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TP2 file coding questions


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I had look at original game files and they do delete journal entries by specifying string reference number which i for obvious reasons i do not have.

How do mods delete journal entries?

Should i just add entries to user journal? and let users to delete entries?

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EraseJournalEntry(RESOLVE_STR_REF(Assasination Contract Marcian Argent.

I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.))

I have grepped my entire unpacked modding/games folder and nobody is using this function.

How is this thing supposed to be used?

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RESOLVE_STR_REF is a WeiDU command that goes in the tp2 file; look it up in the WeiDU documentation for the syntax. Your sample there absolutely won't work, because EraseJournalEntry is a script action that goes in a completely different place.

So, here's a sample that does work:

In the .tp2 file:

SET journal1 = RESOLVE_STR_REF(@12345) // Assume @12345 is the desired journal entry.
// More stuff. Probably unrelated.
COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~mymod/quest.d~ // Compile the dialogue, evaluating variables.

In the .D file:

/* Stuff, including a response for this action to attach to */
DO AddJournalEntry(%journal1%)
/* More stuff */
DO EraseJournalEntry(%journal1%)

Or you can just use that same @12345 reference directly in both places instead of the variable; the system is smart enough to handle that properly. That's what the file I looked at did, anyway.

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For own journal entries, you just take the exact same text you used for adding it to the journal:

EraseJournalEntry(~Text of the journal entry~)

Or, if you work with tra files (which is recommended in this case, so the text is the exact same:


The text need to match 100% with what the added journal entry was, or the journal entry will not be removed.

The RESOLVE_STR_REF is for original game journal entries.

There is also another way to fetch these: the func_fetch_journal_entries.tph fetches them from a dialogue state directly. It is used in the bg1re mod, for example.

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IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1HaveHead
    SAY ~Show it to me...Hmm....appearance matches. Here is your gold, Talk to me when you are ready to take another contract, Farewell.~
    IF ~~ THEN DO
        SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Assassination Contract: Marcian Argent completed.~
        EraseJournalEntry(~Assassination Contract Marcian Argent.

        I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos in Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.~)

This produces parse error you sure this is the right way to do it?

Edited by svj
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The parse error is because you have that EraseJournalEntry floating in the wrong place, rather than in the action block (DO ~~). That's where script actions go. When the system tries to parse this response, it sees an empty condition trigger, an action block, a SOLVED_JOURNAL entry, and then something which isn't a transition flag or a valid end to the response. Parse failed.

In other words, to fix it, put the EraseJournalEntry into the action block where it belongs.

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EraseJournalEntry is a scripting action, so it properly needs to be inside the DO, e.g.

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1HaveHead
    SAY ~Show it to me...Hmm....appearance matches. Here is your gold, Talk to me when you are ready to take another contract, Farewell.~
    IF ~~ THEN DO
        EraseJournalEntry(~Assassination Contract Marcian Argent.

        I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos in Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.~)~
        SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Assassination Contract: Marcian Argent completed.~        
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IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1HaveHead
    SAY ~Show it to me...Hmm....appearance matches. Here is your gold, Talk to me when you are ready to take another contract, Farewell.~
    IF ~~ THEN DO
        EraseJournalEntry(~Assassination Contract Marcian Argent.

        I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos in Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.~)~
        SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Assassination Contract: Marcian Argent completed.~

[action list near line 95, column 28 of revan/d/rqrugos.d] PARSE WARNING at line 97 column 1-26
Near Text:
       syntax error
WARNING: cannot verify action ~GiveGoldForce(12000)
       EraseJournalEntry(~: Parsing.Parse_error

[revan/d/rqrugos.d] PARSE ERROR at line 95 column 1-40
Near Text: Assassination
       syntax error

[revan/d/rqrugos.d]  ERROR at line 95 column 1-40
Near Text: Assassination
ERROR: parsing [revan/d/rqrugos.d]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: compiling [revan/d/rqrugos.d]!
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Golden Horse mercenary company (Requires Throne of Bhaal)], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall  29 files for [SETUP_REVAN.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled     29 files for [SETUP_REVAN.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

No workey sir.

Edited by svj
corrected misleading mod name
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Okay. Now the parse error is something different. Because you used ~ to delimit the beginning of the action block, the system expects ~ to delimit the end of the block. And it finds that tilde, immediately after the left parenthesis. Which makes that an incomplete action that doesn't make sense.

That's why both ~ and " are accepted as string delimiters. Use one on the outside, use the other on the inside. If you're using ~ to delimit the action block, you need to use " to delimit the strings inside it. Such as "rqcontractKamraarn", or "GLOBAL", or that whole long journal string.

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