as a one-off, especially as there'll be a whole lot of gifts to choose from.


Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Aklon! I've even reserved a character just for him - ready to play as soon as the mod is released. :)

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Guest Eriberri

oh, and here's a gift suggestion - what about some sort of mixture like shampoo/conditioner to keep his long hair looking beautiful? :) What's more, if you have a bathing flirt and this mixture/concoction in Aklon's pack, you could wash his hair with it or something..


Actually, washing his hair might be a nice flirt; either as a LoveTalk or a flirt?

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Just a little question (sorry if you've already made a note of this somewhere):

Is this 'giving of a gift' going to be a one-off event, or will we be able to give several gifts to aklon over the course of the game?


I just love so many of the ideas people have suggested for gifts that it would be a shame to have to limit it to one as a one-off, especially as there'll be a whole lot of gifts to choose from.


I certainly want to include a variety of possible options, especially as there have been so many excellent ideas. I think what I will do is have a one-off big gift, but allow the PC to give him small tokens as "flirts", both before and after a committed relationship. That's the pattern I've used for Aklon.


Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Aklon! I've even reserved a character just for him - ready to play as soon as the mod is released. :)

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm going to try to get as much done this weekend as possible, I want to get the writing tied up this year for certain, if schedules allow (damn you real life!).



oh, and here's a gift suggestion - what about some sort of mixture like shampoo/conditioner to keep his long hair looking beautiful? :) What's more, if you have a bathing flirt and this mixture/concoction in Aklon's pack, you could wash his hair with it or something..


Actually, washing his hair might be a nice flirt; either as a LoveTalk or a flirt?

There will indeed be bathing flirts in Aklon (how could there not be?) :)


I think shampoo may have been suggested before (or was that an ornamental hair tie, I can't remember). But washing Aklon's hair is in the currently existing flirts, as one of the PC initiated bathing ones.

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How would Aklon take receiving Lethian's head? For it to be practical wouldn't the PC have to give it to Aklon very early in the relationship, in fact almost immediately? Could perhaps people not wanting to give such an, um... interesting gift do something else with the head?



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There's lots of possibilities with Lehtinan's head, actually. One could just give him the head fresh, of course, it could be preserved (salt or alcohol) and gifted to him later, it could be cleaned into a skull, which could then be made into other things, such as a lamp (ooo, eerie) or a drinking cup.


I do want to allow the player a certain amount of freedom with this, as there's nothing to say you can't give someone a gift until you're in a committed relationship, so I don't see a problem in the player giving Aklon Lehtinan's head (or anything else) too early in the relationship.


As to how he'd take it... well, you'd have to try it and see. No point spoiling all the surprises. :(

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And Lehtinan's head is a bit of a gruesome gift, but it would suit certain kinds of characters very well to give a gift like that. In the view of those characters it would be a touching and thoughtful gift


Tee! That sort of thing would definitely be up several of my PCs alleys - all of whom would be extremely puzzled and dismayed if her sweetheart was less than enthusiatic about it.


Chaotic!CHARNAME: Why have you become so pale, dear heart? It didn't cost me that much to have it cast in silver! Believe you me, the worst part was having to clean him out. Scooping out the eyes and the brains through the sockets was as easy as you please, but, my, did the muscles and cartilage ever hold fast!


Imoen: Um, CHARNAME, remember when you gave me those rakshasa-skin breeches for my last birthday and I told you 'you shouldn't have'?




Imoen: Well, in this case, you really, really shouldn't have.

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With Valygar we created a number of presents from practical to incredibly powerful to trinckets that affected the romance positively, and let PC chose one via dialogue options which one she wants to give I thought it was a good idea.


I know this is badly off-topic... but where is the Valygar romance?! I can't find it anywhere! (Does it even exist? I mean, is it still in the making?)

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Forgive the tendency to continue the off-topic discussion, but I have Valygar info, such as it is.


Meira is the current caretaker of Corthala Romantique. AFAIK, it's in beta, with proofreading still to go. In other words, it will get there, and all the sooner for less prodding, if you know what I mean. ;)


I'm looking forward to it, too.

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Thank you so much!! I've wanted to see a Valygar romance ever since I saw this:


I get the idea that there was originally supposed to be a second romance subplot with Valygar (there are unused soundfiles of him calling your character "my love," and an unused conversation with Mazzy in which he feels obliged to tell her his feelings for her are strictly platonic and that your character has his heart).


at http://www.geocities.com/ataniel/amn9.htm

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