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[Kit Pack] Deities of Faerûn (BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE and EET)

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Ok, my suspicious were correct.

Beamdog gave the same spell.ids for both BGEE and BG2EE but didn't add the same spells...

The code I wrote was developed to avoid this kind of situation; it reads spell.ids and only tries to install the spell if a entry is read on that list.

The problem here is that there is an entry, yet that refers to a file that doesn't exist in game (SPPR730.spl)

The easy coding would be just add the spell filename to be copied by Weidu but by doing so this kind of situation would be common. Apparently adding a IF_EXISTS to this code would not be a redundancy.  

Should be easy to fix, though. I'll do so as soon as I have the time - probably today. My solution will be add a check for BGEE and properly add the spell.

Thanks and sorry for this inconvenience.

Edited by Raduziel
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14 minutes ago, Necromanx2 said:

Great work as always!
Do you still have plans to introduce the Elemental Lords priest?

I have the intention but I'm not sure when I'll have the time.

This isn't being easy times for someone who works with finances and other than that I'm overwhelmed by tons and tons of things to study.

But I can put them as a top priority (the current one is Laduguer or Selvetarm).

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5 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

Yeah, clerics can't use spears, and so that requires specific tweak. Install the first component. And if you did, well that means that there's a typo in the .tpa.

The first component is mandatory.

I probably messed up and forgot to do something. I'll upload a fix ASAP - this is quite easy to solve.

Thanks for the report, @John and bear in mind that only males can take this kit (females will not be able to cast spells, will not receive special abilities and will not be capable if turning undead).

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I was unable to reproduce. Which game did you find this issue (the picture seems to be from BGEE but it is always good to check)? Can you please attach/send your Weidu.log file so I can take a look? 

Have you somehow skipped the first component? I've checked both in-file and in-game and couldn't see what could be causing it.


Edited by Raduziel
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