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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by Mike1072

  1. I wrote that code for IRv4 and I think someone added it to the Fixpack so it could be applied for people using IRv3. (Not sure why I didn't include it in a hotfix for v3; perhaps I thought v3 would soon be obsolete.) It'd probably be best to remove it from the Fixpack just to reduce confusion and I will update v3 to include it.
  2. My job is so much easier when you're around.
  3. If it were you, it would be pretty sneaky to parrot your usual arguments under a different moniker and deliberately insert typos as some sort of disguise. For what it's worth, the reasons I thought it was you: you both strongly advocate using GitHub for mod hosting, but the reasoning is from the viewpoint of a user rather than a modder you both advocate BWS "requirements" for links (one section in the thread is directly copied from your BWS Mod Request Template) you both are concerned about download links that don't change with new releases, which is only really necessary for a tool like BWS you both seem to be familiar with wget and Powershell
  4. Possibly? I seem to recall messing around with it before and running into some problem, but I can give it another try.
  5. Is there a reason you created that thread using the mysterious 'GithubAdvocate' account instead of your own? Is there a reason you think that I created this account and it's my account? Yes. Am I wrong?
  6. Yeah, but now our FTP is working again, so this is possible.
  7. Is there a reason you created that thread using the mysterious 'GithubAdvocate' account instead of your own?
  8. New text has to be added at install-time. If you load files from the item_rev/itm folder, they won't have the descriptions that will be used in game. Edit: If you want to see what an item description will be without installing the mod, you can look up the item in item_rev/components/main/items.2da and check out the value in the ID_DESC column. This is a .tra reference that points to the identified description in item_rev/languages/english/item_descriptions.tra. e.g. wa2shiel has an ID_DESC of @2238, and looking that up in item_descriptions.tra gives the full description.
  9. I'm not totally sure where the latest version went. I'm hopeful Kat has a copy stored somewhere.
  10. I'm glad that was it and not some new mod compatibility issue.
  11. Have you installed the component 'Remove Disabled Spells from Spell Selection Screens'? If you haven't, you can expect to see some leftover spells but they should be disabled (greyed out). What you're describing sounds a little different.
  12. Pretty sure that code doesn't work with sphere systems and I don't think it's what subtledoctor is looking for anyway.
  13. It's a known issue that we can't do much about at this time.
  14. The BG2 Tweak Pack is superseded by Tweaks Anthology. If you really need the old mod for some reason, it can be found here.
  15. I've manually validated you now.
  16. I prefer jastey's fix, "in ways I can't see". That first sentence is also quite a mouthful, but I don't know if it's worth changing.
  17. Hold on for a second. To *fix* something implies that it is broken. (just like in a recent discussion about *missing/broken* 10th colums for kits, this again may not be the case.) If there's a version of Garric that's missing his bio, that sounds like it might be broken. And if there are some non-joinable NPCs that have a bio, they don't need it. It could be removed from them before patching or they could be specifically excluded from the patch. My point was that fixing the few false positives/negatives that occur with this detection scheme may be simpler than combining it with some new criteria like leader sound (and having to deal with any false positives/negatives that it may have).
  18. You've obviously put a lot of work into this, but with all the changes jumbled together, it's an everything-or-nothing package, and we can't accept everything. You can release this instead of integrating the changes into IR, but I won't be recommending it, and development on IR will continue without these changes.
  19. I'd be much happier if you could contribute those changes to the main mod repository on GitHub via pull request, so they can be evaluated and accepted easier. Stuff like bugfixes can easily be approved. Tweaks and new additions may be approved if they sound good (Demi usually discusses those things in the forum in an attempt to arrive at a consensus). The 1PP changes you propose probably won't be approved - I'd rather fix the problems with 1PP customization than abandon it.
  20. I took a look and your account seems fine. Are you still noticing any issues?
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