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Random Graion Tweaks

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On 2/12/2022 at 6:45 PM, Graion Dilach said:

Inspired by SCS's "Wider spell scrolls" component, these components add random arcane spell scrolls the arcane/divine spellcasters.  The random spell scrolls include mod-added scrolls only if they either follow the spell.ids standard or was added with OlvynChuru's ClassSpellTool library, dated 2023-02-08 or later .

Spells added by SCS or ToF use an extended-namespace convention: wizard spells are SPWI[1-9][A-Z][0-9A-Z] and priest spells are SPPR[1-7][A-Z][0-9A-Z]. For instance, the first few wizard spells added at level 5 will be SPWI5A0, SPWI5A1, SPWI5A2,... If you want to include them, just extend your SPPR/SPWI regexp a bit (assuming that's how you're doing it). Alternately, there's a list of all added spells at weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids: for instance, if the extra ToF/SCS priest spells are added, that file looks like


No obligation, of course, just if you're interested.

(I looked into using OlvynChuru's tool, but it makes some design choices that weren't a good fit to my project.)

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@ktchong @jmerry Re: inventory - Yes, I'm not doing any reorganization beyond equipping from (outside the) backpack. Lolfixer did, and one needs to make too many assumptions about the game's state for doing so (f.e. I never equip a weapon to offhand, simply because I didn't want to check against BG1 avatars or validating dualwield options against IR/Scales dualwielding rules). My goal was to partially free up more inventory slots incase someone finds the Bag of Spilling too immersion-breaking and attempt ensuring that enemies benefit from the additions of more forgiving item-mods (even if this makes some amusing results, like Joia gearing up from a leftover Bioware inventory she doesn't have access to in vanilla).

@DavidW While I appreciate the documentation, for the time being, I have little interest at modding (I do look forward to see how the end of this month turns out though). That being said, I think your system works with the scroll components out of the box, atleast I don't see a reason why they wouldn't (I actually don't check the last two characters of the filenames nor do I test against spell.ids itself, so your namespace extension should pass).

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4 hours ago, mickabouille said:

was unable to find why subtled_spell_tweaks from didn't detect faerie fire from SCS

Really, 1) at the time my tweak was created the only extant version of Faerie Fire was the one from SR; and 2) I don’t know what SCS’ Faerie Fire looks like from a structural perspective, and patches designed for the SR spell likely would not work on the SCS version. 

EDIT - crap, I didn’t realize this was off-topic in someone else’s thread. Sorry. 

Edited by subtledoctor
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Your mod is causing problems with Centeol.  At first I thought it was BG1 NPC Project that was causing the problems, but turned out it was your mod.

My original reports in the BG1 NPC Project bug report thread:


1 hour ago, ktchong said:

In the Cloakwood Nest area of BGEE:  My party entered Centeol's lair with the main character, Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc and Safana.    Xan was NOT in the party.    Centeol did NOT say anything.  Her spiders and ettercaps attacked.  After my party had killed all her monsters, I kept clicking on Centeol to try to talk to her.  She did not respond.  She had no dialog.  Repeatedly clicking on her did not do anything.  She was not hostile either.  

Then I used Algernon's Cloak to charm Centeol, which succeeded.  Then I clicked on her again to try to to speak to her.  It was useless.  Still, I got no dialog or response from her. 

I knew a mod must have broken Centeol, but I did not know one at first.  I did not remember having installed a mod that mentioned it would do anything to Centeol.  So I googled around and found out that BG1 NPC Project made some changes to Centeol for Xan, (i.e., Xan could dispel her curse.)  I had recruited Xan, but I had removed him from my party and sent him to the Friendly Arm Inn.   I believe BG1 NPC Project is the only mod in my game that made changes to Centeol.   I suspect it was BG1 NPC Project that had broken Centeol with those changes.


1 hour ago, ktchong said:

Duplicates: Two of Everything in Centeol's Lair Including TWO Spider's Bane

Continued from the last message...   another  problem in Centeol's Lair :

The lair included TWO Spider's Bane swords, TWO Chelak's Bodies swords, TWO Discipliner rings, and TWO Fire Opal Rings:  One of each was inside the container behind Centeol.  One of each was on Centeol, which she dropped when she died.  Centeol also had a Wand of Frost, which did NOT have a duplicate in the container behind her.

I am not sure the duplicates were added by BG1 NPC Project.  However, as I conjectured that BG1 NPC Project broke Centeol's dialog, it possibly also added the duplicates as well.


54 minutes ago, ktchong said:

I tried to mortally injured her.  Hit her until she had one bar left, and then stopped and waited for her to speak.  She did not say anything.  

Reloaded and tried again. She still did not talk. 

Even after attacking her, she stayed blue and did NOT turn red/hostile.  She did NOT turn red AT ALL.

Also, I checked YouTube videos of other people's gameplay: Centeol spoke IMMEDIATELY when they entered her lair.


36 minutes ago, ktchong said:

Nevermind.  I backtracked and removed one mod at a time, and then loaded the save game and went back into Centeol's lair.

... turned out it was "Random Graion Tweaks" that caused the problem.  As soon as Graion's mod had been removed, Centeol talked.


Also, after your mod had been removed: Centeol dropped only a Wand of Frost when she was killed.  There were  no more duplicate items.


These were the only components I installed from your mod:


#31: Replace nondroppable magic arrow clones with droppable counterparts -> Do not change amounts in affected stacks

#100: Mixed PnP-BG wisdom-based bonus spells table

#101: Grant Ranger spell slots to Cleric-Ranger multiclasses

#1000: Change Worgs to use IWD2 artwork

#1001: Change Planetars to use their SoD solar-based artwork

#9999: equip items from inventory to fill empty slots

#10000: Bag of Spilling (move bugged supposed-to-be-available items to a bag in the creature's inventory)


I suspect it was one of the last two components (#9999 and #10000) that was causing the problem.  Maybe Centeol has a dialog trigger that has something to do with her inventory.  She probably has an item in her inventory that is linked to the container behind her.   I dunno.

Edited by ktchong
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Continued from the last message...

#9999: equip items from inventory to fill empty slots

#10000: Bag of Spilling (move bugged supposed-to-be-available items to a bag in the creature's inventory)


I installed and tested the two components separately.  It was #9999 that was causing the problems.  Centeol did not initiate a dialog when only #9999 was installed.  She did when only #10000 was. 


Edited by ktchong
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Vanilla Centeol has absolutely no items, and the only condition on her dialogue is the charmed option. These mods could not possibly be causing the problem on their own.

What I suspect happened:

- Another mod moved the contents of the nearby container to Centeol's inventory.

- Those contents include the cursed "Discipliner" ring.

- This mod caused her to equip that ring. In addition to the INT and WIS penalties in the description, the ring inflicts a Feeblemind state which prevents conversation.

- Since her dialogue is what normally turns her hostile and summons additional spiders, that didn't happen.


There's not much that can be done about other mods putting stuff in creatures' inventory; that's the whole point of the "Bag of Spilling" component. However, if you're going to go equip random stuff in inventories, how about a check for the "cursed" flag? Basically, don't blindly equip cursed items.

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6 hours ago, jmerry said:

What I suspect happened:

- Another mod moved the contents of the nearby container to Centeol's inventory.

- Those contents include the cursed "Discipliner" ring.

- This mod caused her to equip that ring. In addition to the INT and WIS penalties in the description, the ring inflicts a Feeblemind state which prevents conversation.

- Since her dialogue is what normally turns her hostile and summons additional spiders, that didn't happen.

I reinstalled all the mods and rearranged their orders.  Random Grarion Tweaks (zgtweaks) mod is now the last one to install. (jtweaks is the second last; I put all the mods with known unresolved problems near the end of my install list.)

Just before installing zgtweaks, (and after all other mods were installed,) I looked into Centoel's creature file, CENTOE.CRE.  It only had an "ANTIWEB" amulet and the Wand of Frost.  Her inventory did not have anything else.  So, no other mod had moved contents of the nearby container into Centeol's inventory.  (I made a copy of CENTOE.CRE before installing zgtweaks.)

After I installed zgtweaks including component #9999, I looked into CENTOE.CRE again.  Centoel was equipped with the CURSED Discipliner ring and the Spider Bane sword.  Her inventory also included Chelak's Body and the Fire Opal Ring, but they were NOT equipped.

Not exactly sure how or why the items from the container behind Centoel was duplicated in Centoel's inventory.  It is actually #9999 that duplicated them.

So, #9999 should NOT have equipped any item that is cursed or from a nearby container.

For my end, I overrode the modded CENTOE.CRE  with the one from before installing zgtweaks.  That should solve my problem.

Edited by ktchong
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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, jmerry said:

Vanilla Centeol has absolutely no items, and the only condition on her dialogue is the charmed option. These mods could not possibly be causing the problem on their own.

7 hours ago, ktchong said:

I looked into Centoel's creature file, CENTOE.CRE.  It only had an "ANTIWEB" amulet and the Wand of Frost.  Her inventory did not have anything else.  So, no other mod had moved contents of the nearby container into Centeol's inventory. 

Vanilla Centeol has all those items in fact and they exist outside her inventory, so indeed 9999 is responsible here.


Yes, 9999 also functions as an anti-spilling component via directly equipping contents from outside the inventory. Keep in mind that oBG1 and BGEE are full of CRE files with "spilled" items like this (Look at Joia for an extreme case, her inventory after 10000 was the reason why 9999 works like this) and currently I don't have a way to filter out the vanilla cases against the items spilled out due to mod results (nor am I actually interested at writing such, I'd say this should be resolved in an earlier step of the installation). I'd say the "duplication" itself is a "by-design" issue, but not an RGT bug.

AFAIK the only "spilled" items BGEE deleted from oBG1 are actual garbage data taking three additional item slots on Gorion. Which implies to me that Beamdog at one point looked into this but only cleaned up what was 100% junk.

Also, I don't touch the containers at all and installing 10000 on it's own without 9999 should still introduce the "duplication".

I do acknowledge 9999 shouldn't equip cursed items as a bug and I'll fix that when I find time. EDIT: v1.13 no longer equips cursed items.

Edited by Graion Dilach
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I've just installed all the arcane + divine scrolls components.  (Wished I had installed them earlier; I thought enemies would use those scrolls in combat, turned out that the scrolls were just extra loots.)

Anyway, I got a SUMMON COW scroll from an enemy wizard.    I had to look up what it is.  It was not supposed to be available in normal gameplay and only could be acquired from cheating. 

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On 3/20/2024 at 8:11 AM, Graion Dilach said:

Vanilla Centeol has all those items in fact and they exist outside her inventory...

So it looks like what happened is that in some point in development Centeol genuinely had those items, but then the container was created, the items were placed there, and the "this slot has this item" markers were removed from her without deleting the "here's an item this creature could have somewhere" references. Interesting. I was only looking at the screen for inventory and equipped items when I made my earlier comment, so I didn't see that.

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On 3/24/2024 at 8:25 PM, jmerry said:

So it looks like what happened is that in some point in development Centeol genuinely had those items, but then the container was created, the items were placed there, and the "this slot has this item" markers were removed from her without deleting the "here's an item this creature could have somewhere" references. Interesting. I was only looking at the screen for inventory and equipped items when I made my earlier comment, so I didn't see that.

My guess:

It was the BG1 NPC Project that moved Centeol's inventory into the nearby container.

If Xan was in the party during the encounter with Centeol, Xan would have additional dialogues with Centeol.  Depending on Xan's dialogue choices, he could potentially dispel the curse that had been placed on Centeol.  When the curse was broken, Centeol turned back into a (thin) human. She said that she wanted to seek out Irenicus for revenge, and then she walked out of her cave... while taking her inventory with her. 

Those additional contents and interactions were  added into the game by the BG1 NPC Project.

My conjecture: BG1 NPC Project moved most of her inventory into the container behind her, so that she would not leave the game with Chelak's Body (quest item) and Spider's Bane (unique weapon) on her.

I tried having Xan in my party for the encounter with Centeol.  Xan dispelled her curse, and then Centeol just left her lair with (only) the Wand of Frost.  My party was able to loot everything else from the container later, but not the wand that she had taken with her.


Edited by ktchong
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No. It was not any mod that put the items in the container. The game I look at when I talk about these things is unmodified BGEE. The "in development" stage I'm talking about is the original development of BG1 25 years ago. By the time the game came out, the items were in the container and Centeol wasn't actually carrying them. And that has been the situation ever since.

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