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Everything posted by ahungry

  1. I feel like I had something similar when I was first using "weinstall" - I don't think I've had it since I started using "weinstall directory-name" (aka, "weinstall stratagems") instead of "weinstall ./directory-name" or "weinstall directory-name/" (assuming you aren't having case sensitivity issues - I use ciopfs on an ext4 partition for my setup atm).
  2. I didn't think the image was making (or referencing) anything in RL (although I skimmed and didn't give it much thought) - had the previous post been referencing Aasimar attempting to pass for non-aasimar, or a dwarf for a gnome, or an elf for a human - I could see the reply/image being used just as it was then (without others drawing parallels with RL) - if that's the case, then those parallels are just as likely coincidental as they were intentional. I thought it was just a comedic attempt at pointing out that it requires a lot of imagination in a RP sense to equate a hated/feared/reveiled race in Forgotten Realms as indistinguishable from one that isn't (just like none would mistake a non-human for a human). I've also never drawn parallels between drow and any RL representations - to me, it's its own unique fantasy concept (just like I don't think of a green skin orc as anything, I don't think of a blue skin elf as anything - although I've always thought of them as EQ dark elves === drow, thus more bluish).
  3. I'm no guru on the matter - just a yeoman who has played a lot of BG (and read through some of the Drizzt books) From Forgotten Realms wiki, they had this to say (note, I didn't read this previously, but it closely mirrors my suggestions): So, most "good" drow are actually of neutral alignments, and even then, make up ~15% or so, many of which end up found out/killed. I especially enjoyed the closing line, mostly because it resembled my (poor game suggestion) "pursued/hunted" disadvantage.
  4. Lore wise, it happened to Viconia (multiple times) and she has to travel hidden/cloaked/in the shadows - even Drizzt isn't parading around in cities. I never did D&D other than 2nd edition, so I'm not really familiar with the whole, "no such thing as an evil race" that I've seen mentioned recently in discussions about 5E, but Drow are definitely and inherently evil - Drizzt is a plot-armored exception - it's literally his whole shtick - the "Good" Drow. It would get annoying, hence why we rarely see Drow on the surface, except in raiding parties - I guess the problem with this RP based penalty in BG is there aren't any sewers with vendors/inns (like evils had in Everquest) or evil based cities - if your rep gets too low in BG, you'll just have a bad game experience.
  5. If the overwhelming consensus is no one uses party-unfriendly cone spells, is it possible to just remove the friendly-fire damage and make them enemy only? (maybe not a SR specific change, but a tweaks change could do it globally to all spells of cone + damage type)
  6. I think I've mentioned it, but I'm a big fan of the mod - my random rambling/feedback from a game balance POV - I don't think the XP penalty is a significant enough tradeoff for the benefits in most cases (although I can see why it works as a great catch-all for disadvantages), as most modders will have such abundant XP, they even tend to nerf it themself (50%, 75% etc.) via tweak mods. Unfortunately, the disadvantages that would work well may not be doable thanks to game engine, but looking at current Drow: Pros: +1 int, +1 cha, +2 search traps (is this 2%?), 50% MR, +1 save vs spells, Faerie Fire x3/day Cons: Light blindness (-1 thaco / saves in daylight), 90% xp rate Just my 2c, but I think a more interesting/balanced Drow would be: Pros: 50% MR Cons: Small chance to be randomly attacked by "innocent" flagged characters every X minutes / reputation gains are halved+temple gain disabled, alignment restricted to Evil, -1 cha The minor +s to stats on most subraces are neat, but should be balanced vs pure benefit (so, if a subrace like Drow kept the 1 int, 1 cha, they would lose 2 points somewhere else). Deep gnome is another fun one, but I think they have too many advantages (although a -1 strength is a significant con when one may want to use the illusion magic to benefit a meleer) - I think they'd be in a better spot if their 50% MR bonus was removed.
  7. There are QOL mods that remove tedium without impacting game play/ruining the vanilla experience (like the atweaks out of combat walk speed bonus), but a single "vanilla" play through should be a requirement before modding, I agree
  8. You mean dual-purpose throwable weapons? I think toggle-able daggers have this same problem (can't be offhand).
  9. lol - I managed to play through original for hundreds of hours when they first came out, and then EE for 3 playthroughs (2 normal, 1 with SCS) before realizing any potion stacked with itself (I only learned as much when rogue revisions offered a nerfed potion of thievery that didn't self stack - what a revelation to know I could have stacked them for some playthroughs). Was stacking potions an EE feature then?
  10. In my latest large install, I've had some fun with a giant variety of potions, as some mods tuned vanilla potions to be dice based, while other mod added potions were not. Then, some NPC mods like Aura add % based heal potions as well, so this has given me the options of: - Dice based potion (good for chuggables that I use to keep topped off in combat in early game/BG1 of EET) - Flat value potions (20hp heal, 31 hp heal etc.) - I give these based on recipient's total HP pool, so it can act as a full heal - % based heal potion (I think it was 33%) - I give this to the huge HP guys as it ends up acting like a ~50 point heal towards end of BG1 and can sort of take the place of chugging the Durlag tower grail, but usable all game long I find the most use I get out of heal spells tends to be as they're auto-cast by the SCS player AI script - finish a fight, and team will auto-heal without using up $$$ costing resources (potions). In combat, even with item_rev and SoB armor DR stacked (so, full plate giving close to 63% phys damage reduction) and the tweaks "max hp on npc" mod, it's still rare that I ever hit a "sweet spot" in combat of damage taken, where using potions AND heals would be preferable, as the damage is always either coming in too slow, or too fast. I feel like if all npcs (player and AI) had LoB type scaling applied to just their HP numbers, so my tanks were close to ~400 hp - the pacing of the fight would be such that a melee would need to chug potions AND get spam-healed by a dedicated healer or two to keep alive during a difficult encounter, but as-is it just doesn't happen - if someone has such high dps on my guy, the option is to run away and get out of damage entirely - not soak the damage.
  11. Is there a guide to creating these image files? (what programs people have used in the past to create - GIMP etc.?) and what conversions (imagemagic etc.) - I assume there is a forum post going over all this, I'm just too lazy to use the Search
  12. Sounds interesting, but I think the reason potions>heals is simply the touch range restriction on heals. If I could cast cure with my healer from the back and the heal would shoot to my target as a bolt or something, I think it'd put heals on even ground with potions.
  13. @subtledoctor there is a very high chance I just missed that Evermemory type items were converted to a charge ability does it apply to all rings with an evermemory type ability, or just the known/base items of that name? Your new vanilla-plus sounds awesome - I'm tempted to drop my current game (yet again) and install it.
  14. I use mods in this order - I've installed/reinstalled many times to make adjustments to the setup: EET Ascension General purpose (rogue revisions, cdlore, a7-achievements, g3-anniversary etc.) item packs / forgers (thalan etc.) quest / npc mods (atm I'm using a whole lot) item-rev spell-rev Tome and Blood (UA) Monastic Orders (UA-ish?) Artisan Kitpack (and other mods from Artemius - shadowadept etc.) Divine Remix (no spheres - some install attempts said they were incompatible with eet, while others tried to install them for some reason) Faiths and Powers (UA) - no spheres - I really like the idea, but it has complications with working in tandem with other mods (as I noted on previous comments) so I'm mostly using it for the special kits/multi-class kits Might and Guile FnP Multiclass (the install was tricky for me - I've had the best luck with a git clone of the repo, and installing off of that, as the release I happened to download didn't have a distinct fnp_multiclass directory - but given my first FnP attempt had the deity innate, and that was stated to be quite old - I must have downloaded some old release) EET_end Stratagems (SCS) Various tweak mods including EET_Tweaks Scales of Balance (UA) npc_ee (UA) randomiser (item) As you can see, I'm leaning heavily into mods @subtledoctor created or assists with - I've hit a few snags/oddities, but they were all easy to work around and are in my comment history, or I figured out on my own how to avoid the issue, and most aren't any fault of the UA mods, but just mods not being able to account for every variation of installed mods (although the cross-mod support is quite good). The biggest problems I've noticed in my setups, related to UA mods are: Sphere system and other mod custom kits do not mesh well, as the 'vanilla' spells will be missing and you'll find clerics with nothing but Cure Wounds or w/e the level 1 heal is, but you'll still have tons of kits/combos to play around with - an easier way to 'choose deity' in these circumstances can fix it also (npc_ee) The Might and Guile multiclass-bards component never installed for me in the shipped releases, so I updated/patched the tp2/tpa file myself to account for the bug - now it works The T&B component for changed rings of wizardry never seemed to work - neither sorcerers (classical casting) or mage casters received more casts of spells - leaving the component uninstalled, and it works fine on wizards 5e casting (in mod or as the dedicated module) had issues similar to sphere system, in that I had mod incompatability issues - spells from spell_rev or other mods wouldn't work as they were not known by the special casting system - this caused spell selection to be limited and cumbersome (I would 'memorize' a spell, and it wouldn't appear in the spell selection) Monastic Orders (UA based I believe, but not by subledoctor) hasn't been updated for awhile - "qdmfist.itm" does not work with BGEE 2.6 - I fixed the .itm file in NearInfinity and added to a github PR, but the mod is undergoing some changes - I save this file locally and add to MonasticOrders/ before installing the module - now I have the fix Some of the Tome and Blood abilities are confusing/undocumented (or I missed them) - I see some casters have improvised casting or something, but I haven't been able to figure out what this is/does (I toggle it on and keep casting as normal - maybe its 5e casting related) Now, compared to the scope of what is being added with these mods - these are the tiniest of issues and barely worth noting (and every single one of them was resolvable on my own, with some help/input from this forum).
  15. What's involved in porting a non-EET mod to EET? Adding conditionals for altered area file names?
  16. I installed mih_ip/sp/eq on a mega mod install - unfortunately I experienced segfaults in Ramizeths Tower (floor 2 - after this happened, I consoled to floor 6 and that worked, as well as floor 1 - so I think it was mih_eq improved ramizeth tower battles) and Ulcaster when they were installed - the same install, but without any of the MIH mods, and I haven't had segfaults in those locations, so I think something with MIH on an EET with many mods (MIH was installed after all npc/quest mods) doesn't play nicely - fwiw, I did have item_rev (rev) and spell_rev (rev) installed in the sequence after the MIH stuff, and I know you mentioned they aren't compatible. Sometime I'll have to try just the MIH mods alone on an EET and see how Ulcaster/Ramizeth's tower perform - the ulcaster issue was solved by editing the area file and removing all the extra mobs that were added by mih_eq into the creature array segment, so my guess is one of the creatures referenced had a borked skill or ability
  17. shadow magic mod (shadowadept) uses a dialogue menu to do spell selection for their mage types on level up - its not too bad (although I'm sure it is done that way since none of the spells are available to normal magic users).
  18. This sounds really cool, I tried the last v4 update (that shows stats inline before adjusting them) - I notice when using the innate to customize stats, it pauses for a long time (while gathering current stat values) - I'll be interested to see if v5 does this or if it's been streamlined. Since you mentioned an item vs an innate - one thing I would like to see is this concept (an item to allow re-build of a character) integrated into a shop or repeatable quest in some way (think "respec stones" in some older MMORPGs) - sure, I could use EEKeeper to flip/flop proficiencies at a whim, and it may be anti-PNP, but from a game play POV, _not_ being locked into a build (and forced to re-roll to tweak build/proficiencies) would be a really cool game feature.
  19. I ran the code (had to add a header/pre-amble to the tp2 file to avoid parser error), my results and weidu.log: !SARTOB.cre = Saradas = dual-class ADANG25.cre = Angelo = dual-class ADANGEL.cre = Angelo = dual-class ANOMEN10.cre = Anomen = dual-class ANOMEN12.cre = Anomen = dual-class ANOMEN6.cre = Anomen = dual-class ANOMEN7.cre = Anomen = dual-class ANOMEN8.cre = Anomen = dual-class ANOMEN9.cre = Anomen = dual-class BDIMDEAD.cre = Imoen = dual-class BDIMOEN.cre = Imoen = dual-class BDSHIMOE.cre = Imoen = dual-class FINIMOEN.cre = Imoen = dual-class G#TYRS10.cre = Tyris = dual-class G#TYRS11.cre = Tyris = dual-class G#TYRS13.cre = Tyris = dual-class G#TYRS16.cre = Tyris = dual-class G#TYRS8.cre = Tyris = dual-class MWARN.cre = Ariena = dual-class MWARN25.cre = Ariena = dual-class OHHEX10.cre = Hexxat = dual-class OHHEX11.cre = Hexxat = dual-class OHHEX13.cre = Hexxat = dual-class OHHEX15.cre = Hexxat = dual-class OHHEX25.cre = Hexxat = dual-class OHHEX8.cre = Hexxat = dual-class OHHEX9.cre = Hexxat = dual-class TTIMOEN.cre = Imoen = dual-class SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Dual check Press ENTER to exit. weidu.log
  20. Klatu tweaks can give Hexxat an inactive fighter class.
  21. Is there a weidu snippet that could locate this? I just did a big install with probably 30+ npc/quest mods installed - if I could run some type of scan on my override dir and print out each match if the dual-class bit is set? (Assuming there is a dual class bit)
  22. Update: I added subrace towards the end of the mods (after Scales of Balance and SCS even) and the XP application occurred as expected.
  23. I've used Thalantyr item upgrade for a full EET playthrough with just that and a couple other mods, as well as on my current mega install with about 10 other mods that add dialogue/quests/interactions to Thalantyr - still works like a charm, and no problems detected (all on 2.6 EE).
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