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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. Well, there was this Problem Unix.Unix_error(20, "mkdir", "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000<bunch ofzeroes><and more zeroes>\000override") on override: util.ml which would probably go far beyond the 260 chars limit. The problem is probably there but I don't know how we should interpret this. EDIT and even before that there was a patching error
  2. Hi @Daeros_Trollkiller, I think this may be typo: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/SoD-to-BG2EE-Item-Upgrade/pull/21 EDIT: oops that's maybe not the correct thread, I'll put it in the 2.0.3 feedback.
  3. I wouldn't be sure modders still tested their most recent version with 2.5 in fact. Some will have, some won't bother. If you stay with mod releases of last year, I guess most mods would have been tested on 2.5?
  4. Hi, The readme-iwdification-french.html file is in iso 8859-15 (I think) so the link https://gibberlings3.github.io/Documentation/readmes/readme-iwdification-french.html ends up a little garbled. I *think* this would work with the correct HTTP header (probably something like Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8), but the default (no header) is uft8. To fix that you would need either to add the charset header (probably awkward on a static site, and generally not a good idea in general) or just recode the file. This file is probably not used anywhere else so changing the charset is most probably the best.
  5. Hi, Many of the power mention a saving throw in their description, often with a growing penalty with psion level. But except some rare cases (I think solar flash, chemical simulation and energy storm), none of them say which save is exercised (which help when deciding who you target the power with, fighter? mage?). Is that something like "all powers of <discipline> allow save vs. <save> except when told otherwise" ?
  6. Ah sorry, that's in 5E_spellcasting and it copies a file from scales_of_balance/lib which is not here (as scales of balance was not installed).
  7. Thanks! While you're (maybe) on it, I suspect this line is also a bug: https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/5E_spellcasting/blob/b8f98afd26fc5626db76e45138dd244c45533d4c/5E_spellcasting/lib/semi_spontaneous.tpa#L1654
  8. When I examine charname spells in NI, I find a spell spwi126.spl with a missing name (No such index). This part may be relevant then:
  9. For Imoen knowing the spell as a second level one, maybe that's this ? COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.cre$~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (%SOURCE_SIZE% > 0x2d3) BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x273 class PATCH_IF (class == 1 || class == 13 || class == 14 || class == 7 || class == 10 || class == 17 || class == 19 || class == 5) BEGIN // wizard casters REMOVE_KNOWN_SPELL ~spwi110~ REMOVE_MEMORIZED_SPELL ~spwi110~ ADD_KNOWN_SPELL ~%spell_res%~ #1 ~wizard~ END END BUT_ONLY With the ADD_KNOWN_SPELL doc saying Maybe #1 should be identify_level instead?
  10. If I understand things correctly, this mod replaces the identify spell with a variant that works with 5E (ie not using the vanilla "identify" dialog, which is harcoded). It _appears_ this identify spell doesn't work (or that I didn't manage to find how it works, maybe). On a bg2ee I only installed this // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~5E_SPELLCASTING/5E_SPELLCASTING.TP2~ #0 #100 // Change All Casters to 5E System: 1.8 ~5E_SPELLCASTING/5E_SPELLCASTING.TP2~ #0 #901 // Bonus Spell Slot Items and 5E Casters -> bonuses to both memorization slots and casting slots: 1.8 and made a mage (non specialist). At the start, Imoen has a second level identify spell know (but not prepared). Later on, when my test character finds a identify spell and learns from it, he obtains a first level spell. Both spell have the same description (including the fact that it's stated as a first level spell). After having both of them prepare it and sleep, none of them can cast it, neither the first nor the second level version. And the vanilla identify dialog doesn't detect the availability of the identify spell either, but I suppose that was a given... EDIT: I tried selecting Identify at character creation but this one didn't work either. setup-5e_spellcasting.debug.zip
  11. I'm trying to find how to provide translations for UI mods. Internationalization seems to rely on some L_xx_YY.lua files, from what I've seen. But the "UI modding" tutorials i've seen don't seem to touch the subject of i18n. Well those don't rely on weidu anyway. The UI mods I've seen seem to either rely entirely on existing strings in dialog.tlk, or modifying exiting strings in dialog.tlk, or not being translated/translatable. I've not yet found example to _add_ strings. Is there a supported way in weidu to provide translation for GUI mods? A predefined function? Have anybody actually ever done it? I'm guessing you'd have to extend the L_.lua files with new constants and use them in the new code .lua, but must it be done by hand?
  12. There is some code to handle (better) EE in tb-tweaks github master https://github.com/vbigiani/tb-tweaks. Along with warnings about spell books missing checks (sorcerers, specialists, thieves UAI). And there's not release yet (maybe precisely because of that?). So the same problem probably apply to 2.61? Though Subtledoctor seems to remove opposition school, and I don't think UAI survives refinements (?) That said, I don't know if the spell books part have any differences compared to 2.61, as the changes could all be for other components.
  13. > Tireless (4 slots): The character does not become fatigued to include after using rage or frenzy. Does this have any use for non-barbarian, non-berserker characters, except giving access to the 5 slots version ? Most of the time the ranks give some bonus by themselves, that doesn't seem to be the case there. Courteous magocracy seems a bit tame. I thought about giving a bonus to spell learning, that would work , but would not be useful for sorcerers EDIT: well, 10 points lore is actually not that tame.
  14. Well, I was mildly surprised because it specifically introduces a tra string to just replace the school (and change nothing else) like all other spells in this batch (except Invisible stalker, which is renamed and has its description completely rewritten), but this one (Greater malison) doesn't actually change the school in the string (I didn't check it that non-change was actually what happens to the spell in the weidu code). Well, that's not an actual bug, just suprising.
  15. I'm probably missing something but, Tome and blood component rebalanced school converts Greater Malison from enchantment to...enchantment?
  16. For some reason, I find the strings and regex support in weidu very unwieldy. Actually, the whole value/variable notion seems somewhat fuzzy. Most of the things I will state below are what I gathered in a very limited, short and incomplete attempt at learning to use it. It's _suspicions_ not certitudes, and an attempt to obtain confirmation or counter-examples (or maybe "don't do that"). Weidu strings are byte arrays, meaning there is no encoding/decoding done from files, they are in memory as they are on files. As a consequence, you can't compare or match strings coming from files with different source encodings, except when using ASCII, that is, the characters with codes 0-127, in a ASCII compatible charset (mostly, utf8 and latin charsets ISO-8859-XX) another probable consequence: STRING_LENGTH doesn't return the character count but the byte count (?) which is different when the text comes from utf8 weidu (probably?) doesn't do normalization of unicode "strings" (I suppose utf8 is the only unicode encoding that is used, but I have not checked that) you probably can't compare/match two strings either (for example comapre the precomposed character é with e with diacritic acute accent) STRING_COMPARE_CASE, FILE_CONTAINS probably don't ignore case for characters not in ASCII 0-127 Those are probably more "I didn't find how": How do you do non-capturing groups in regexes ? How do you check is a string contains another one (STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP doesn't, the second parameter is interpreted as a regex, not a string, so for example dots need to be escaped)
  17. But then iwdification is an improved version of SCS iwd spells if I remember correctly...
  18. You can install only certains components on a mod at one point and then the rest later. You would install the spells part of SCS at the same place you would install iwdification and then the rest of SCS much later
  19. https://github.com/subtledoctor/d5_Random_Tweaks/pull/7 (sorry, that's probably more that what you asked for)
  20. There's a slight encoding issue, I'll send a fix
  21. In fact, with the addition of (d5_random_tweaks) 1.4 i saw you added a tweak for prismatic spray and started reviewing what I submitted last time (for 1.3.1) and found it... unsatisfying (many typos). I'll look at the mbr one much faster. Also, I'll send a fix for some encoding issue with prismatic spray in this that one (I *assume* you copied from spell_rev, which has a translation in ISO-8859-1.. maybe for a reason? and it ends up funky in the d5_random_tweaks translation file which is utf-8). EDIT: I mixed the mbr and d5_r_t threads
  22. > EDIT - oh, you mean the fact that Magic Battles Revised doesn't have a French translation? I has (just for me though)
  23. Don't panic, I was just saying I didn't see the translations I put inside french/setup.tra and got the vanilla strings or spell revision strings instead
  24. Seems it happened for 1.3.1 https://github.com/subtledoctor/d5_Random_Tweaks/compare/1.3...1.3.1# with the removal of component 5000 Revised Magic Battles
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