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Everything posted by Lauriel

  1. This is the code for Jimmy-boy...not seeing how it could fail. Can something interrupt and clear actions that are all together like this? APPEND ~SEMAJ~ IF ~Global("#L_SemajHasFled","MYAREA",0) !Dead("SEMAJ") Dead("Sarevok")~ THEN BEGIN Semaj_flee SAY @2012 // ~Sarevok has been defeated?! This cannot be! Flee while you can!~ IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("#L_SemajHasFled","MYAREA",1) ActionOverride("SEMAJ",CreateVisualEffectObject("SPDIMNDR",Myself)) ActionOverride("SEMAJ",DestroySelf())~ EXIT END END
  2. You probably have globals that are interfering with normal business. Have you started with a new character or did you use a save game that has EBG1 globals stored in it?
  3. I'm rethinking this. I think I should be able to section this out so that it can be used on the stand-alone games. Might take a while, but I'll work on it.
  4. Basically, this mod would not exist if it weren't for @jastey. It isn't possible for me to thank her enough.
  5. Thank you! If you have Sarevok equip his new armor and helm, they will make him a more magic resistant in the fight at the Undercity Temple. They will drop as normal loot and can be worn afterwards, though the armor is very heavy. But because he'll be more magic resistant, the final fight with him in the Undercity Temple will be slightly more difficult. The sword is not equipped since it's not as good as the one he already uses in the fight but doesn't drop. The sword that is given to him is the one you see in BG2, but it is confiscated right away by the Flaming Fist so you won't be able to use it until BG2.
  6. @jastey has one for SoA already called Endless BG1 and she's planning on one for ToB as well (see I'm adaptable! LOL) Mine requires EET for now. It's my first mod and I had no clue how to set it up for other games.
  7. I'm looking for beta testers for my new Transitions mod. The current (beta) release can be found here: Transitions Beta v0.6 General Description of the mod: The Transitions mod's main purpose is to provide seemless transitions between campaigns in EET. It will provide a mechanism to remain in the BGI "world" after Sarevok is defeated and BG2 "world" after Irenicus is defeated. For SoD, it also allows for skipping ahead to BG2, skipping all or the remainder of SoD, as suits the player. Progressing through to SoD or BGII areas of the game is accomplished by using a custom item provided by Duke Belt after the clean-up quests are finished or skipped. Progressing through to ToB is accomplished by using the Amulet of Selderine provided by Queen Ellesmine. After Sarevok has been defeated, the protagonist can take up residence at the Ducal Palace, thanks to Duke Belt. If the protagonist rescued Duke Eltan, he will show his appreciation by awarding the keys to a home. If EET is installed, the PC's personal chest will follow them through to their stronghold and to the pocket plane in ToB. There is also the possibility for a number of new clean-up quests, depending upon which of Sarevok's followers have been previously eliminated. BGI and TotSC quests can be finished after Sarevok's death, giving the player control over the order of events. In order to plug the plot hole dealing with Sarevok's sword, he can be given his equipment, either equipped or just in his inventory, so that it can be looted and confiscated after his death. If you choose to equip his items, the final fight with him might be slightly more difficult. There is an option for a new bhaal-spawn ability that will be added during the first rest period after defeating Sarevok. Good and neutral aligned protagonists will receive the equivalent of the Greenstone Amulet's Mind Shield and evil aligned protagonists will receive the equivalent of Algernon's Cloak Charm Creature.
  8. I had to use: REQUIRE_PREDICATE !(MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~c#endlessbg1/c#endlessbg1.tp2~ (ID_OF_LABEL "c#endlessbg1/c#endlessbg1.tp2" "EBG1_ElminsterAppearance_jastey")) But at least I got it to work...
  9. Trying to use a label in my tp2 file like: FORBID_COMPONENT ~c#endlessbg1/c#endlessbg1.tp2~ (ID_OF_LABEL "c#endlessbg1/c#endlessbg1.tp2" "EBG1_ElminsterAppearance_jastey") @19 WeiDU doesn't like me using the parenthesis. It doesn't like me not using the parenthesis. It doesn't like me using quotes. It just doesn't like me at all it seems. How do I do this? The docs are sparse at best on this subject.
  10. That's what it does - one for each OS My bad. I'm wrong. It puts all the different versions into one zip file. The other file is for something else.
  11. I'm the only one (apparently) that is having problems with this. So, what am I doing wrong? Run failed for v0.1 (585e28e) Repository: lzenner/transitions Workflow: .github/workflows/InfinityAutoPackager.yaml Duration: 24.0 seconds Finished: 2020-08-13 02:53:14 UTC View results Jobs: InfinityAutoPackager failed (1 annotation) — You are receiving this because this workflow ran on your branch. Manage your GitHub Actions notifications here. Annotations Check failure on line 1 in .github github-actions / InfinityAutoPackager .github#L1 ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'transitions-v0.1.iemod'
  12. Ah, good. Irenicus is still a dead man, though.
  13. What? oh no! Irenicus kills my dog?! I swear, this is war! If it's good enough for John Wick, it's good enough for me.
  14. I understand that, I'm just asking for it to be included for completeness sake. I just added my own definitions so I could use in my function.
  15. Nothing, just means a little more work for me as a modder.
  16. Sorry - I'm such a newb that I don't know an opcode from a hole in the ground. But I did get the spell to work.
  17. For future reference: I just mimicked how innate call lightning was done, et voila! Imoen has a shiny new magic missile ability. Dos o' doe's (two of them - in a butchered mixture of languages), as a matter of fact, so she can nuke Irenicus good and proper. Even made her a potion that will refresh her spells before leaving Chateau Irenicus. Making progress!
  18. This whole making an innate magic missile ability for Imoen isn't nearly as easy as it sounded. Trial-and-error-are-us
  19. The transitions happens after you succumb to the Shadow Thieves. When you are unconscious, you're taken to Irenicus.
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