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Unearthed Arcana present Tome & Blood: more options for arcane casters

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 Answering here a question posted in the SR forum:

9 hours ago, Guest Captain Octo said:

whenever I use invisibility on main character it seems to bug out and become permanent. I assume it is from Spell Revisions but it could also be something from IWDificiation?

When I have a look on Effects tab on EEKeeper I see the following has been created:

Grahpics: Transparency Fade [66]

Overlay: Sanctuary [153]

State: Invisibility [20]

Spell: Apply Repeating EFF [272]

Unused (resource 0: D5PR109X)

So 1) Invisibility is supposed to be a permanent spell, isn't it? To get rid of it, attack someone or cast a spell or something. (EDIT - in my game with SR and TnB, invisibility has a duration of 2400 seconds, or about one in-game day. So it's not actually permanent. Are you sure yours is?)

2) I don't know about how EEKeeper shows things, so I don't know what that "Unused" means. Is that file in your override folder?

That repeating EFF is supposed to apply D5PR109X.eff every three seconds. D5PR109X.eff cancels your invisibility if you don't have a current Sanctuary effect. Your character does have a Sacntuary effect, so the invisibility is being maintained. If you do something to cancel the Sanctuary effect (e.g. attack someone, cast certain spells), then D5PR109X.eff will kick in and cancel the rest of your invisibility effects within three seconds.

So, from what little I can make out in the effects you mentioned, this all seems to be working normally and nothing is permanent.

Also, be aware, EEKeeper has sometimes actually messed up running effects that mods need to work correctly, so the use of EEKeeper itself might be a culprit here. Like if EEKeeper removes that op272 repeating EFF effect, it will cause problems.

Edited by subtledoctor
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I'm running parallels installations of BG1 and BG2 with mostly identical mod lists, and for the former I'm getting an installation error with the Mana Sorcerer kit:

ERROR: [luSo0.2da] -> [override/lud5_104.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("ERROR: READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER failed on variable %file_0_9%"))

Searching the file, I can't find an origin for it, but the copies I find seem to have been created during the installation of T&B. I might be wrong but that's what I get comparing times of creation and installation.

The BG1 copy of luSo0.2da looks like this.That last line with data inserts a 1 as an id between 6 and 7. I don't know about that GA_ prefix, but SPWI908 seems to be a Shadow Magic spell (I thought T&B ignored that mod altogether?).

2DA          V1.0
1            GA_SPWI920   *            *            15           40           2            *            *
2            GA_SPWI921   *            *            15           40           2            *            *
3            GA_SPWI922   *            *            15           40           2            *            *
4            GA_SPWI923   *            *            15           40           2            *            *
5            GA_SPWI924   *            *            15           40           2            *            *
6            GA_SPWI925   *            *            15           40           2            *            *
1            GA_SPWI908   *            *            1            99           1            *            *
7            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

The BG2 copy is similar, just with more lines, an ALIGNMENT_RESTRICT column and some more data. The curious thing here is that it's gets modified by component 51 "Innate metamagic, learned automatically by everyone". Before, it has no GA_SPWI908 line. After, it is there with the ID 1 (this time between 19 and 20) but with the same column entries as the BG1 copy (the other spells get different ones for some reason).

2DA                V1.0
                   ABILITY            ICON               STRREF             MIN_LEV            MAX_LEVEL          NUM_ALLOWED        PREREQUISITE       EXCLUDED_BY        ALIGNMENT_RESTRICT
1                  AP_SPCL928         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
2                  AP_SPCL929         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  AP_SPCL928         *                  *
3                  AP_SPCL930         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  AP_SPCL929         *                  *
4                  GA_SPWI920         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
5                  GA_SPWI921         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
6                  GA_SPWI922         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
7                  GA_SPWI923         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  GA_SPWI924         ALL_EVIL
8                  GA_SPWI924         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  GA_SPWI923         ALL_GOOD
9                  GA_SPWI925         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
10                 AP_SPCL108         *                  *                  1                  99                 3                  *                  *                  *
11                 AP_SPCL110         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  AP_MH#CHMYS        *                  *
12                 AP_SPCL109         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  AP_SPCL930         *                  *
13                 GA_SPCL107         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
14                 GA_SPCL112         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
15                 GA_SPCL113         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
16                 GA_SPCL114         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
17                 GA_SPCL115         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
18                 GA_SPCL111         *                  *                  1                  99                 3                  AP_SPCL110         *                  *
19                 GA_SPCL116         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
1                  GA_SPWI908         *                  *                  1                  99                 1                  *                  *                  *
20                 *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *

Manually editing the ID column to the proper progression alone doesn't solve the problem, but strangely ALSO copying the table of the BG2 file to the BG1 one  (minus the extra lines) allows the installer to proceed successfully, if with warnings. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Connelly
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It’s because the mod assumes the table has 10 columns, but one version only has 9, so it fails trying to read the nonexistent 10th column value. 

Of course there’s no need anyway, because there are no HLAs in BG1. How did this get by my testing?? Or, did the file not exist, and some mod put it there? 

To experiment, pull luso0.2da out of the override folder altogether and try installing. The more reliable workaround is to just copy over the BG2EE version. I’ll get around to fixing it soon. 

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Even without luso0.2da in the override folder, it gives me the same error: ERROR: [luSo0.2da] -> [override/lud5_104.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("ERROR: READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER failed on variable %file_0_9%"))

(i guess if it isn't there it technically counts as not being able to read a very particular variable? :_D )

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Another strange thing I've noticed now. I've been getting two versions of the identify spell in my installations, both the lv1 vanilla one, and your revised lv2. I chalked it up to installation weirdness but I just now realized that I've never included the revised identify spell component in my mod lists, and the supposedly lv1 version had the level scaling function. Is it possible some other component is accidentally applying half-way? I'm not using any of the Spell Revisions, and I don't think I have any other mod changing the spell if that matters

TomeAndBlood:11;Tome and Blood - Rebalanced Spell Schools
TomeAndBlood:1201;Tome and Blood - No Opposition Schools
TomeAndBlood:13;Tome and Blood - Revised Illusionary Clones
TomeAndBlood:14;Tome and Blood - Revised Invisibility and True Seeing
TomeAndBlood:25;Tome and Blood - Magus
TomeAndBlood:40;Tome and Blood - Revised Specialists
TomeAndBlood:51;Tome and Blood - Innate metamagic, learned automatically by everyone
TomeAndBlood:61;Tome and Blood - Innate Cantrips
TomeAndBlood:66;Tome and Blood - Innate Find Familiar
TomeAndBlood:67;Tome and Blood - Choose-Your-Own Familiar
TomeAndBlood:68;Tome and Blood - Pooky's Mod: Imbue Familiars
TomeAndBlood:71;Tome and Blood - Change spells every level
TomeAndBlood:80;Tome and Blood - Multiclass Sorcerers
TomeAndBlood:85;Tome and Blood - Sorcerer Kit: Mana Sorcerer

I'd include the identify component in the next installation, but I was going to include the 5E Spellcasting mod and I think it's already included in there? I'll see if that changes anything.

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32 minutes ago, Connelly said:

just now realized that I've never included the revised identify spell component in my mod lists

Any mod that uses the "semi_spontaneous" functions now automatically install the Revised Identify, because otherwise those casters would not be able to cast Identify. This includes TnB Multiclass Sorcerers, the TnB Arcanist kit, MnG Revised Bards, and 5E Spellcasting.

Those all should default to keeping Identify at 1st level... but I probably have the default behavior moving it to 2nd level. I'll look into that and change the default behavior.

The nice thing is, the improved version of the spell should work in the 1st-level version even if you install it as a 2nd-level spell. So this gives you flexibility to move it around your spellbook, if you prefer to e.g. free up more slots for Magic Missile or something.

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Oh ok, that makes sense. Not that I have a problem with the revised identify itself (I like it, but didn't remind myself to intentionally install the component after trying it), I was just confused because where did it the duplicate come from, where does it go, what's the meaning of life? All good then.

Edited by Connelly
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Something funny is going on with the Detect Illusion scroll (scrl6k.itm). It becomes a pendant.


I just tested it with a BG2 game with only TnB, nothing more. I didn't dig too far but my best guess it's either Rebalanced Arcane Opposition Schools or Revised Invisibility and True Seeing

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On 2/20/2023 at 11:00 PM, Connelly said:

Something funny is going on with the Detect Illusion scroll (scrl6k.itm). It becomes a pendant.

Yeah, I'm seeing that in my own game as well, but I had NO idea what mod might have done it, and I didn't realize it was equippable in the necklace slot. Really weird! I'll take a look, see if I can track down the problem.

EDIT - I see the problem, very simple typo. I'll upload a fixed version soon.

I'm also going to buff Invisibility Purge a bit: I'll have it make targets immune to opcode 20 (edit and note to self, opcode 153 as well) so they can't chug a potion and become invisible again. So the anti-invisibility spells will work like this:

  • Detect Invisible allows the caster to see and target anyone regardless of their invisible state
  • Invisibility Purge makes it impossible for enemies to become invisible (but this can be defeated by Nondetection/ProDivination)
  • Oracle blasts away all illusions in the vicinity (also blocked by Nondetection/ProDivination)
  • True Sight is a bit complicated, depending on your mods. I believe it provides invisibility detection like the 2nd-level spell, and cures and protects from blindness, and highlights illusionary creatures as well as imposing a Luck penalty and casting failure chance on them, and finally protects against some hostile illusion attacks (like Spook). In my game, with SD's Random Tweaks installed, this is party wide (!)

EDIT 2 - and, fixed in v0.9.47.

Edited by subtledoctor
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If 'Revised Invisibility' is installed, is my Illusionist's permanent Non-Detection changed (and more importantly, improved) to "Protection from Divination", regardless of portrait icon and class descrip?

SR+IWDidific+d5's installed & updated, 'Rebalanced Spell Schools' NOT installed.  Thanks.

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19 hours ago, Guest Brogan said:

If 'Revised Invisibility' is installed, is my Illusionist's permanent Non-Detection changed (and more importantly, improved) to "Protection from Divination", regardless of portrait icon and class descrip?

Glancing at the spell... it's a bit weird. It applies basic vanilla nondetection (which is pretty useless on its own), and then also has specific op206 protection again Oracle, SR's True Seeing subspell, SR's Detect Invisible subspell, and SR's Invisibility Purge subspell.

So it should work to protect your illusionist from having illusionary protections stripped away by those spells - invisibility, mirror images, blur etc. should be more durable and useful for an illusionist than for other mages. It just doesn't use the same mechanic as the ProDivination spell in recent versions of the Revised Invisibility component. SR's spells that apply op93 invisibility detection by script (Detect Invisible, True Seeing) will still see an illusionist, which is intended and a good thing.

So tl;dr: this should work very much like ProDivination in your setup; to the extent it behaves differently you would only notice it in unusual edge cases.

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Guest Brogan
54 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Glancing at the spell... it's a bit weird. It applies basic vanilla nondetection (which is pretty useless on its own), and then also has specific op206 protection again Oracle, SR's True Seeing subspell, SR's Detect Invisible subspell, and SR's Invisibility Purge subspell.

So it should work to protect your illusionist from having illusionary protections stripped away by those spells - invisibility, mirror images, blur etc. should be more durable and useful for an illusionist than for other mages. It just doesn't use the same mechanic as the ProDivination spell in recent versions of the Revised Invisibility component. SR's spells that apply op93 invisibility detection by script (Detect Invisible, True Seeing) will still see an illusionist, which is intended and a good thing.

So tl;dr: this should work very much like ProDivination in your setup; to the extent it behaves differently you would only notice it in unusual edge cases.


BTW, you have personally prolonged the start of my first BG playthru in 15 years because I KEEP FINDING MORE MODS by you.  :D:D

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