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Everything posted by Lauriel

  1. Is there a way to add some effect, spell or trigger to an item, like a scroll, to determine if it's been looked at? I'd like to determine if an informational scroll, like a wanted poster, has been read. It's not something I want to require to be placed into a quickslot to be used. I just want to know if they've read it. What I've done so far is just wait a couple in-game minutes after it's been placed into inventory and 'assume' it's been read. This makes me uncomfortable, but not sure what else I can do, if anything. Any ideas?
  2. A new version of Transitions is available. Moved exit timer to BALDUR.bcs so it's not affected by AI being off.
  3. A new version is up and ready beta testing. The original topic has been updated with the new link. NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: New and modified strings in Setup.tra and Game.tra marked with NEW FOR VERSION 0.4
  4. I've rolled back the beta release to the one before the attempt to play nice with BG1. Please don't use the latest release. It isn't stable enough even for beta testing. It should work with BG1 now.
  5. You may not want to load Transitions for BG1EE just quite yet. I'm having issues with the quests and the house in front of the Ducal Palace. I'll put up an update when I have the issues resolved.
  6. I don't know how I could forget this, but this update changes labels to meet @AL|EN's globally unique label preference. So, labels have changed. They needed to change anyway with this update since the entire mod is structured differently to allow installation on non-EET games. This is rather a big deal. But there will be no need for them to change in the future.
  7. I like it. Descriptive on how it's to be installed and generic enough to let all sorts of things to fit into it. Since the list of 'Types' isn't set in stone yet, I think we can just start using it, right?
  8. I agree - what should we call them? Story changers? LOL Would anyone even understand what that is? It's late here so ideas aren't flowing...but I'll sleep on it. Right now, my ini looks like: Type = Tweaks Before = NPC, bg1re After = c#endlessbg1 I just now took out the requireformer = EET ... oops. A little late...I'll put up a new release this weekend after I test a few things.
  9. A new beta version has been released. The link in the original topic has been updated. This release allows the mod to be installed on all EE style games, BG1EE, SoD, BG2EE, and EET. (for @subtledoctor ) Note to translators: this required changes to strings in the setup.tra file. New/modified strings are noted as V2
  10. Thank you. BTW, typo (doesn't matter to me but might to others). non-braking s/b non-breaking
  11. Well darn! I was really hoping I had screwed something up. LOL
  12. I try. You've been able to successfully use a strref in TokenTxt.2da? If so, what am I doing wrong?
  13. Unfortunately, Tokentxt.2da doesn't substitute the string associated with a strref put there. I believe the documentation is wrong and have started a topic to that effect in the IESDP forum.
  14. STRINGT - strref if condition is true (i.e. VALUE < STAT OR VALUE = STAT) STRINGF - strref if condition is false (i.e. VALUE >= STAT OR VALUE != STAT) It doesn't take a strref. It takes a string. If you put in a strref, you'll just end up with the number being put into the dialogue, not the associated text.
  15. RESOLVE_STR_REF worked, however when I use the token, I get the number replaced in the text, not the string associated with the strref. I think the docs are wrong. I think it needs to be a string, not a strref.
  16. I know this is old, but you're right. The docs say it should be strrefs, not strings. The strings work, but I'd prefer to use strrefs if possible for languages that don't use our character set but haven't a clue how to get INSERT_2DA to convert string to strrefs or any other way of getting at the strref of a custom string. So is the documentation incomplete and it can be strrefs or strings, or is it wrong and it only takes strings?
  17. There is an option for a new bhaalspawn ability You can have a home with a chest whose contents will transfer to SoD camp chests There are a number of new clean-up quests - depending upon who you dispatched before you face Sarevok Korlasz dungeon will free of hand-holding, I think it makes it more fun You can choose to skip the ending of SoD if you'd like (at any point you'd like), and go right to the capture scene before BG2 You can use an abbreviated capture scene leading to BG2 Imoen will be given innate magic missile abilities in BG2 You'll be able to stay in BG2 after Irenicus is killed You'll be able to regain your bhaalspawn abilities after Irenicus is killed That's all I can think of off the top of my head for this version.
  18. During installation, for example, it will skip the installation of equivalent components, like towns people chatter. For some components where things are handled slightly different, like Sarevok's equipment, it will ask if you want the Transition's version or EBG1's version. It will start off it's conversation with Duke Belt differently if you have EBG1's award ceremony installed. And EBG1 will accommodate Transition's handling of the Korlasz dungeon quest, where it's just another dungeon crawl with no hand-holding from Imoen, if the you're there for a Transitions clean-up quest. @jastey, have I missed anything?
  19. I think yours would be one of the easiest to set up using the current system: After = EET_End, *
  20. Yeah, I'll name mine more for what portion of the game it affects. Like my snark components, some are strictly for SoD and some for BG2 and some for in between. I think I'll break them out so they can be incorporated into other mods for just those campaigns and not require EET for those that are campaign specific.
  21. Nope, you're right. I totally misunderstood. I'm so glad I started this topic. I'd have done this all wrong. I misread 1 sentence ...
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