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First, I mean Second, try at a big(ish) EET install

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Okay! I fixed the issue. For whatever reason, Belt's dialogue would stop whenever it needed to get an interjection from DELTAN.DLG. At first I changed state 125 of BELT.DLG so that the interjection would not happen, instead it would just go to state 126 and Belt would steal Eltan's line. But then for some reason I can't fathom, state 126 also has triggers for Eltan's presence, and allows Eltan to say the line as well?  Seems silly. So I changed state 126 to remove the triggers and have that response match the action that goes straight to the teleport and journal actions.

I could have skipped a step by applying that latter change directly to state 125. I'm making thee changes in the "Edit" tab in Near Infinity and editing dialogues there is not quite straightforward. But I got it done.

I looked at DELTAN.DLG, and it seems fine? And the interjection by Liia worked fine. So I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe... oh crap, hang on - could it be something to do with a bad script name??


So, I'm not sure whether the Eltan standing next to Belt is the right Eltan. In my game there are five creatures named "Eltan" and I don't know which one is in the room with me:

  3. DELTAN2
  5. CHGOOD07

#1 I presume is the Eltan you talk to during the actual SoD campaign.

#2 looks perfectly fine, it uses DELTAN.DLG and the script name is "Eltan."

I have no idea what #3 is, but it has a different script name and different dialogue file and seems unconnected.

#4 I'm guessing is something added by EndlessBG1? (EDIT - change-log says yes this .CRE was introduced by EndlessBG1.) It's a bit interesting, it has a script name tyhat would work for the interjection ("Eltan"), but it points to DELTAN2.DLG just like #3. This seems like a mismatch? Shouldn't creatures with the "Eltan" script name link to DELTAN.DLG, and creatures with the "Eltan2" script name link to DELTAN2.DLG? I don't know why in particular, I'm just following the pattern established by the first three.

#5 is where things get spicy. This has a script name of "chgood07" and points to CHGOOD07.DLG, which doesn't exist. It has legitimate-looking stats: a level 21 fighter with 175 hp, STR 18/55, etc. and a bunch of strong magical items. Hmmm... let's run change-log on it. Turns out this is created by SCS. Could this be the Eltan standing in front of me? Hang on, the override script is CHALDIE.BCS, which has reference to the Ravager? And the equipment includes Casiel's Soul plate mail? Actually, this sounds like something from TOB.

Okay so, I think that's about as much troubleshooting as I can do. My best guess, which isn't a very good one, is that maybe the EndlessBG1 version of Eltan is the guy in the room with me, and that it has an error in its .DLG assignment. I'll refer to @jastey to maybe confirm or correct me, for being very smart and much more capable with this sort of thing.

But at the end of the day, changing state 125 and/or 126 will fix the issue, and maybe fixing C#STELTA.CRE would as well... maybe.

Anyway, off into SoD, which is exciting since it is generally good and exciting content, and I've got some of Jastey's SoD mods installed this time to make it even better. I'm a bit concerned that SoD might be easy, since I am obscenely well-equipped right now. I even threw away all the loot from Heart of Winter. (Except the belt that summons five ogres... I love it and I'm keeping it forever.)

EDIT - bonus, I think I also worked out the party member death issues with BP-in-BG. Gonna go slap a shiny “v1.0” sticker on that puppy…

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Oh, forgot to say, I changed up the party a bit. I dropped Tenya at a daycare facility and Sirene went off to mope to Ilmater a bit, and I reconnected with Khalid and Jaheira!

And boy is this party awesome now! As a reminder, I made Khalid a dual-class cleric->ranger this time, cleric of Torm to be exact. He has a bunch of low-level cleric spells in addition to being a solid front-liner. jaheira is a multiclass ranger/druid, not very different from her normal state, but with Faiths & Powers druids have great abilities and spell selection. Charname rounds out the divine casters, a 9th-level cleric who is also a solid fighter. And we have tons of arcane magic with Emily (F/M), Imoen (bardic M/T mutant with too many 2nd-level spell slots and I'm not changing it) and Brandock (full mage). This party is suuuuuper good. Tons of power, tons of flexibility. It's crazy. I know the group's not going to be together very long, basically just for the Sarevok fight and Korlasz' crypt. But the crypt should be fun.

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To check which Eltan is in the room with you, you can open up a save (in that state) in Near Infinity. Decompress the .SAV file, and open up the file for the area in question.

CHGOOD07 is part of the boss wave in the first pocket plane challenge, if you're evil. The other two are Aran Linvail and Ellesime (a cleric).

DELTAN is the version you meet in chapter 5. DELTAN2 is the version you meet in chapter 7, who's so sick he can't even stand up. It would be very obvious if that was the version you were dealing with.

If that's C#STELTA you're dealing with, the script name mismatch would break it. Condition ~InMyArea("ELTAN")~ checks by script name, so it's true. EXTERN ~DELTAN~ fails because there's nobody with that dialogue nearby, and the dialogue silently drops out. Script name matching dialogue file isn't directly important, but script name matching presence triggers and dialogue file matching EXTERN epilogues is crucial.

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My game is on an iPad, so I can't ctrl-Q to pull someone into the party and look at their stats/script/etc. I can inspect the save file, but it is a laborious process moving files across different devices. Easier to look at the mods themselves. EndlessBG1 has this in duke_eltan.tpa:

COPY_EXISTING ~DELTAN.cre~ ~override/C#STELTA.cre~
  WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x250 ~SHOUT~ #8   // class script
  WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x268 ~WTASIGHT~ #8   // default script
  WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x2cc ~DELTAN2~ #8   // dialogue

So it writes ~DELTAN2~ as the dialogue, which is the DLG attached to ELTAN2.CRE. But it copies DELTAN.CRE, which has the ~Eltan~ script name.

This is not necessarily a problem! The most recent version of Eltan I met before fighting Sarevok was the sick version in the Harbormaster's building, so maybe EndlessBG1 sticks with that dialogue on purpose when applying the "Duke Eltan is in the Palace" component.

The problem is that Transitions adds this to BELT.DLG:

    = IF ~!InMyArea("ELTAN")~ @2180 
    == DELTAN IF ~InMyArea("ELTAN")~ @2180 

So it specifically looks for a creature with the ~Eltan~ script name and ELTAN.DLG. So there is a mismatch between Transitions and EndlessBG1. I assume this is the same issue that Gwaihir encountered here.

Each mod might be fine on its own - this might just be an incompatibility, not a bug. Seems to me the questions to answer are:

  1. Does EndlessBG1 intend for its version of Eltan to have the ~Eltan~ script name and ELTAN2 dialogue? If it's a mistake, super easy fix. If it's on purpose, then it's on purpose and probably should stay the way it is. Transitions is installed afterward so Transitions should handle compatibility unless this is obviously an error.
  2. Is that Transitions interjection added specifically for EndlessBG1 compatibility? If EndlessBG1's "Eltan is in the Palace" component is not installed, would any version of Eltan be in the room? If this is purely for the sake of EndlessBG1, then Transitions should conform to the version of Eltan added by EndlessBG1. OTOH, if Transitions would add its own version of Eltan in its place, then it would be a bit thornier to handle both possibilities.

Until those are answered and changes made, for players who may not have the wherewithal to do this level of troubleshooting, my advice for the moment is: do not install EndlessBG1's "Duke Eltan is in the Palace" component together with the Transitions mod.

EDIT - as to question #1, I just glanced at the EndlessBG1 Readme and this script name/dialogue mis-match does seem to be intentional. From the Readme:


Note to modders for compatibility: this component introduces a cre file "C#STELTA.cre" which has the DV "ELTAN" and the dialogue "DELTAN2.dlg" with an "always true" dialogue state with the line "~You saved us. You have the gratitude of the city.~", triggered by ~Dead("Sarevok")~.

You can add reply options to this line of EBG1 if your mod gets installed after. To determine the state number of this line in DELTAN2.dlg, use the following code in the tp2, with %deltan2_70% being the variable number of the dialogue state:

//----code to determine a state number---
// Get state for DELTAN2 %deltan2_70%
/* ~You saved us. You have the gratitude of the city.~ */
OUTER_SET deltan2_70 = STATE_WHICH_SAYS 70 IN ~c#endlessbg1/translations/%s/DIALOGUES.TRA~ FROM ~DELTAN2~

I'm not sure why that was done, but I can only presume there is a reason, as I am not familiar with the workings of the mod. So for compatibility, Transitions will need to detect whether C#EndlessBG1 component #6 is installed, and change " == DELTAN " to " == DELTAN2 " if it is.

Edited by subtledoctor
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Okay, we went through Korlasz' crypt - that is a good little dungeon, really well-done. I like it. Korlasz surrendered and was taken prisoner by the Flaming Fist soldiers. I left the dungeon and appeared behind the Temple of Helm. Went to an inn to rest and recover, then back to the Ducal Palace, apparently to have a boss fight against Belt's .DLG file. :laugh2:

EDIT - okay, apparently I just needed to use the item Belt gave me. I had no idea this is how you proceed. Okay, fair enough.

But, now I get the crash when doing the transition. Seems to be the same crash as the one described here. I'll edit #LPCROOM.BCS and remove all references to .ARE files that don't exist, then see how it goes.

Also Brandock and Imoen leave the party when the item is being used... do I have to worry about their equipment?



Belt said "news of your success has found its way to us! Here's some XP and a magic item." Liia interjected and took the documents relating to Bhaal. Belt said "hey have you gone on the tour of Durlag's Tower?" And then Jaheira said something like she wanted to leave, and I had two dialogue options:

  1. Please stay for a few more days
  2. You can leave, but not with all that fancy gear

I chose #2, but nothing happened. The dialogue ended, but Jaheira and Khalid stayed in the party. I went upstairs and was shown my new digs by the butler. Went back downstairs. Talked to Belt again. He congratulated me again, gave me XP and the same magic item again, and Liia interjected again, but this time I didn't have the documents (I just gave them to her), so she acted disappointed. Then nothing. I talked to Liia directly and she gave me the options for training Imoen:

  1. Yes Imoen go ahead and train with Liia
  2. Do you really want to do this?
  3. Please wait a few more days.

I chose #2, and Imoen turned down Liia, said she needs to keep tabs on Charname and Liia said well that's fine, let her know if we change our minds. I suppose this is from the ImoenForever mod?

Now... I'm not sure what to do? I can keep talking to Belt ad infinitum for more XP and the same item and the disappointed interjection by Liia, then Belt says "what are your plans now?" and the dialogue blips out to the normal game screen. J&K are still in the party. I dismiss them manually. No change. I go upstairs again, and rest. Go back downstairs, no change.

I would like to move on to the chapter/campaign change, to start Siege of Dragonspear. But, I have no idea how to actually do that. (I thought it had happened already? But I guess a mod moves Korlasz' crypt back into the BG1 campaign. Which is fine, it makes a lot of sense with these "clean-up" quests... only, now the question is how to proceed.) I suspect it is again something buggy in Belt's dialogue - it has already had problems, and now it is doing this loop thing. I seem to have gottne through states 127 and 128, getting XP and the journal entry "All of Sarevok's supports are either dead or in prison. I can stop looking over my shoulder." Then I got the Wish item so I've gotten through states 53 and 54. Then it sends me to state 63 which is:

THEN BEGIN 63 // from: 54.0 56.1 66.0 69.0 74.0 79.0 84.0 90.0 91.0
  SAY #299607 /* ~So, <CHARNAME>, what are your plans now?~ */
  IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutSceneEx("#LCtPKs",TRUE)~ EXIT

The "what are your plans now?" SAY line fires, but the cut-scene does not.

Actually wait, the cut-scene does fire, because then, the first time around, we had the talk about Durlag's Tower. Which means I jumped over to #LCTPKS.BCS and then to #LPLAYER.DLG. I tried with J&K in the party as described above, which gives me the "you can go, but not with all that equipment..." line. And I tried dismssing J&K first, in which case the last line I get is my response to Belt about Durlags - "Interesting is ... one way to describe it." In either case, at this point the dialogue abruptly ends and nothing happens. The relevant bit of the dialogue:

IF ~ 
  SAY #299787 /* ~I have places to go, things to do, people to see.~ */
  IF ~ 
  THEN REPLY #299789 /* ~I've already been there.  Interesting is ... one way to describe it.~ */ 
    DO ~SetGlobal("#L_DidPostKorlasz","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT

Maybe this dumps back to BELT.DLG?  Over there, state 131 is:

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 131 // from:
  SAY #299788 /* ~May I suggest the tour of Durlag's Tower that is offered in Ulgoth's Beard?  I hear it's quite interesting.~ */
  IF ~  
    REPLY #299789 /* ~I've already been there.  Interesting is ... one way to describe it.~ */ 
    DO ~SetGlobal("#L_DidPostKorlasz","GLOBAL",1)~ 

... hang on...


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I removed the several MoveToContainer lines in the area script that referred to nonexistent areas, but that didn't help. So I removed the entire script block containing any MoveToContainer lines. But it still crashes. I don;t know why the fix that worked for Gwaihir doesn't work for me. :(

EDIT - I installed the various optional reward residences from Transitions and moved the .ARE files over to my iPad, and now things proceed as normal. For whatever reason, changing the #LBD0103 area script alone is not enough, something is still looking for those area files. So for the record, my best advice for making this all work together is:

  • If installing Transitions v2.4, do not install the "Eltan is in the Palace" component of EndlessBG1 v13.
  • Do install the optional reward residence components of Transitions v2.4. (If you are worried about compatibility with other mods that use those buildings, simply decline the rewards when talking to Duke Belt in the game.)

I think that should cover the trouble I've had with the SoD transition over the last couple days.

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Incidentally, I finished up BG1 and moved to SoD after 135 days in-game. After the SoD intro text and the attack on Imoen, it is now day 150. I wish I was keeping a better log of when I did each quest... I made about 12 save files over the course of the run so they could give a sense of the pace of the game. I'll try to be a bit better moving forward, if I can.

I also might go back to a save just before the SoD transition... I noticed when troubleshooting that crash that Emily did not leave my party when everyone else did. At the time I was afraid it could have something to do with the crash, so i dismissed her manually and asked her to stay where she was (the 1st floor of the Ducal Palace). Now SoD has started and I'm worried I won't be able to recruit her again, because the SoD .ARE file for the Ducal Palace is different from the BG1 file. So maybe I need to keep Emily in the party in order to have her in SoD...? But, it seemed like everyone was supposed to leave so that Charname would be alone when facing the attack that poisons Imoen, so hopefully it would not be a problem to keep Emily around. I'm a bit confused as to what is the correct method here. I know Emily has SoD content, but if she is not in the party will she appear somewhere in SoD for recruitment? Or is it necessary to have her in the party when beginning the campaign?

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On 1/6/2023 at 12:26 PM, jastey said:

It does, and removes EndlessBG1's Duke Eltan before spawning an own one. At last that is what should have happened.

Well, that would mean there is a show-stopping bug with the dialogue of the Transitions version of Eltan. Which would be worse in a way. Not to mention, I installed Transitions after EndlessBG1 and no such substitution occurred - there is no Eltan in my game with the #L prefix, the only one added by a mod is C#STELTA. So, whether it's the Transitions dialogue patches failing to account for the EndlessBG1 Eltan, or it's Transitions failing to replace the EndlessBG1 Eltan, there is a compatibility problem here.

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Day 156. Party:

  • Charname, fighter 8 -> cleric 9, 205,000 XP in 2nd class
  • Sirene, level 10 paladin, 300,000 XP
  • Drake, level 10 cleric, 285,000 XP
  • Imoen, level 8/9 bardic mage/thief, 140,000 XP in each class
  • M'Khiin, level 9 shaman, 255,000 XP
  • Brandock, level 9 transmuter, 230,000 XP

Just collected my party (well, Sirene/Drake/Brandock) and left Baldur's Gate. Safana came with us, but as soon as we set up camp near the Coast Way Crossing, Imoen appeared and took over my thief spot. Still no sign of Emily, So Corwin joined us as we began to scout the area. We encountered some dwarves beset by undead, and with them was Helga. A battle cleric would be more useful in a barrow full of undead so we sent Corwin back to camp to let them know what was going on. We cleared out the... crypt? Mine? Library? Whatever that place is. And destroyed Gurn Coldhearth the dwarven lich, which is apparently a thing? And it lets the dwarf who never cast a spell before suddenly cast high-level arcane magic? Weird. Anyway I like this dungeon a lot because it is a big kick in the pants to start out SoD. Gobs and gobs of undead monsters, reminiscent of IWD, which sap your resources, and then a lich fight at the end?? At level 9?? And when I leave him surrounded by summoned goons and run to try and destroy his philactery, he teleports to me! And, I totally forgot I could go talk to Reverend Deepvein and get a secret weapon against the lich! Awkward. But I survived. Afterward I dismissed Helga from the party - as nice as it is to see a mod NPC with SoD content, Helga is not my favorite and I already have two clerics.

I scouted west and found Baeloth, of all people, running a cockfighting tournament? Gross. The dialogue here, which is largely untouched by me, fits surprisingly well with this aprty having gone through the Black Pits:


"Don't you recognize me, Baeloth? I killed you."

"Ah, well I'm moderately mortified about that."

I threaten him and he frees M'Khiin. He does not have a chance to join the party because it would be weird. I could fight him, I guess, but I'm not really interested so he sadly reports to the Flaming Fist camp. M'Khiin joins my party... in my only other playthrough of SoD I did not take her along, so this is sort of interesting. But, I'm still kind of saving that 6th party spot for Emily. For the moment I'll keep M'Khiin around and check out her content.

I activated all of the menhirs in the area and me the ghost of a bard who dies long ago. I think there is some bard-specific content here, which Imoen should be able to unlock... however, I'm not sure the Might & Guile bard overhaul contemplates an EET game - it may only enable revised bards like Imoen to get the content in an actual SoD game. Need to double-check that. Anyway I freed Crommus from his eternal confinement in the stones, and a cut-scene ensues in which he calls his love Carline... and, Carline is apparently a bit hesitant to be reunited with him? I think you see where this is going...

The cut-scene hangs and I need to force-quit the app. Sigh. So many problems with cut-scenes in this game! And there are still plenty of them still to come... :(

Gonna rest up and restore spells, then scout the bridge.

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1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

Well, that would mean there is a show-stopping bug with the dialogue of the Transitions version of Eltan. Which would be worse in a way. Not to mention, I installed Transitions after EndlessBG1 and no such substitution occurred - there is no Eltan in my game with the #L prefix, the only one added by a mod is C#STELTA. So, whether it's the Transitions dialogue patches failing to account for the EndlessBG1 Eltan, or it's Transitions failing to replace the EndlessBG1 Eltan, there is a compatibility problem here.

Do you have your weidu.log somewhere? If I recall correctly, Transitions has different install options depending on whether the player wants to keep more of EndlessBG1 or not. It would be useful to know your exact choices.

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1 minute ago, jastey said:

Do you have your weidu.log somewhere? If I recall correctly, Transitions has different install options depending on whether the player wants to keep more of EndlessBG1 or not. It would be useful to know your exact choices.

Not trying to be overly critical, just pointing out a problem I encountered. Maybe there is a correct combination of components, but ideally the two mods would not allow an install combination that leads to a bug that stops the game progressing.

The relevant bit:

~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #0 // Endless BG1: Main Component (Required): 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #1 // More Flavor to Hero of Baldur's Gate (Includes PC's Residence Inside Palace): 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #2 // Short Public Hero Tribute: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #3 // Sarevok's Unique Items: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #4 // Sarevok's Sword: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #5 // Imoen and Duke Jannath (Imoen Gets Residence Inside Palace): 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #6 // Duke Eltan Is in the Palace: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #7 // Flaming Fist After Final Fight: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #8 // Elminster Makes an Appearance -> jastey's Version: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #10 // First Refugees Come to Baldur's Gate: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #11 // Ophyllis the Treasurer is Inside Palace Dungeon: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #12 // Denkod in Thieves' Guild Comments on Sarevok's Death: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #13 // Skip Thieves' Maze Once After Sarevok's Death: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #15 // Fenster the Palace Healer Is in the Palace: 13
~C#ENDLESSBG1/C#ENDLESSBG1.TP2~ #0 #16 // Captain Corwin Is in the Palace: 13
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Main component: Allow continued play after Sarevok and/or Irenicus is defeated: v2.4
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Use BGI ending movie as a dream and give new bhaal-spawn power at first rest: v2.4
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #31 // Clean-up Quests -> Behavior of the Sarevok's supporters in the final BGI battle is unchanged: v2.4
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Close quests and rumors that can't be finished after Sarevok is defeated: v2.4
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #40 // Clean up the town folk chatter with regard to Sarevok: v2.4
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Clean up the wounded from the thieves' maze: v2.4
~TRANSITIONS/TRANSITIONS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Use Irenicus in hell movie to restore Bhaal-spawn powers after he is defeated: v2.4


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6 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Maybe there is a correct combination of components, but ideally the two mods would not allow an install combination that leads to a bug that stops the game progressing.

Yeah, well, there is a lot Transition could do differently, not just plain erasing EndlessBG1's content of several components to silently introduce an own version of almost the same content would be a start. EDIT: I'm not lamenting that Transitions has own versions of EndlessBG1's content, I explicitely allowed that to happen. I am complaining about the way Transitions implements its contents, which is done so the player doesn't know what's inside the black box of EndlessBG1+Transitions.

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