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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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6 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

For assigning the ai, set it to "none" then click done and go to the main game screen. From there to back into the scripts and assign the enhanced powergaming scripts. The advanced ai option in the base game can be wonky for initial assignment, and I've found the steps above work to get it properly assigned.

Thanks - in the meantime I found this fix and ran it and looks like it might have worked (I had imported my main Character from BG1 EE): https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/864464#Comment_864464 - although it might just have been your fix as I ran the fix script, selected the default none option for the character, went out then went back in to select your script.

Looks like hotkeys are now operational - Thanks!

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Just now, morpheus562 said:

Importing from one game to another will impact the cast timer; however, my scripts account for and will not have an issue with that.

Good to know thanks! Will do the reinstall and give them a good thrashing tonight now its working! 😎

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26 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Perfect, enjoy! Please let me know if there are any other hiccups.

Thanks - 1 quick question - is this expected or known behaviour for the 'floating text onscreen' - both on screen and in the dialogue box it seems to be fully overriding the NPC or Creature's name, so you can't identify who they are? Or is that related to a settings configuration I have in my copy of the game? See example below of dialogue box - on screen above NPC's sprite same...

P.S. It also seems incorrect - pick pocketing & also killing this NPC did not produce the Dragon Scale Armour described? I assume this is your script drawing data from EEex?


Edited by Mycenius
Added P.S.
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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

No, I only use custom created trigger checks for EEex. I'm thinking this may be another mod or some such. When does that occur?

You might be right actually - sorry - its when you mouse over a NPC or creature's sprite. I remember seeing the details in a ReadMe - thought it was yours. Might be EEex itself? Will see if I can find the reference...



Edited by Mycenius
Added second image for clarity
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4 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

I typically see that if dlc merger isn't installed in BGEE.

Thanks. I did some quick research and from what I can see you only need DLC Merger when you have SoD installed, and only for your BGEE install (not BG2EE)? At least based on some posts I saw from subtledoctor and others. I don't have SoD installed and this is in BG2EE anyway so not sure. But I will move it over to the forum for EEex stuff - as obviously not a specific matter related to your scripting mod. 🙂 Thanks for your insights.

(the pop-up of the floating text when you hit "tab" is the same BTW - as below - like when when you mouse-over the creature/NPC the name is overridden - but guess in all 3 instances - tab, mouse-over, dialogue box, its the same piece of code so replicating the same issue).


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Hi @morpheus562 just FWIW - you probably are aware of this and/or may have been discussed previously - but one unintended consequence I've found almost immediately is when I Animate Dead (i.e. Skeleton Warrior) both Viconia and Aerie immediately stop fighting/casting and go into Turn Undead mode (as I have that enabled in their scripts) - even though no other undead are present. Presume the same will also occur when near neutral vampires in the Athkala quest with Bodhi and such, for example?

 I'm guessing there is no way to distinguish a 'friendly' summoned undead vs. standard enemy ones? Or via colour ring status (red/blue/green whatever that correlates to in the code/scripts)? Need to manually disable Turn Undead (e.g. "V" key) at time of casting?

Also as an aside is turning a higher priority to melee/missiles or casting when assessing combat options, if undead are present? It seems if I manually instruct a Cleric to melee, or cast an offensive spell, they sometimes cancel it immediately and revert to Turn Undead without actioning the command; or occasionally if in melee will fight for 1 rounds then revert to turning even though their opponent is not defeated. Just checking that's expected/intended/intentional behaviour. 🙂

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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

Per the description for the Turn Undead modal: "The character will constantly turn undead." Selecting this option is when you know you will be going into undead heavy areas and you want your cleric/paladin to solely focus on turning undead creatures. As you describe above is the desired end state of the character to solely focus on turning undead instead of melee/ranged combat.


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