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Skills and Abilities Mod

Guest morpheus562

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Ah, I must have misread the parenthesis then, and I think I remember reading something in the Discord channel about you tweaking it for some compatibility, and I just took this as simply not looking too deep into it yet. But still, noted. You can ignore all this then.

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On chcaracter creation, can't pick prtoficiencies, all is greyed out.


Incompatibility with a certain UI mod.

Trying to fix this by uninstalling that UI mod completely breaks the entire installation. What was the nick of that collosal dumbfuck who said that "reinstallation is totally safe" ?? I forgot, thank God.

Edited by InKal
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Interesting and wonderful mod! My last play through was so long ago, so I'm not sure if it's some mod conflict, game settings or other things I no longer remember:



Is there any way to prevent this log spam after taking Spell Penetration?

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Apologies if it's been asked before:  Would it be possible to add an innate ability in IWDEE for the Improved Bard Song HLA so you can swap back to it if you change to a default one, such as War Chant of Sith?  There is one of these in BGEET.  If I switch, I can't seem to find a way to go back to the HLA.

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