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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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thank you @morpheus562 for your amazing work, this is the best ai to assist players for any crpg and all studios of the genre should check this

a small suggestion ... is it possible to delay when party members with fewers buffs start buffing so they finish it at the same time as others with lots of buffs?

and im having a minor issue with only aerie, she wont auto attack when wielding a melee weapon but will do it fine with a ranged one. is it intentional? can i change anything to allow it?

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38 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Thank you! For V12, I'm having an update to allow characters to buff everything via hotkey 'b' and long term buffs (1 turn/level) via hotkey 'n'.  This should assist in breaking this out for you along with timing.

Aerie is intentional as my scripts only allow pure arcane casters (mage/sorcerer) and cleric/mage to attack at ranged only (unless tensers is active). This is so you don't have a caster pulling a Leroy Jenkins and running headlong into melee when you want them in the back casting. 

thats a nice update.

thanks for the reply, but id like to use aerie as a frontline support, to attack/defend from backline casters, refresh dispelled buffs and remove effects (some with touch range), i dont use tenser because prevents her from doing so and between mage and cleric buffs she gets quite tanky (if not the tankiest of my party). is it possible to modify this? im not totally familiar with this but i would start messing with bddefai around line 22k+ where theres some if-then-response-attack ... or it will break something?

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22 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

I've had requests so cleric/mages act the same as mages and not rush in, and I've had people request, explicitly for Aerie, to have an exception so she does go into melee. I'm fine reverting back since I have no opinion on this one way or the other.

dont need to revert it. im asking how i can change it myself (sorry english is not native to me XD), any tip on that?

Edited by esomn
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On 3/20/2023 at 10:08 PM, morpheus562 said:

In the attack sections of the scripts, you would remove the following line:


There should be six instances of this line that will need to be removed.

thanks, worked perfectly

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ohh very neat!

Question, how do your script determine when and what attack spell to use on x sighted enemy?

When on a BG1 play through the mages tend to be rather holding back their spells a bit to much. I understand better spells being used on the bigger treat but seems those are rare in BG. Is the level of the mage taken into account ?


Edited by oraclex
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I have a question about the fast healing option in the .ini file. I had it working for most of my bg2ee/tob run and once I got the Gargoyle Boots it started acting up. First I noticed Mazzy kept auto equipping them over the Boots of Speed but not casting Stoneskin during buffing and she would just stop running and wouldn't attack even when I did it manually. I did the usual steps you mentioned here like switching the scripts on and off and going back to none. Eventually after reinstalling everything I got everything working normally but the fast healing never went back to normal no matter what I did.

I started IWDEE on Wednesday and everything works perfectly except the fast healing. I did the uninstall/reinstall of EEEX and your mod including setting fast healing to 1 again in the .ini file before reinstalling and it still didn't work. When I last checked the file it had somehow set itself back to 0. But regardless of whether I have it set to 1 or 0 it behaves the same way. The game doesn't seem to be responding to what I have it set to in the file. I'm not on my computer at the moment but I could send the files tomorrow if that helps. I have BGTweaks, Klatu, EEEX, and your script mod installed.

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