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Everything posted by Lauriel

  1. Probably wise words... Yeah, that'll be fairly straight forward, too. I just have to remember to remove it after Spellhold and put it back maybe after Bhodi Cool - so I'm not out in left field on this. Thanks for the input, everyone
  2. Maybe - unless you have Imoen Forever loaded... Me either, to be honest. When I started this, I assumed she was dual-classed by EET, but she's not. Probably because you have no idea how she ended up. EEKeeper and mods can make her be anything. You'd have to have a lot of CREs to cover all canned combination - and it's impossible to handle the additional modded kits. I am planning on a really dual-class Imoen option in the future if she's a class that can do that and her stats are still ok, but that's a complication I really can't manage right now. I'm still a newb. I like your 3E-style multiclassing idea. I'll keep that in mind as a possible option.
  3. I'm interested in folk's opinion on how to handle Imoen's magic missile ability in EET when she's not a mage. At the beginning of SoD she might be a straight thief...or whatever class the player decided to morph her into using EEKeeper. Yet, she casts a magic missile at the assassins. At the beginning of BG2, she does so again and it lands her in Spellhold. I'm trying to plug holes like this in the Transitions mod I'm writing. I'm thinking about giving her either a wand or a scroll of magic missile for SoD (since she's in training) - have one drop when she drops - and an innate ability in BG2 to equate to her bhaal spawn powers coming to fore like the PC. Any other ideas? Opinions? Comments? Snide remarks?
  4. I seem to recall an after-SoD movie where Imoen and the group are walking happily away from Baldur's Gate. Since my movies go from SoDCin03.wbm to SoDCin05.wbm, I'm assuming it was SoDCin04.wbm. Does anyone know where I could find that clip?
  5. I'm trying to do some generic joinable NPC stuff and had it all set, until Baeloth broke it because he's not listed in eet_cmpvars.tpa. I'm sure there's a reason, but It would be nice if this was treated as an oversight and have his BCS, JOINED, and POST files included in the list.
  6. Ok, here's my save game - some save games it's fine so it's probably having to do with the save game itself. BTW - this is for EET 000000176-Belt borked.zip
  7. And I would for most instances, just in this one, it's better to limit how many I'm doing until I have them all done. I'm building dialogues for each NPC and I'm not ready for all of them. I suppose I can have a variable incremented inside the loop and have it do nothing if it goes above a number, but it's just easier to have the loop take care of that for me.
  8. So it was the quotes around the variable indicating the number (in this case npc) that I was missing. Thank you so much! This will make my life SO much simpler. I just can't put into words how happy this makes me!
  9. I swear I tried some of that, but I guess not. I'll try again. I hate it when a simple thing like syntax throws me for a loop. heh..for a loop...for loop. Ok, it's early, I haven't had my coffee and I'm easily amused.
  10. I think I did...at least I got to the item via the save game character's inventory items, whether or not that will bring me their instance of the item or the same itm file I'd look at if I went through normal channels, I couldn't say.
  11. I'm having trouble building an in-line script that will be attached to all the canned NPCs. My variable substitution isn't working. I'm getting a series of files named $npc_list(0) $npc_list(1), etc and the variable inside the code block isn't getting it's value inserted, either. What am I doing wrong? My code: EDIT: The answer = you can't get there from here. If it's possible to use a variable (npc) to specify the array member to use ($npc_list(%npc%)) it has eluded me. I had to revert to using ACTION_PHP_EACH instead. I'll have to just use a variable inside that loop for the other things I needed.
  12. I'll do that, thank you! Descriptions looked fine. Everything looked fine with it. I'm out of ideas. ::shrug::
  13. Alright, I'll admit complete and total ignorance on this...what do you mean by -change-log the .itm file? EDIT: Found it, ran it, says the item hasn't been modified. I'm at a loss...
  14. Is there a way to determine which mod may have altered an item? I ask because I've installed 2 mods that are new to me but shouldn't affect the item in question: the gender-switching girdle. In my other save games the item is fine. In my latest, it's fine until I ID it, then I can't move it with the cursor without the game hanging. I can move it to a container via the container's inventory screen (move to container), and can probably sell it (haven't tried), but I wouldn't be able to use the item. I don't normally use it anyway, so it's not game-changing for me other than, it's a borked item I'd like to unbork. I can probably fix the item by opening it up with whateverthatacronymthingieisthatfixesfilesrealnice, but I'd rather find the root of the problem.
  15. Just an FYI, since I read that Trap Overhaul was on your install list, @kjeron uploaded a new version. The call lightning trap will cause a crash to desktop. He replaced it with something else. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/71763/trap-detection-recovery-evasion/p2
  16. I'm not going to read the entire thread to find out, but if no one has responded to this yet, it does indeed work for EET, though I only installed the fast trap detection. The rest was of no interest to me at this time. EDIT: I went back and reinstalled the whole thing. The recover traps option does indeed work. Haven't tested out a monk yet. But all I can say is Imoen is going to be in need of her own bag of holding, or perhaps a new container...bag o' traps? EDIT EDIT: Looks like you're limited to 1 of each kind of trap. You may as well use them as you get them EDIT EDIT EDIT: That might only be the case if there is more than one of the same kind of trap near each other. ... Yup, that's what it was
  17. I had no idea this even existed. Awesome! Thank you! @qwerty1234567
  18. @DavidW, both of your suggestions will be very handy. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
  19. I'd like to move a unique item from one store and add it to another. I know how to remove and add items to stores, but I don't know how to check for an item's existence in the store. Basically, I want a IF ITEM-IN-STORE THEN check. I'm sure there's a way to traverse the store's inventory, but was hoping someone already wrote that so I'd not have to reinvent the wheel.
  20. Thank you, @Jarno Mikkola!
  21. Yes it is. Install it into your BG1 game before installing EET, though. EDIT: Actually that's your SoD game, not BG1. EET brings in your SoD game, so if you have it modded there with Garrick, it'll be in your resulting EET game and it'll work perfectly.
  22. I'll do this. It will be a good place to start. Actually, I can't do this. I don't own vanilla BG2, only BG2EE. Bugger...
  23. Yes, this is what I want. Is this a thing in the game? Ok, which mod does this magic and do I have your permission to copy it's methodology when the time comes? Ahh, that does sort of negate the need for dexterity checks then, doesn't it. Unless I'm planning on also setting the dexterity of every NPC in the game. Heh - actually I can see me doing that, but not for the initial version I don't think. LOL I'll do this. It will be a good place to start. Thank you all for your input!
  24. Right - it'll be a physical attack from the characters' point of view but a spell as far as the engine is concerned. Well said. This is what I meant. Sorry all for not communicating well. It won't require a spell book, or any sort of training. It will behave more like the fire potions that are thrown. It doesn't take anything (other than perhaps it should require strength) to 'cast' it. This leads me down another rabbit hole...is it possible to modify the range of a spell (i.e., how far a fire potion can be thrown) based on strength? Or is it always an all-or-nothing sort of deal. Would you have to have multiple versions of the spell/item? I'm still trying to absorb the rest of the discussion...
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