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[UI] Lefreut's enhanced UI (BGEE, SoD, BG2EE and EET)

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@lefreut This is what's there


 {id = 'BG1', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_BG1', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_BG1', title = 0, bigLogo = 0, icon = 0, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = false, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas},

 {id = 'SOD', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_SOD', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_SOD', title = 1, bigLogo = 1, icon = 1, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = false, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas},

 {id = 'SOA', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_SOA', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_SOA', title = 2, bigLogo = 2, icon = 2, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = false, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas},

 {id = 'TOB', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_TOB', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_TOB', title = 3, bigLogo = 3, icon = 3, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = false, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas},

 {id = 'ID1', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_ID1', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_ID1', title = 9, bigLogo = 7, icon = 7, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = true, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas},

 {id = 'ID2', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_ID2', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_ID2', title = 10, bigLogo = 9, icon = 9, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = true, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreas},

 {id = 'BP1', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_BP1', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_BP1', title = 4, bigLogo = 4, icon = 4, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = true, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = true, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreasArena_BP1},

 {id = 'BP2', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_BP2', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_BP2', title = 5, bigLogo = 5, icon = 5, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = true, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = true, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreasArena},

 {id = 'TUT', name = 'EET_CMP_TITLE_TUT', description = 'EET_CMP_TEXT_TUT', title = 6, bigLogo = 6, icon = 6, background = 2, button = 2, sidebar = 2, importEnabled = false, tutorialEnabled = false, forceParty = false, cheatAreasTable = cheatAreasTutorial},


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Posted (edited)
On 4/12/2024 at 9:22 PM, JediMindTrix said:

Are you still shooting for Talents of Faerun compatibility?

If there are some easy fix I can do on my side, I can look at it.

Edited by lefreut
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Yea I noted when using your UI with Talents of Faerun that the feat system UI was a little borked. The one that stood out to me the most is that I couldn't unselect a feat I'd chosen. Unfortunately this was a week ago and I don't have that install anymore and I don't remember the other bugs but they were immediately obvious after leveling up

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On 4/17/2024 at 11:58 AM, Elder Enigma said:


I noticed this 1 pixel high line on the combat log with the BGEE Skin, it might be a bit hard to see but it's there.

Really minor but I reported it anyway.


Thanks, it will be fixed in the next version.

If you want a hotfix, you can replace the file MOS4290.PVRZ in your override folder but this one:


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Hey there, pretty sure I just found a small incompatibility between SCS (I'm currently running 35.16 so quite recent) and lefreut's enhanced UI (I'm using the BG2 skin if that matters).
I'm on an EET instal, nothing else touching the UI.
It happens on the bottom buttons in the difficulty submenu, see :


Not sure if it's easier to fix on @lefreut's or @DavidW's side, or if it's worth fixing at all since the buttons still do work, but I just figured I'd let you guys know.
So there you go !

Cheers !

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@lefreut while I'm a huge fan of your mod, I prefer the smaller dialog portrait size of  v4.4.2 vs v4.8.

Is it possible can manually edit the v.4.8 to revert to the smaller dialog portrait size of v4.4.2?

Thank you in advance.

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