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Everything posted by Lauriel

  1. Is it possible to have an effect have a chance of failure due to a dexterity check? You know, the old PnP roll to see if you are quick enough to get out of the way? I know doodle squat about modding spells, but I'd like to do one in the near future that has this check, if it's possible. EDIT: Actually, it won't be a spell but a physical attack...that I think will require it to act like a spell with a projectile, etc. Basically, I want glitterdust and caltrops to be purchasable rogue items that are thrown but can be avoided if a dexterity check is passed.
  2. True true. I know native speakers who couldn't have communicated as succinctly. Sorry for veering off-topic, but wanted to give kudos where they're due. I have no feelings one way or the other on the actual topic at hand having not ever had the courage to install this mod. EDIT: Other than to say...honey gathers more flies than vinegar.
  3. That never even crossed my mind. Way to think outside the box! Thank you! I'll try this. Though I think NPCs hand over anything in their backpack upon leaving, which I find annoying. But I'll still try it to see if giving it to her after she leaves the group will still return it to Player1. EDIT: That sort of worked. The gold was in Jaheir's inventory after she left, it didn't interfere with her leaving the area, however it did give the message that 'the party has received an item: Gold', even though it didn't. I'll stick with the NPC scripts upon joining mechanism. But thank you again for this really good idea.
  4. Yes it does, but that's the action I can't get to work properly in this instance. I just settled for a generic DestroyGold amount no matter which NPC got the gold. I wanted to adjust it per NPC for roleplaying reasons but it just didn't work. I'll need to do any adjustments like that in character scripts upon joining if I feel it necessary.
  5. In my Transitions mod, I'm distributing gold to members of the party but want the gold setting in their CREs to be something other than what they were given. It might be half, or a fixed number. There is no way, that I'm aware of, to destroy gold using a global variable as the value to be destroyed. There is a way to add gold using a global variable, however. So I thought I'd try to use that in conjunction with DestroyGold(0). Timing is an issue though. If I use, GiveObjectGoldGlobal("#L_500Gold","GLOBAL","JAHEIRA") while she's still in the party, the gold gets added to the party, if I wait until she's out, like LeaveParty() SmallWait(3) GiveObject..., it still gets added to the group, EDIT: it doesn't get added to the group but neither does it get added to her CRE, though it worked with Ajantis, for some reason (maybe he was modded differently). She doesn't leave the area either, which leads me to think that nothing after the SmallWait is being executed. Instead, she initiates dialogue. I need to find something that'll work whether they're modded to talk to the PC after leaving or not. I tried SetInterrupt(FALSE) but that had zero affect. I'm going to try to ActionOverride the wait and see if that has any affect. EDIT: the only affect that had was the gold was added to the party. Still nothing to the NPCs, except Ajantis. Here's the code - it's sort of in disarray as I've tried various things that just aren't working...except for Ajantis.:
  6. Now that's pretty interesting. I wonder what went on in the head of whoever developed this piece of weirdness. LOL
  7. Bad luck on losing your mod code. That hurts! Hope you start up at it again. Some of those screen shots on your site look really interesting.
  8. I don't know. I'll add one to test Seriously - that was it. I had no idea it was necessary to run, only to run actions against an NPC. Unbelievable. Thank you @jastey and @DavidW. I would have been hitting my head against this wall forever.
  9. I don't know. I'll add one to test
  10. lol - I'm beginning to question that myself. Loading NI, just to make sure it's there. But that's where I did my copy paste from when I posted here so I know it's getting compiled. I'll try running EET_end again to see if that makes a difference too, but I'll try the different cut scene idea first because it takes forever for eet_end to finish.
  11. Still nothing. Renamed it to 'Test.bcs' and still doesn't fire
  12. Could be, though this is my 7th cut scene and the first to give me problems like this. EDIT: I'll try a different name
  13. Still not being called. It now just goes into cut scene mode and never comes out because it's not getting to the actual cut scene. I've triple checked the name of the cut scene. I know it's right, but it's acting like it's just not there.
  14. But - to be honest, I think I hadn't compiled the cut scene until after I added the display string to try to figure out why it wasn't firing. Let me try to put it back the correct way to see if that matters...
  15. LOL - that's funny. But yes, I did. That was a very good question to ask though. Yeah, I only put in the display string after it would fire. I originally had it 'ClearActions, StartCutSceneMode,StartCutScene("...") but then it would just lock on me because it wasn't getting to the endcutscenemode line in the cut scene.
  16. This is the script that calls the cut scene. I put the the displaystring in it to make sure I could tell it was being fired. The string displays, but the cut scene doesn't fire. This is the cut scene that's not doing anything - well, all it should do right now is fade to black for a few seconds then come back, but it's not. It's named properly (#L_Cut07.BCS). It's got to be something brainless on my part, but I'll be darned if I can see it.
  17. Update: I am now receiving email as normal even though the option to select it is still greyed out. Go figure.
  18. Are you saying that the fact that SetGlobal("MyGlobal","MYAREA",1) only updates the one area it's in, that this is is inconvenient somehow? Or am I totally not understanding you?
  19. If you don't count pesky Jan Jansen and his awesome thingie that shoots thingies that explode. Those darn gnomes.
  20. Seriously...just use exact_match. Much easier if you don't have multiple lines and spaces and such. REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~Clicked([ANYONE])~ ~Clicked([ANYONE]) !Global("#L_SarvQuests","GLOBAL",8)~ The above works perfectly without any special characters.
  21. Will REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH work in this case?
  22. @Bubb helped @subtledoctorwith some voodoo on displaying inventory for his psion's (he probably hates that I call it something other than what he does-sorry, old, stuck in my ways) identity spell. I have the tph and other files on that, but is it possible to do this outside of a spell and just from a dialogue? I want to set up exit dialogues and give the player a chance to swap out inventory for those NPCs that are leaving. It would be nice if I could have said dialogue then open inventory, allow for swaps, then have the NPC leave. I realize that normally kicking out NPCs is not a big deal. You adjust inventory, then reform your group. But this is a semi-forced situation after Korlasz but not starting with the whole SoD dealy ... at least not right away. My mod will initiate the dialogues and control the leaving. However, I want to give the player a chance to NOT lose his prime equipment. Granted, I can just have the NPC give everything, but I'm a role-player. And that's just not something I would do - well, except for in one instance. And I can have the NPC just walk away with the best equipment the PC has. I'd prefer that over the former, but I'm looking for middle ground. Like, Ajantis is wearing Sarevok's custom armor (it is pretty sweet), but he'd not want to wear it to meet his superiors for certain. That I can script for, but other items I can't, so much. Anyway, I'd like to have the option ... if possible. Is it possible?
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