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Everything posted by Granger77

  1. Hey Mordekaie! How did this end up working for you? I'm also trying to figure out install order, and how the different components fit together. Did you end up using the HLAs from Refinements or Rogue Rebalancing? Also - did you incorporate any components from Might and Guile?
  2. Ahh yes, the Loresinger was the other kit that caught my eye! I'll definitely have to ponder this, lol. Thank you for your input!
  3. Hi there! Subtledoctor, thank you so much for your hard work with this and every other mod you've worked on (and continue to work on)! What do people think of the Meistersinger kit? It sounds super cool; I really love how it has the druid tinge to it. For my next playthrough, I'm heavily considering using this kit; my charname will be the group's support/healer, so I'm still deciding on whether the kit is the right fit. I could of course change my group compilation to include a cleric and have the Meistersinger be an off-healer/CC'er. Hmm...
  4. Oh whoa, that is strange!! Arg.. Unfortunately I couldn't locate the creature code for the Solar. Luckily in my case, the PPGuy worked. I used this thread as a guide: Admittedly, I am far from a programmer/coder, so I only have the loosest grasp on these things =( Hopefully someone else here can help.
  5. Understood, thanks for the response. Hopefully as more testing is done, it can be seen as a reliable fix! DavidW - thank you for your input and honesty. Not to mention the amount of effort that has been put into these mods. And yea, totally understandable that RL hinders things; I'm just thankful that the BG modding community is still as active as it is! So yes, perhaps it is better to wait for Wheels for now.
  6. Try being next to the Pocket Plane door and using CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("PPGuy01") A dialogue should pop up, asking you to teleport to the forest. This worked for me a few days ago. Keep us updated!
  7. Hey there! Just now noticing this. I finished my EET playthrough today. Needless to say, finishing was tough because of having to figure out how to navigate the bugs that occur with WoP and Ascension. Do you have further insight on whether your fix indeed works? When I plan the next playthrough, I would like to include Wheels again, but not if it remains in its current state.
  8. Yep, that's the same journal entry I'm seeing as well. For your case, go to the Pocket Plane and use the console: CreateCreature("PPGuy01"). That worked for me. In my case, I did the last challenge, but when I try to destroy the Pocket Plane and advance, it says that "You are not ready" and that I still have challenges. I do not know how to proceed and am so pissed, lol.
  9. Hi Daxtreme, Yes, I teleported out using the console just fine! It's so crazy, because the last time I played, I was literally in the Pocket Plane right after completing the quest. This morning, I had read about the issue that Nehreis had and fired up my game to see if the same thing had happened to me and lo and behold, it had. It was a quick fix, though! I really enjoyed the mod! Its surprise elements, scale, and characters were awesome; definitely has become a staple of my runs. Thank you!
  10. Hey there, apologies for the late response! I'm just now finishing my current playthrough, and need to do some planning for my next; I'm following this thread and will be using your guide as a reference/cross reference when I eventually get to my next install. Install order throws my brain for a loop sometimes and my head and eyes start to spin; a guide like this makes things so much easier. Thanks again!!
  11. Hi there! Been loving this mod so far! I do think I've encountered a bug, however. It happens in ToB, when my group encounters Valinor and Arianna. Right after she leaves, Auren repeatedly comes to talk to my charname as if they initiated a force-talk, over and over again. Maybe there's a conflict with the Reunion mod (as I traveled from the De'Arnise to the Graveyard District before the bug occurred)? I've reloaded an earlier save and will do some experimenting.
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